Class 12 Political Science Sample Paper
Refer to below provided Class 12 Political Science Sample Paper with solutions. These Guess papers for Political Science Class 12 have been designed based on the latest examination guidelines and paper pattern issued by CBSE. We have provided all Sample Papers for Class 12 Political Science with answers. You can click on the links below to access the practice papers for free.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Political Science
Term 1 Sample Papers |
Class 12 Political Science Sample Paper Term 1 Set A |
Class 12 Political Science Sample Paper Term 1 Set B |
Term 2 Sample Papers |
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Class 12 Political Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set A
1.What is the importance of the design of the Eurpoean Union Flag? 2
Answer: The European Union flag has a circle of gold stars. It stands for solidarity between the people of Europe. The number of these stars in 12 which designates completeness, perfection and unity.
What are the objectives of ASEAN Economic Community?
Answer: The objectives of ASEAN Economic Community are as follows:
(i) To create common market and production based activities within ASEAN states.
(ii) To aid social and economic development.
(iii) To resolve economic disputes, the existing dispute settlement mechanism has been improved.
(iv) Free Trade Areas for investment, labour and services have also been created. (any two)
2. List two challenges to democracy in Nepal.
Answer: The two challenges to democracy in Nepal were the result of a triangular conflict between
(i) The Monarchist Forces
(ii) The Dmocraft
3. What are the objectives of establishing regional organisations?
Answer: The regional organisations are established with the following objectives:
(i) To make regional development at par the fast growing global economy.
(ii) To accelerate economic growth through the social progress and cultural development.
4. What do you mean by South Asia? What does it stand?
Answer: South Asia signifies a group of seven countries i.e. Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and the Maldives who stand for diversity in every sense but still constitute one geo-political space.
5. Mention any two objectives of SAARC.
Answer: (i) To provide an integrated programme for regional development.
(ii) To accelerate economic growth, social progress in the region.
6. What challenges were faced by India between 1964 to 1966 during Prime Ministership of Lal Bahadur Shastri?
Answer: (i) Economic crisis due to Indo-China War 1962 and Indo-Pak War 1965.
(ii) Failed Monsoons, drought, serious food crisis presented a grave challenge.
7. In January 1974, Students of Gujarat started an agitation against which two major problems?
Answer: (i) Rising prices of food grains, cooking oil and other essential commodities.
(ii) Corruption in high places.
8. When was India’s new economic policy launched? Who was its chief architect?
Answer: It was launched in 1991 as the structure adjustment programme and it was started by the then Prime Minister Narasimha Rao:
(i) India’s new economic policy was launched by the then Finance Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.
(ii) The economic changes first became visible in 1991 and radically changed the direction that Indian Economy had pursued since independence towards liberalised and open economy.
9. Describe India-China relations from 1947 to 1962. 4
Answer: Indo-China relations from 1947 to 1962–
(i) After the Chinese revolution in 1949, India was one of the first countries to recognize the communist government of China.
(ii) When China annexed Tibet in 1950, both the countries developed some differences.
(iii) In 1954, joint enunciation of Panchseel was made by Indian Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal and Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai.
(iv) In 1954, India gave political asylum to Dalai Lama and this annoyed China.
(v) In 1962, China invaded the territory of India and relations between both the countries got strained.
10. How did Emergency of 1975 benefit the Indian democratic set up?
Answer: (i) Between the elections of 1977 and 1980, the Congress identified itself with particulars ideology, claiming to be only socialist and pro-poor party.
(ii) The concept of non-Congressism was created among opposition parties.
(iii) The issues of welfare of backward class began to dominate politics i.e. Northern states elected non-Congress leaders of backward class since 1977.
(iv) The Emergency tensed between institution based democracy and democracy based on spontaneous popular participation for which party system was to be blamed.
11. In the given outline map of India, four states have been marked as (A), (B), (C), (D). Identify these states on the basis of the information given below and write their correct names in your answer book along with their respective serial number of the information used and the concerned alphabets as per format that follows:
(i) The state where Congress did not get a majority in 1967 assembly polls, but formed government with help of others.
(ii) The state where Janata Dal got majority in the Lok Sabha elections 1977.
(iii) The state where National Democratic Alliance came to power after the Lok Sabha elections 2004.
(iv) The state where C. Natarajan became the Chief Minister in 1967.

Sr. No. of the information used | Corcerned Alphabet in the Map | Name of the State |
(i) | ||
(ii) | ||
(iii) | ||
(iv) |
Sr. No. of the information used | Corcerned Alphabet in the Map | Name of the State |
(i) | D | Rajasthan |
(ii) | C | Bihar |
(iii) | B | Punjab |
(iv) | A | Madras (Tamil Nadu) |
12. Assess the positive and negative aspects of India’s relations with Bangladesh.
Answer: Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan from 1947 to 1971. It consisted of the partitioned areas of Bengal and Assam from British India. The people of this region resented the domination of Western Pakistan and the imposition of Urdu language. Soon after the partition, they began protests against the unfair treatment meted out to the Bengali culture and language. They demanded autonomy for the eastern region. But the government dominated by the West Pakistan leadership refused their demand. The Pakistan army tried to suppress the mass movement of the Bengali people. Thousands were killed by the Pakistan army. This led a large scale migration into India, creating a huge refugee problem for India. The government of India supported the demand of the people of East Pakistan for their independence and helped them financially and militarily. This resulted in a war between India and Pakistan in December 1971 that ended in surrender of the Pakistan forces in East Pakistan and the formation of Bangladesh as an independent country.
Evaluate the cultural consequences of globalisation.
Answer: Cultural consequences of globalisation–
(i) Rise of Cultural homogenisation.
(ii) Imposition of western culture on the rest of the world.
(iii) The culture of the politically and economically dominant society leaves its imprints on a less powerful society.
(iv) Cultural homogenisation leads to shrinking of the rich cultural heritage of the world.
(v) Globalization also leads to cultural hetrogenisation.
(vi) External influence adds to our choices
(vii) Sometimes outcomes off outside influence is a new combination e.g.: Khadi Kurta worn with blue jeans or any other examples
(viii) Consequently each culture is becoming more different and distinctive.
13. Analyse the issue ‘Indira vs the Syndicate’. What type of challenges did the issue pose before Indira Gandhi?
Answer: Indira vs Syndicate:
(i) The real challenge to Indira Gandhi came not only from the opposition but from within her own party. Indira Gandhi had to deal with the ‘syndicate’, a group of powerful and influential leaders from within the Congress.
(ii) The Syndicate had played a role in the installation of Indira Gandhi as the Prime Minister by ensuring her election as a leader of the Parliamentary party, but Syndicate wanted to control after they managed to make her the Prime Minister.
Challenges faced by Indira Gandhi:
(i) She needed to build her independence from the Syndicate.
(ii) She needed to work to regain the ground, the Congress had lost in the 1967 elections.
(iii) Indira Gandhi adopted a very bold strategy. She converted a simple power struggle into an ideological struggle.
(iv) She launched a series of initiatives and a Ten-Point Programme, included social control of banks, nationalisation of general insurance, ceiling on urban property and income.
Assess the journey of the BJP under the leadership of Narendra Modi.
Answer: The Bharatiya Janata Party led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi got an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha elections held in May 2014 and after nearly 30 years in Indian politics, a strong government with an absolute majority was established at the Centre. Though called NDA III, the BJP-led coalition of 2014 was largely different from its predecessor coalition governments. Where the previous coalitions were led by one of the national parties, the NDA III coalition was not only steered by a national party, i.e., BJP it was also dominated by BJP with an absolute majority of its own in Lok Sabha. It was also called a ‘surplus majority coalition’. In that sense a major transformation could be seen in the nature of coalition politics which could be seen from one-party-led coalition to one-party-dominated coalition.
The 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the 17th since independence, once again brought back BJP-led NDA [NDA IV] to power by winning more than 350 seats out of 543. The BJP on its own won 303 seats in Lok Sabha, the biggest number any single party has won in the lower house since 1985 when Congress swept the elections in the aftermath of Mrs Indira Gandhi’s assassination. Based on the tumultuous success of the BJP in 2019, social scientists have started equating the contemporary party system with the ‘BJP System’ where an era of one party dominance, like the ‘Congress System’ has once again started appearing on the democratic politics of India.