Unseen Passage for Class 4
Is it true that you are searching for a unseen passage for class 4 in English? if indeed, continue to read this article.
we will give you an article on unseen passage for class 4 with numerous passages to rehearse.
That implies in case you’re an student of class 4 and searching for a unseen passage for class 4 in English, you’ve gone to the perfect spot.
Without burning through your significant time we should begin.
Reading the unseen passage for class 4 in English will help you to write better answers in your exam and improve your reading skill.
Students who are planning to score higher marks in class 4 should practice the class 4 unseen passage before attending the CBSE board exam.
To improve your skills, we have provided you with the unseen passage for class 4 with questions and answers.
While Solving the passage, you will see some unseen passages for class 4 with MCQ questions are also present in them. It is provided to make yourself an expert by solving them and score good marks in your exam. You can also practice unseen passage for class 4 in Hindi
Important Tips to score good marks in the unseen passage for class 4
1-Read the entire passage carefully 2 or 3 times so that you can understand the theme of the passage.
2-After reading the question, underline the related words of the given passage which you find is the correct answer
3-Write your answer in a simple,easy and your own word.
4-Remember that you should use your own word in your answer. Do not copy the sentence from the given passage
5-Do does not make grammatical mistakes while writing the answer.Take good care in the use of punctuation also
6-A few answers should not be placed in a similar paragraph. Each answer have to be written in a different passage and must have its number relating to that of the question
Reading comprehension for class 4 is great for preparing for CBSE board examinations. CBSE Class 4 English Syllabus is much bigger and requires concentrated efforts on the part of the student to face the examinations and pop out a success. Reading Comprehension for Class 4 pdf consists of details for all chapters from the subjects. Each explanation is provided with all the assumptions and good judgment used to determine the conclusion. This will allow the students to study and understand each concept even though they are preparing for the first time.
We give Comprehension passage for class 4, Answers, and Marking Scheme. Here we have provided you with unseen Passage for Class 4 to make your preparation better. A Student can view Short Unseen Passage with Questions and answers to score good marks in the Class 4 Board exam.
Unseen passage for class 4 with question and answer
1.Read the passage and answer the questions that follow :
The natural life span of a domesticated horse is about 25–30 years, 10 years down from what it was in the wild. You can tell a horse’s age from the number of teeth he has. They get all their teeth by the age of 5, after which those teeth just get longer. Horses have close to 360 degree all round vision. The only place they cannot see is directly behind or right in front of them, which is why it’s dangerous to stand behind a horse. If they feel something behind them, they may kick first and ask questions later! It also means that they cannot see a jump once they are about four feet from it, and have to rely on memory as to its height and shape! Each of the horse’s two eyes works independently wherever a horse’s ear points it is the direction where the horse is looking. A horse is able to sleep standing up as he is able to lock his leg muscles so that he doesn’t fall asleep.
Choose the correct answer:
Question. What is the life span of a wild horse?
a) 25-30 years
b) 30-35 years
c) 35-40 years
d) 40-45 years
Question. Which body part in a horse helps us to tell its age?
a) ears
b) tail
c) teeth
d) eyes
Question. Why is it dangerous to stand behind a horse?
Answer. It is dangerous to stand behind the horse because it cannot see is directly behind or right in front of them
Question. How can we know that in which direction is the horse looking?
Answer. Wherever a horse’s ear points it is the direction where the horse is looking
Question. What helps the horse to sleep while standing?
Answer. A horse is able to sleep standing up as he is able to lock his leg muscles so that he doesn’t fall asleep.
Question. Write the words from the passage which mean the same as:
a) on your own
b) unsafe
a) on your own- independently
b) unsafe- dangerous
Discursive Passage for Class 4
2. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Sharks have prowled the seas for about 400 million years. Their size, power and great toothy jaws fill us with fear and fascination. A few kinds of sharks such as great white sharks attack the swimmers but most of them stay away from people. Most of the sharks eat other sharks. Sharks are fish but they don’t have bones. Instead, a shark’s skeleton is made up of a rubbery bone material. The rubbery material is called cartilage and its tiny toothed shaped scales are called denticles. Sharks use their eyes, ears and sense of smell to hunt food. All the animals create a small field of electricity around them. Sharks sense this electricity through special tubes in their heads as they have an unusual sense.
- Answer the following questions :
a) For how many years sharks have prowled the seas?
b) What does most sharks eat?
c) What is a shark’s skeleton made of ?
d) How do sharks hunt food? - Fill in the blanks.
a) sharks attack the swimmers.
b) The rubbery material that a sharks skeleton is made up of is called
and its scales are called _. - State whether the following statements are True or False.
a) Sharks are fish with bones.
b) Most of the sharks stay away from people.
c) Sharks use their eyes, ears and sense of smell to hunt food.
Unseen Passage for Class 4
3 Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Once upon a time, king Brahmadatta wanted a place which would stand on a single pillar. He thought it would be one of the greatest wonders of the world. He needed a strong tree for the pillar. He sent hundreds of wood-cutters all over the forest to find such a tree.
The wood-cutters looked everywhere. At last, they found a tall and magnificent sal tree in the middle of the forest. The wood cutter got ready to cut down the tree. The tree grew very sad that it would die the next day. That night the tree spoke to the king in his dream. It said to him, “O King! Can you tell your wood-cutters to cut me in parts.
First my top branches then my middle branches and then the trunk?” The king was surprised. “Why?” he asked. The tree told him, “If they cut me at one stroke, I might fall on the other trees and hurt them. So cut me limb by limb. It will spare the other trees being hurt”. The king was moved by the tree‟s kindness. He decided not to cut the tree to build his palace.
- Answer the following questions :
i. What kind of a palace did king Brahmadatta wish to build?
ii. What kind of a tree did the wood cutters find at last?
iii. What did the tree want the king to do?
iv. How did the tree want itself to be cut?
v. Find the opposite of the following words from the passage :
a. short b. weak
vi. Find words which mean the same as:
a. large branch of a tree b. the act of hitting
Unseen Passage with multiple choice questions for Class 4
4. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Once upon a time, there was a little boy who became very ill. He had to spend all day in bed. There wasn’t much he could do except look out of window. One day, he saw a strange sight outside the window. It was a penguin eating a sandwich. The penguin squeezed in through the open window and said, “Good afternoon.” The little boy didn’t tell anyone about this because who would have believed him? Even so, more strange characters ended up putting joy back in his heart, and in his body. Before long, his health has improved so much that he was able to go back to school again. There, he got to talk to his friends and tell them all the strange things he had seen. While he was talking to his best friend, he saw something sticking out of his friend’s school bag. The boy asked his friend what it was, and he was so insistent that finally his friend had to show him what was in the bag. There, inside, were all the fancy dress suits that his best friend had been using to try to cheer up the little boy! From that day, the little boy always did his best to make sure that no one felt sad and alone.
Question. The little boy was sad because_______
a) his mother scolded him
b) he did not have any friend
c) he got less marks in exams
d) he was ill
Question. Which animal did he see near his window, one day?
a) dog
b) penguin
c) elephant
d) lion
Question. Why didn’t the little boy tell anyone about what he saw?
Answer.The little boy didn’t tell anyone about this because no one would have believed him.
Question. While talking to his friends, what did the boy see?
Answer.While he was talking to his best friend, he saw something sticking out of his friend’s school bag.
Question. What was inside the school bag of the boy’s friend?
Answer. Inside the bag were all the fancy dress suits that his best friend had been using to try to cheer up the little boy.
Question. Write the words from the passage which mean the same as:
a) apart from
b) happy
Answer. except, cheer
Short Unseen Passage Class 4 with questions and answers
5. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Penguins are among the most popular of all birds. They only live in and around the South Pole and the continent of Antarctica. There are 17 different kinds of penguins and none of them can fly. The largest penguin is called the Emperor Penguin and the smallest kind of penguin is the Little Blue Penguin.
Penguins spend as much as 75% of their time underwater, searching for food in the ocean. When they are in the water, they dive and flap their wings. They are great swimmers and have thick layers of fat to protect them from the bitter cold. Even in their freezing cold conditions, penguins still have to watch out for attackers such as killer whales and seals.
i) Penguins only live in and around ________.
a) the north pole
b) the south pole and the continent of Antarctica
c) South America
d) Asia
ii) The largest penguin is called the ________.
a) Macaroni
b) Little Blue
c) Emperor
d) Gentoo
iii) Why do penguins spend most of the time underwater?
iv) Why do penguins have thick layers of fat?
v) Name the attackers of penguin.
vi) Find the words from the passage which mean the same as:
a) chilly: __
b) jump: _
Unseen Passage for Class 4 with answers
6. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Vitamins and minerals are natural substances found in a wide range of food and are essential to maintain a healthy body. Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against infections .Vitamin A is found in milk, eggs and vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, spinach and broccoli. Vitamin B is good for nervous system and is found in green vegetables. Vitamin C helps the immune system by fighting against infections. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits like
strawberries, kiwi, guava, peppers and tomatoes. Vitamin K helps blood to clot. Beans, peas, turnip contain Vitamin K. Calcium is necessary for healthy teeth, bones, hair and nails. Potassium controls muscles and nerves and prevents high blood pressure. All vegetables contain potassium. Iron is essential for red blood cells. Iron is found in vegetables like spinach, leeks and mushrooms. Vitamin C also helps in iron absorption in the body. We should avoid vitamin loss by leaving the peel on. Vegetables should not be soaked in water as it leads to loss of Vitamin B and C.
Question. What are vitamins and minerals?
Answer. Vitamins and minerals are natural substances found in a wide range of food and are essential to maintain a healthy body.
Question. What are the sources of Vitamin A?
Answer. Vitamin A is found in milk, eggs and vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, spinach and
Question. Vitamin K helps the blood to clot.
a) flow
b) increase
c) clot
d) gain red colour
Question. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits.
a) citrus
b) red
c) sweet
d) none
Question. We should not soak the vegetables .Why?
Answer. Vegetables should not be soaked in water as it leads to loss of Vitamin B and C.
Question. Find the words from the above passage which means the same as
i) take care of ii) necessary
Answer. take care of = protect ii) necessary =essential
Unseen Passage for Class 4 with questions and answers pdf
7. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Recycling is an important way of caring for our planet. Human beings use many new products every year and create a lot of garbage. By recycling the things we don’t want, we can reduce the need to make new things. Metals, glass and paper can be easily recycled.
Apart from recycling, there are other things that we must do to save our natural resources. We should reduce the amount of plastic, paper, electricity and water that we use. Keep plastic bags carefully and reuse them instead of buying new ones. Write on both sides of a paper and do not print things unless necessary. We should remember to switch off fans, lights and electrical appliances when they are not being used. Bathe using a bucket instead of a shower and avoid letting tap water go waste. It is a good idea to reinvent things from old material. This could be fun too! Old metal containers can be turned into food boxes, old glass bottles can be made into table lamps.
Choose the correct answer:
Question. It is fun to _____ things.
a) change
b) reinvent
c) reduce
d) waste
Question. _________________is an easily recyclable material.
a) plastic
b) cloth
c) paper
d) electricity
Question. How can we reduce the need to make new things?
Answer. By recycling the things we don’t want, we can reduce the need to make new things.
Question. How can we save electricity?
Answer. We should remember to switch off fans, lights and electrical appliances when they are not being used.
Question. Write two ways in which we can save water.
Answer. Bathe using a bucket instead of a shower and avoid letting tap water go waste.
Question. Write the words from the passage which mean the same as:
a) rubbish
b) stay away from
Unseen Passage for Class 4 with questions and answers
8. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Penguins are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living mostly in Antarctica. Penguins have dark and white feathers .They have flippers for movement in water. Most penguins feed on fish, squid and other forms of sealife caught while swimming underwater. They spend half of their life on land and half in the oceans. Emperor penguins are the largest living species and the blue or fairy penguins are the smallest species .Most of the penguin species live in large colonies. Penguins are not afraid of human beings. This is probably because penguins have no land enemy in Antarctica. Instead, they are at a risk in sea from sharks or leopard seal. In 1986, Silvio Mazzola, created a famous penguin cartoon character named ‘Pingu’.
Question. Where are penguins mostly found ?
Answer. Penguins are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living mostly in Antarctica.
Question. Name the smallest penguin species.
Answer. The blue or fairy penguins are the smallest species.
c) Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks.
Question. Penguins feed on _______________.
a) grass
b) cockroaches and spiders
c) fish,squid and sea creatures
d) vegetables and fruits
Question. Penguins live in a ___________.
a) herd
b) colony
c) school
d) pride
Question. Why are penguins not afraid of the human beings ?
Answer. Penguins are not afraid of human beings because they have no land enemy in Antartica .
Question. Name a cartoon character on penguins created by Silvio Mazzola.
Answer. In 1986, Silvio Mazzola,created a famous penguin cartoon character named ‘Pingu’.
Unseen Passage for Class 4
9. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
What do three hearts, eight arms, and one huge brain add up to? An octopus, a creature that can do amazing things. Octopuses are extremely intelligent. They can learn new things just like humans. They’ve even learned a few tricks to get them out of sticky situations. If an octopus is threatened by a predator, such as a shark or bird, it can use some pretty incredible skills to get away. Octopuses don’t have teeth or sharp claws to defend themselves. Instead, they use more clever ways to fool their attackers. Octopuses like to hide themselves in the sand on the bottom of the ocean floor. Well, the octopus is like a chameleon because it can change the colour of its skin to match the sand and this colour change, or camouflage, happens in less than a minute.
Octopuses are invertebrates, meaning they don’t have backbones. Another way an octopus can hide is by shooting ink. The ink forms a cloud that hides the octopus. By the time the ink clears and the predator can see again, the octopus has swum away or hidden. It’s very much like a magician doing a vanishing act.
A.1.1 Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.
a) An octopus and a chameleon are alike because________
i) they both like to hide on the ocean floor.
ii) they can both change the colour of their skin.
iii) they both use their arms to kill predators.
b) An octopus is called a magician because ___.
i) it can disappear in times of difficulty.
ii) it shows magic to people.
iii) it has eight arms.
A.1.2 On the basis of reading the passage answer these questions.
a) Do octopuses have teeth or sharp claws?
b) Who hunt the octopuses?
A.1.3 Complete the following.
a) An octopus has three _, _____ and ______ brain.
A.1.4 Unscramble each word and write it on the line.
a) ________ t i i e e g t l l n n
Hint: smart; brainy
b) ________ r i b n e v e t a e r t
Hint: animal without a backbone
Discursive Passage for Class 4
10. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Early rising is good for the mind and body. The great advantage of early rising is the good start. It gives us in our day’s work. In the morning hours the mind is fresh and there are few sounds or other distractions. So the work done at that time is generally well done. Besides, an early riser also finds time to take some exercises in the fresh morning air. It supplies him with a fund of energy. An early riser has plenty of time to do his work. He also finds time for rest and recreation.
(I) Answer the following questions :
a) Who has plenty of time to do his work?
b) What is good for the mind and body?
c) When do you find few sounds or other distractions?
Case based factual Passage for Class 4
11. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
There are many uses for old items that might otherwise be thrown away. Reusing items is the best way to reduce waste. With a little time and creativity, you can turn trash into treasures. For example, there is quick and easy project that can be done with a can. For this project, you need an old can, scissors, glue and coloured paper. First ask an adult to help you remove the top of the can with a can opener. The edge of the can may be very sharp when the top is removed. Carefully wash and dry the can. First draw the shapes on coloured paper with a pencil. Then use the scissors to cut the coloured paper into different shapes. Finally decorate the can by pasting the shapes on the outside of the can. You may also add buttons, glitter or scraps of fabric if you have these items on hand. The old can is now ready for a new life as a stationery holder or a vase for flowers.
- What are the four items you need for the project mentioned in the passage
- Why should you ask an adult to help you remove the top of the
- How can you decorate the can?
- What are the uses of the old can when the project is complete?
Comprehension Passages for Class 4
12. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
In a village lived two friends – Rohan and Sohan. Rohan was lame and Sohan was blind. One day, a hut in the village caught fire. The fire spread all over the village.
People began running away. The two friends who were neighbours also wanted to escape Rohan could not run but only limp. Sohan could not see and didn’t know where to run. They were sad and afraid.
Just then Rohan got an idea. He went limping to Sohan’s house and told, ‘If we help each other, we can escape the fire.’Sohan liked the idea. He was strong. He quickly took Rohan on his shoulder. Then Rohan began telling him where to go .Soon the friends walked to safety.
A1.1 Choose the correct answer.
a) Rohan and Sohan were __________.
(i) blind
(ii) neighbours
b) Rohan limped as he was __________.
(i) lame
(ii) blind
c) They __ each other and escaped the fire.
(i) idea
(ii) helped
d) Sohan carried Rohan on his _________.
(i) Shoulder
(ii) back
A1.2. Fill in the blanks.
a) Rohan and Sohan were good_____________________.
b) A hut in the village caught________________________.
c) A____________________ person can’t see.
d) At last the friends walked to_______________________.
A1.3. Answer the following.
a) Why were Rohan and Sohan sad and afraid ?
Class 4 Solved Unseen Passage
13. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Rainwater harvesting
We often face a shortage of water, especially during the summer season. This happens because of the following reasons. There is less rain. Water in the rivers dry up. All living things need more water during summers. To solve the problem of water shortage, we can store water (rain water) and use it later. This method is called rain water harvesting. People keep a big container, a drum or a tank in which rainwater is collected. The rainwater is filtered and is used later. These days many people make homes and factories which have a facility for rain water harvesting.
A.1 Answer the following.
a) Give two reasons of shortage of water during the summers.
i) _________
ii) ________
A.2 Fill in the blanks.
a) Rain water can be _ (stored/wasted) and used later.
b) The rainwater is _ (filtered/unfiltered) and used.
A.3 Tick the correct answer.
a) We often face a shortage of water in –
i) winter season
ii) summer season
b) In order to store the rainwater people use –
i) a big container
ii) a well
c) Rainwater harvesting is a method to store –
i) water from rivers
ii) rain water
A.4 True or False. (Write T for True or F for False)
i) Rain water harvesting will increase the problem of water shortage.
ii) All living beings need more water during summer.
iii) Rainwater can be harvested in factories also.
Case based Unseen Passage for Class 4
- Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
The dynasty which Babar founded in India was called the ‘Mughals Babar’s grandson, Akbar, accomplished the task of building a strong administration”. Akbar’s reign gave religious freedom to all. The foundation of his empire lay in people’s goodwill and earned him the title of ‘Akbar the great’. But his grandson was known as ‘Shah Jahan, the magnificient’. Shah Jahan was known for his grand architectural structures. He is most famous for the world renowned Taj Mahal, which he build in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The construction of the Taj Mahal took twenty two years, and huge amounts of money were spent on it. Today, it is considered one of the wonders of the world. It is made of pure white marble and inlaid with precious stones. It is one of the most beautiful structures made by man Thousands of tourists visit this monument every year. The Taj Mahal is situated on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra and earns the appreciation of all especially on full moon nights. Shah Jahan was very fond of magnificence and had the famous Kohinoor diamond place in the crown he wore on his head. He died in 1666, at the age of seventy-four and was buried beside his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
A) Answer the following questions:
i) Who was Shah Jahan?
ii) In whose memory was Taj Mahal made?
iii) Where is Taj Mahal located?
iv) Which diamond was placed in Shah Jahan’s crown?
v) Which dynasty Babar founded in India?
vi) Complete these sentences –
i) Akbar gave ______ freedom to all.
ii) Shah Jahan was known as ______ the ______.
iii) Akbar was given the title of ______ the ______.
Comprehension Passages for Class 4
15. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
A young crow had fallen from its neat and was fluttering about on the road. It was in danger there. So, I brought it home. It was in a sorry condition. We did not expect it to live. But my grandfather and I tried our best to save his life. We fed it by opening its beak gently with a pencil. We pushed in a little bread and milk, then removed the pencil to allow it to swallow. As a result, the young crow was soon on its way to recovery. We were then prepared to let him go. We thought he would want to be free and go with other crows. Instead, he made himself at home in our house. My grandmother, Aunt Mable and even some of my grandfather’s other pets did not like this. But there was no way of getting rid of the bird. We were not sure if he was a male bird, but we called him Caesar. Before long, Caesar was joining us at meal times. He gave us no peace till he had been given his small bowl of meat, soup and vegetables. He was always restless and curious. He would hop about a table to empty a match box of its contents or rip the daily paper to shreds. He would overturn a vase of flowers or tug at the tail of one of the dogs. “The crow is a menace,” grumbled grandmother. He did not show any desire to join the other crows in the banyan tree. Grandfather said this was because he was really a raven – a jungle crow- and probably felt superior to ordinary crows.
- Why was the crow brought home?
A. - How did they feed the crow with a pencil?
A. - What was given to Caesar at meal times?
4.Why was grandmother annoyed with the crow?
- “That crow is a _”, grumbled grandmother.
- He is really a_________________ -a jungle crow.
- Mention two qualities of Caesar described in the passage
1._______________ 2.

Students can find different type of unseen passage for class 4 CBSE board exam preparation.In the end of every passage, we have also provided you answer to every question of all passage.
Also Read- Unseen poems for Class 4 in English
Unseen Poems for Class 4 in Hindi
So first solve the unseen passage and compare your answer with their original answer in this way you can boost your performance.
If you take too much time in solving the passage take a clock to focus on how much time you are spending.By doing this ,you can easily manage your time to solve the question of passage
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Frequently Asked Questions – Unseen Passage for Class 4 (FAQ)
Answer: Remember that they give you a small part of any story and you need to answer them to score good marks in your Exam.
So firstly understand what question is being asked.
Then, go to the passage and try to find the clue for your question.
Answer: Do not try to write the answer without reading the passage Read all the alternatives very carefully, don’t write the answer until you feel that you have selected the correct answer. Check your all the answers to avoid any mistake
Answer: Study the question before reading the passage. After that, read the passage and highlight the word which you find related to the question and a line before that word and one after that. With this strategy, you will be able to solve most questions and score higher marks in your exam.
Answer: A Seen passage is a passage that you have already read and know what is in it. While in the unseen passage, you are not familiar with the passage and don’t know what is in it.