Unseen Poems for Class 4
Unseen poem for class 4 is the most important part to score higher marks in your exam. .Reading the unseen poem for class 4 in English will help you to write better answers in your exam and improve your reading skill.
Students who are planning to score higher marks in class 4 English poems should practice the English poem for class 4 before attending the CBSE board exam.
It is compulsory to solve the unseen poem for class 4 because you need to score higher marks in your exam.
To improve your skills, we have provided you with the unseen poem for class 4 with answers.
While Solving the poem, you will see some unseen poem for class 4 with MCQs also present in them.
It is provided to make yourself an expert by solving them and score good marks in your exam. You can also practice unseen poems for class 4 in Hindi.
Important Tips to score good marks in Unseen Poem For class 4
1-Read the entire poem carefully 2 or 3 times so that you can understand the theme of the poem.
2-After reading the question, underline the related words of the given poem which you find is the correct answer.
3-Write your answer in a simple,easy and your own word.
4-Remember that you should use your own word in your answer. Do not copy the sentence from the given poem.
5-Do not make grammatical mistakes while writing the answer. Take good care in the use of punctuation also.
6-A few answers should not be placed in a similar paragraph. Each answer has to be written in a different passage and must have its number relating to that of the question.
Unseen Poem for class 4 with answers
1.Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions:
I live in a town, in a street,
Its crowded with traffic, and feet.
There are buses and motors, and trams,
I wish there were meadows and lambs.
The houses all wait in a row,
There is smoke everywhere that I go.
I don’t like the noises I hear,
I wish there were woods very near.
There is only one thing that I love,
And that is the sky far above.
There is plenty of room in the blue,
For castles of clouds and me too!
i) The town in which the child lives is_________ with traffic.
a) crowded b
) deserted
c) overpopulated
c) less populated
ii) In the town the child wishes for_____________.
a) classmates
b) an airport
c) meadows and lambs
d) motors and buses
iii) What does the child didn’t like?
iv) Why does the child love the sky?
v) What is the message given through the poem?
vi) Write the synonyms from the poem for the given words:
a) palace
b) a lot of
Suggested answer for above questions:
Q2. Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions:
He saw a dead crow in a drain
near the post office.
He saw an old man
gasping for air
and a baby barely able to breathe
in a crowded morning clinic.
This land is so rich.
Why should we suffer like this?
I want clean air
for my grandchildren.
I want the greedy fools
to leave the forest alone.
I want the trees to grow,
the rivers to run free,
and the earth covered with grass.
Let the politician plan how we may
live with dignity,
now and always.
i) What did the poet see near the post office?
a) donkey
b) dead crow
c) dead goat
d) child
ii) How is the land in the poem?
a) poor
b) rich
c) infertile
d) flooded
iii) What happened to the old man and the child?
iv) What does the poet want for his grandchildren?
v) What will the politician plan?
vi) Give a suitable title to the poem.
3. Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:
The First Day of School
I’ve got a brand-new lunchbox.
My shoes are shiny clean.
I’ve got a cool, new book bag
And a pencil box that’s green.
But I don’t know my teacher,
Or where my desk will be.
I don’t know if I’ll like the kids,
Or if they’ll play with me.
I peep inside my classroom.
I stand there for a while.
My teacher’s tall and kind of loud,
But has a great big smile.
And, best of all, she’s got my
Favorite book upon the shelf!
I kiss my mother at the door
And walk in by myself.
i) The child’s shoes are_____________________
a) dirty
b) clean
c) comfortable
d) fancy
ii) The child has got a pencil box which is____________
a) red
b) green
c) yellow
d) pink
iii) Find the opposite of the word ‘short’ from the poem.
iv) What did the child like about the teacher?
v) came to drop the child at the school.
a) father
b) grandmother
c) teacher
d) mother
vi) How did you feel on the first day of your school?
vii) What was the best thing that the child found in the class?
4. Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:
The moon is a sphere, big and white
It loves to reflect the sun’s bright light.
It goes on a journey every 28th day
Around the Earth, a hide and seek game it will play.
In the beginning, it is new
Out of sight from me and you
Then it waxes in white
As it grows in its right
Waxing crescent and quarter, then gibbous too
When full, the phases are halfway through!
Now it flips to the left and starts to wane
As it fades away in its orbit lane.
Waning gibbous and quarter then crescent too
It’s completed its orbit and back to new!
a) The above poem is about
a) sun and its uses
b) moon and its different shapes
c) beautiful flowers
d) pollution
b) According to the poem, the moon reflects
a) the bright light of the sun
b) the light of the planets
c) the light of the earth
d) the light of torch
c) Name the game that the moon plays in the above poem.
d) According to the poem, how is the moon in the beginning?
e) Find the synonyms of the words given below from the poem
i) wash out /pale =fades ii) voyage/excursion = journey
f) Give a suitable title to the poem.
Suggested answer for above questions:
a) The above poem is about moon and its different shapes.
a) sun and its uses
b) moon and its different shapes
c) beautiful flowers
d) pollution
b) According to the poem, the moon reflects the bright light of the sun.
a) the bright light of the sun
b) the light of the planets
c) the light of the earth
d) the light of torch
c) Name the game that the moon plays in the above poem.
Ans. Hide and seek game
d) According to the poem, how is the moon in the beginning?
Ans. In the beginning, it is new, out of sight from me and you.
e) Find the synonyms of the words given below from the poem
i) wash out /pale =fades ii) voyage/excursion = journey
f) Give a suitable title to the poem.
Ans. A variety of answers.
5. Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions:
Some people are like caterpillars,
Some people are like butterflies.
People who are insecure.
People who think they are fat.
People who think they are ugly.
People who are scared of their flaws.
Are the caterpillars.
People who have accepted that no matter how hard you try,
You will never be perfect.
People who are positive.
People who are dreamers.
People who believe anything can happen as long as you try.
Are the butterflies.
The good thing about caterpillars is that they always
Turn into a beautiful butterfly.
You will soon turn into a person who
Is able to accept that they are who they are.
You will be a bit shaky at first.
But with more confidence
You will fly high.
i) What are the people like?
a) caterpillars
b) cat
c) lions
c) tiger
ii) People who are _ are the butterflies.
a) positive
b) fat
c) ugly
d) scared
iii) What do the people who are butterflies, believe?
iv) What is the good thing about caterpillars?
v) How will you fly high?
vi) Write the synonyms from the passage for the given words:
a) frightened
b) unstable
Suggested answer for above questions:
a) What are the people like?
i) caterpillars
b) People who are _ are the butterflies.
ii) positive
c) What do the people who are butterflies, believe?
c)People who believe anything can happen as long as you try are butterflies.
d) What is the good thing about caterpillars?
d) The good thing about caterpillars is that they always turn into a beautiful butterfly.
e) How will you fly high?
e) You will fly high when you accept that you are who you are. You will be a bit shaky but will fly high with more confidence.
f) Write the synonyms from the passage for the given words:
i) frightened —— scared ii) unstable——– shaky
6. Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions:
I live in a town, in a street,
Its crowded with traffic, and feet.
There are buses and motors, and trams,
I wish there were meadows and lambs.
The houses all wait in a row,
There is smoke everywhere that I go.
I don’t like the noises I hear,
I wish there were woods very near.
There is only one thing that I love,
And that is the sky far above.
There is plenty of room in the blue,
For castles of clouds and me too!
i) The town in which the child lives is_________ with traffic.
a) crowded
b) deserted
c) overpopulated
c) less populated
ii) In the town the child wishes for_____________.
a) classmates
b) an airport
c) meadows and lambs
d) motors and buses
iii) What does the child didn’t like?
iv) Why does the child love the sky?
v) What is the message given through the poem?
vi) Write the synonyms from the poem for the given words:
a) palace
b) a lot of
Suggested answer for above questions:
i) The town in which the child lives is crowded with traffic.
ii) In the town the child wishes for meadows and lambs
iii) Ans. The child didn’t like the noises everywhere.
iv) Ans. It gives lot of space to the clouds and people around.
v) Ans. Our cities are very crowded and we have hardly any place to enjoy the beauty of the nature.
vi) Write the synonyms from the poem for the given words:
a) palace – castle
b) a lot of -plenty
7.Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:
The Earth with its great green trees
Its infinite life and boundless beauty
The only earth there’ll ever be
These waters of deep springs of rivers and lakes
Drops of dew and clouds above
All the water there has ever been.
The air around that everyone breathes
Over and over,forever and ever
Love this earth
Love it as much as life itself
Earth from which all life has come
Earth to which all life returns
Love its waters and keep them clean
Water on which all life depends
Love clear air
Care enough to keep it clear
Clear enough to see the stars
And earth will remain beyond time.
a) Choose and write the correct answer.
i) The above poem is about ___________.
a) loving planet earth
b) loving your neighbour
c) loving your work
d) loving animals
ii) According to the poem,the earth has _______________________.
a) peaks and hills
b) beautiful sea shores
c) intelligent people
d) green trees,life and beauty
b) Name any two water sources mentioned in the poem.
c) According to the poem, what should be kept clean ?
d) Find the opposites of the words given below from the poem
i) shallow
ii) hate
e) Give a suitable title to the poem.
Suggested answer for above questions:
a) Choose and write the correct answer.
i) The above poem is about ___________.
a) loving planet earth
b) loving your neighbour
c) loving your work
d) loving animals
ii) The earth has _______________________.
a) peaks and hills
b) beautiful sea shores
c) intelligent people
d) green trees,life and beauty
b) Name any two water sources mentioned in the poem.
Ans.River ,lakes, spring
c) According to the poem,what should be kept clean?
Ans.We should keep our water and air clean.
d) Find the opposites of the words given below from the poem
i) shallow deep ii) hate love
e) Give a suitable title to the poem.(HOTS)
Ans. Variety of answers
8.Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:
I have a rabbit habit.
I like to crunch and chew
On celery logs and carrot sticks,
And apple wedges, too.
I have a rabbit habit.
I like to chomp and munch
On crispy greens and juicy grapes.
Mmm…rabbit food for lunch!
1 Choose the correct answer.
- A rabbit habit is ____________________
a) when you like to eat vegetables
b) when you like to nibble like a rabbit
c) when you like to eat nuts - When I eat a carrot, I make these sounds.___
- The child loves to eat
2 Fill in the blanks with rhyming words. (Not from the poem)
- chew ___
- lunch ___
3 Give one word for the following.
- a thick, long and round piece of wood ___
- hard and dry feeling when you eat chips ___
9.Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:
Early in the morning,
Or the evening hour,
Are the times to water
Every kind of flower.
Watering at noonday,
When the sun is high,
Doesn’t help the flowers,
Only makes them die.
2.1. Choose the correct answer.
a) The best time to water the plants is in the_______________________.
(i) noon
(ii) morning
b) Plants should not be watered when the _ is high.
(i) moon
(ii) sun
c) The opposite of ‘low’ is ___.
(i) top
(ii) high
d) _________________is a part of a plant.
(i) Flower (ii) Garden
A2.2 Fill in the blanks.
a) The word that rhymes with ‘morning’ is ________.
b) Watering at noonday makes the flowers _______.
A2.3. a) Fill in the letters to name the flowers.
L _ _ S M ___G _ _
A2.4. (a) Complete the given line from the poem.
The times to water________________________________________________ is
early in the morning and evening hours.
Suggested answer for above questions:
A 2.1 Choose the correct answer.
a) morning
b) sun
c) high
d) flower
A 2.2 Fill in the blanks.
a) evening
b) die
[1/4 marks to be deducted for each spelling error]
A 2.3 Fill in the blanks to name the flowers.
A 2.4 Complete the line from the poem.
Every kind of flower

Students can find different types of English poem for class 4 CBSE board exam preparation. At the end of every poem, we have also provided you with answers to the unseen poem for class 4 given above.
So, first, solve the above-unseen poem for class 4 and compare your answer with their original answer in this way you can boost your performance. Now, You can easily obtain higher marks in the unseen poem for class 4.
If you take too much time in solving the unseen poem for class 4 take a clock to focus on how much time you are spending.
By doing this, you can easily manage your time to solve the unseen poem for Class 4. You can also visit the unseen passage for class 4 in English.
Don’t take stress, just focus on practicing unseen poem for class 4. You will definitely score high marks in your exam.
We believe that unseen poem for class 4 should reach every student who is aiming to score higher marks in the CBSE board exam. This unseen poem for class 4 prepared by our expert at unseenpassage.com
Frequently Asked Questions-Unseen Poem for class 4(FAQ)
Answer: In the Exam, you will be given a small part of any poem and you need to answer them to score good marks in your score. So firstly understand what question is being asked. Then, go to the passage and try to find the clue for your question. Read all the alternatives very carefully. Do not write the answer until you feel that you have selected the correct answer.
Answer: Do not try to write the answer without reading the poem Read all the alternatives very carefully, don’t write the answer until you feel that you have selected the correct answer. Check your all answers to avoid any mistakes.
Answer: Study the question before reading the poem. After that, read the poem and highlight the word which you find related to the question and a line before that word and one after that. With this strategy, you will be able to solve most questions and score higher marks in your exam.
Answer: A Seen poem is a poem which you have already read and know what is in it.While in the unseen poem, you are not familiar with the poem and don’t know what is in it.
Answer: Take a clock and set the time in which you should just complete all questions.If you can’t complete the poem in that time.don’t worry, find that part in which you take a long time to solve the question. By doing this, you can easily manage your time to solve the question of passage.