Unseen Poems for Class 2

Unseen poem for class 2 is the most important part to score higher marks in your exam. Reading the unseen poem for class 2 in English will help you to write better answers in your exam and improve your reading skill.

Students who are planning to score higher marks in class 2 English poems should practice the English poem for class 2 before attending the CBSE board exam. 

It is compulsory to solve the unseen poem for class 2 because you need to score higher marks in your exam.

Unseen Poem for class 2 with answers

My Opposite Brother
I have a twin brother.
His name is Jim.
People think we are alike.
But I’m the opposite of him.

He likes to read books
And I like to play ball.
His favorite season is winter
And mine is fall.

He’s devoted to his dog
And I’m crazy about my cat.
He has a brain for biology
And I’m a master at math.

He loves anything sour.
I love anything sweet.
His room is nice and tidy.
Mine’s not always neat.

We have the same parents
Though it’s not always plain to see.
But I understand Jimmy
And he understands me

Q. Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the name of the poet’s brother mentioned in the poem?
  2. What does the poet’s brother like to do?
  3. Who is master at maths?
  4. What is common between the poet and his brother?
  5. Name the two animals mentioned in the poem.