English Grammar Antonyms or Synonyms Notes and Questions
The following is a list of common words along with their synonyms (words with more or less similar meanings) and antonyms (words with more or less opposite meanings) to help you tackle the vocabulary section of Synonyms and Antonyms in your examination:
Word | Synonyms (similar meaning) | Antonyms (opposite meaning) |
abhor | dislike, detest, hate | approve, like |
acute | sharp, pepetrating | dull, blunt |
avocation | recreation, employment of leisure | vocation, business |
bleak | cold, cheerless, grim | warm, friendly, bright |
bloom | freshness, floret | decay, withered state |
brandish | Flourish, swing, wield | arrest, hang, suspend |
cease | leave off, stop, desist | begin, continue |
clamour | outcry, uproar | silence, peace |
crafty | cunning, artful | ingenuous, honest |
daunt | dismay, terrify, scare | encourage, cheer |
depose | dethrone, degrade | enthrone, exalt |
desist | leave off, stop | continue, go on |
exalt | lift up, raise, elevate | cast down, lower |
exclaim | call out, vociferate | be silent, quiet |
extinguish | quench, annihilate | light, kindle |
fallacy | deception, illusion | truth, real |
frown | grimace, pout, scowl | smile |
furtive | stealthy, secret, sly sneaky, surreptitious | open, above board, overt |
ghastly | spectral, pallid, horrible | corporeal, alive |
glutinous | sticky, viscous | liquid, smooth |
grudge | envy, jealousy | goodwill, love |
hapless | unfortunate, unlucky | lucky, fortunate |
humane | gentle, kind | cruel, ungentle |
immerse | dip, plunge | draw out |
impel | drive, motivate | inhibit, prevent |
jumble | conglomeration | clear, order |
jurisdiction | authority, dominion | forbidding |
knotty | hard, intricate | smooth, easy |
kindle | fire, ignite | darken, extinguish |
lack | absence, dearth | abundance |
lofty | high, tall, elevated | low, depressed |
manifest | exhibit, show | conceal, suppress |
mingle | mix, blend | dissolve, disentangle |
notorious | well known, renowned | unknown |
numb | anaesthetized | lively, active |
obscene | filthy, invitation | pure, clean |
overture | offer, invitation | withdrawal, finale |
paramount | supreme, important | subordinate, inferior |
propel | press, push | discourage, pull |
quash | annul, cancel | ratify, confirm |
quench | extinguish, put out | light, ignite |
raid | foray, incursion | depress, descend |
rectify | repair, renew | destroy, corrupt |
sad | dejected, depressed | joyous, blithe |
sophistry | fallacy, ambiguity | certainty |
terrestrial | earthy, worldly | heavenly, celestial |
tyrant | despot, autocrat | constitutional |
urbane | cultivated | uncouth |
utopian | ideal | practical |
valiant | brave | cowardly |
venerable | reverend | trifling |
wariness | caution | incaution |
wistful | pensive | cheerful |
zest | brio, dash | dullness, blandness |
Idioms and Phrases
An idiom is an expression, a word, or a phrase. The meaning of an idiom is completely different from the literal meaning of its individual elements. Idioms do not mean the same as what the words say but have a hidden meaning.
A phrase has two or more words which are related to each other. A phrase does not contain a verb and a subject. Below are mentioned some idioms and phrases to develop your understanding.
1. At my finger’s end- Know it thoroughly
2. To all intents and purposes- Practically, virtually
3. With a high hand- Oppressively
4. Bibs fair- Seems likely
5. Turned a deaf ear- Disregarded
Homonyms are two or more words having same pronunciation or spelling but different meanings.
Look at the following examples.
1. Air- The invisible gaseous substance which surrounds the earth Heir- A person lawfully entitled to the property or rank of another on that person’s death
2. Beach- A sandy shore especially by the sea Beech- A large tree with smooth grey bark and glossy leaves
3. Patience- The capacity to accept or tolerate problems Patient- A person who receives medical treatment