Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 English Notes
Please refer to Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 English Notes and summary provided below. The following summary and solved questions have been designed as per the latest syllabus and books issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. By going through and learning the below notes for Class 11 English you will be able to understand the entire chapter and easily solve questions in your exams. Also, refer to the Class 11 English Chapter Summary for all chapters in your textbooks.
Class 11 English Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Summary and Questions
The following Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Class 11 English Notes and questions answers will help you to easily learn the entire chapter. You will be able to solve all questions in upcoming Class 11 English exams and score better marks
Discovering Tut: the Saga Continues’ gives an insight into the mystery surrounding the life and death of Tutankhamun, the last teenage ruler of the powerful Pharaoh dynasty that had ruled Egypt for centuries. He was the last of his family’s line, and his funeral brought an end to this powerful dynasty. Not much is known about his family. Tut’s father or grandfather, Amenhotep III was a powerful pharaoh who ruled for about four decades during the dynasty’s golden age.
His son, Amenhotep IV shocked the country by attacking Amun, a major God, smashing his images and closing all his temples. He changed his name to Akhenaten and promoted the worship of Aten or the sun disk. After his death, a mysterious ruler, Smenkhkare appeared briefly and exited with hardly a trace. When Tut took over, he changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun and restored the old ways. However, Tut ruled for nine years and then died mysteriously and unexpectedly. In order to unravel the mystery of his death, King Tut’s mummy was scanned after a thousand years, thus opening new perceptions regarding the cause of his death. In 1922, his tomb was discovered by Howard Carter who used all kinds of means to remove Tut’s mummy from the coffin. The ritual resins had hardened, thereby cementing Tut to the bottom of his solid gold coffin.
Carter finally had to chisel the mummy away having no other option. Every major joint was severed. In 1968 an anatomy professor X-rayed the mummy and revealed that Tut’s breastbone and front ribs were missing. Such a revelation would not have been possible without technological precision. This fact gives us a clue that Tut, in all likelihood did not die a natural death. Tut’s mummy was scanned in 2005 under the supervision of Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities. The Computed Tomography Scan couldn’t solve the mysterious death of Tut but gave us clues for sure.
The lesson also provides a comprehensive awareness of ancient Egyptian culture. The ancient Egyptians believed that there was life after death. That is why the Pharaohs were buried with the tremendous amount of wealth including things of daily use so that they could use them in their life after death. It was also believed that gold would guarantee their resurrection
Important Points
- Tut or Tutankhamun was born in BC 1341, back in those days when Egypt was a very powerful country.
- He was the son of the ruling king (Pharaoh) Akhenaten of the 18th Dynasty.
- Tut became pharaoh at a very early age of 8 but his reign lasted a few years.
o During his reign, Tut carried out certain reforms in Egypt.
o He restored the worship of God Amun and shifted the capital city to Thebes. - Tut died – probably he was killed or he died in a war, in an accident, at the age of 18, probably.
- Tut’s dead body was mummified for preservation. Then they laid him in three golden coffins – one in the other and that one in the third one.
- Tut’s mummy was finally buried along with a large amount of wealth – gold, diamonds – and many other day today artefacts, clothes, wine, gold, etc.
Tutankhamun – Milestones
- Born – In 1341 BC
- Father – Akhenaten
- Predecessor – Smenkhkare (Kindly don’t pronounce the names. Kiddingtown is not responsible for any structural damage, teeth misalignment, etc.)
- Reign – From 1332 – 1323
- Children – Two still born girls. His wife was his sister.
- Died – In 1321 BC
- Howard Carter starts his search for Tutankhamun – 1920
- Discovering his Mummy – 1922
- X-Raying his remains – 1950
- CT Scanning – 2005
Short Questions and Answers
Question. How does the saga of Tutkhamun’s discovery still continue?
Answer: – After a long time of Tut’s discovery, it was not perfectly clear that what could be the actual reason behind the death of little pharaoh. It is considered that he might have been assassinated or died of a disease. Therefore the saga still continues.
Question. Who was Tutkhamun?
Answer: –Tutkhamun was the last pharaoh of the 13th dynasty in Egypt. He was the last son of ruling king Akhnaten whose real name was Amhenotop-4. Tutkhamun had become the king at the age of 8 years and died at the age of 18 years. His reign lasted for 10 years.
Question.Why did Tut’s mummy have to go under C.T. scan?
Answer: – The mummy of the king Tut had earned worldwide fame for the riches which it was buried with. Further there was a great curiosity to know about the manner of his death. Keeping in view, this controversy. King Tut`s body was ordered to be scanned through C.T- scan to determine the secret of his life and death
Question. Who was Haward Carter and how did he become famous?
Answer: – Haward carter was a British Archaeologist who became famous for his discovery of complete intact tomb of the young pharaoh Tutkhamun from the Valley of the Kings in 1920 and later he discovered the mummy of Tutkhamun in 1922. When it was not possible to bring out of the dead body of the pharaoh out of the coffin because of a hard resin, so he decided to cut mummy into the pieces for which he was criticized.
Long Questions and Answers
Question. What problems did Howard Carter face with regard to Tut’s mummy? How did he solve them?
Answer: – Howard Carter, a British archaeologist, discovered King Tut’s tomb in 1922, after years of searching. He found fabulous treasures in the tomb, even though it had been ransacked earlier. The treasure consisted of a golden coffin, gold ornaments and even petty things of everyday need.
Carter found three coffins. In the first, he found the garlands of leaves and flowers. But when he reached the mummy, he ran into trouble. The resins used to embalm Tut’s body had hardened. The coffin was of solid gold. Neither human force nor the scorching sun could loosen the body. So Carter used chisel and hammer to remove the resins. He had little choice. Tut’s mummy also had to be removed part by part. Having taken out the gold coffin, the body parts were reassembled, put in a wooden box and placed in the tomb again.
Question. Who was Tut? Why is his life as well as death wrapped in mystery?
Answer: – Tut was a teenager when he ascended the throne. He was the last heir of a powerful royal family. He was laid to rest 26 ft below the earth’s surface in a tomb. His mummy was discovered in 1922 by a British archaeologist, Howard Carter. He found a fabulous treasure in the tomb. The casket in which Tut’s body was laid, was made of pure gold. Tut’s body was X-rayed and scanned to find out Tut’s age at the time of death and how he died. His life remained as great a mystery as his death. In 1968, the X-rays of the mummy showed a broken breastbone and some missing ribs. Tut’s untimely death at a young age is still a matter of research. How he died—whether under natural circumstances or unnatural ones—is still not confirmed.
Question. How did science help collect information about King Tut’s mummy, his life and death in mysterious circumstances?
Answer: – King Tut’s mummy was first discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter. The embalmed of the boy king was buried in the tomb along with lots of gold ornaments, sandals masks and coffin—all of pure gold. His death was a big event. He was the last of powerful ruling family. But he died in mysterious circumstances at an early age, just nine years after his coming to the throne. In 1968, Tut’s body was X-rayed. The anatomy professor’ found Tut’s breastbone and front ribs missing. But the researchers sought the help of advanced technology to solve the mystery. On January 2005, Tut’s head was pushed into a CT scanner. (The boy king had died 3,300 years ago) The operation took less than three hours. The pharaoh was rested in peace again. The mystery has not been resolved so far.