English Grammar Articles Notes and Questions
Definition: “A”, “an” and “the” are known as articles. There are two types of articles:
(i) Indefinite Articles- a and an
(ii) Definite Article – the
Indefinite Articles ‘A and an’
Definition: A and An are indefinite articles because they refer to any person, animal thing or place.
Use of A
(i) ‘A’ is used before a word which starts with a consonant.
• There is a girl in the class.
• My sister is a teacher.
• I saw a baby crying.
• I The girl has a toy.
In the above given sentences, ‘a’ is used before a word which starts from a consonant and sounds like a consonant.
(ii) ‘A” is also used before a word that starts with vowels but sounds like a consonant.
• The camel is a useful animal.
• He reads in a university.
• Steve is a European.
• It was a one sided game.
In the above given sentences, ‘a’ is used before a word which starts from a vowel but sounds like a consonant.
Use of ‘an’
(i) ‘An’ is used before a word which starts from a vowel.
• He is an old man.
• He has an ink pot.
• Mr. Clinton is an American.
• He bought an egg and an umbrella.
In the above given sentences, ‘an’ is used before a word which starts from a vowel and sounds like a vowel.
(ii) ‘An’ is also used before words that start with consonants but sound like vowels.
• He will come within an hour.
• He is an honest man
• I met an M.P. who frequently visits his constituency.
• An M.L.A. can provide funds for the development work.
In the above given sentences, ‘an’ is used before a word which starts from a consonant but sounds like a vowel.
Points to keep in mind
• A and An are always used with singular nouns.
• A is used before a word which starts with a consonant sound.
• An is used before a word which starts with a vowel sound.
Fill in the blanks with Indefinite Article.
They have hour to catch the train.
Answer: An (here ‘h’ of hour is silent.)
She is European.
Answer A (European though starts with a vowel, it sounds like a consonant)
one eyed giant monster destroyed the park.
Answer: A (one eyed sounds like a consonant)
He wants to buy ball.
Answer: A (Singular noun)
Fill in the blanks with Indefinite Article.
In European country you need to follow the rules strictly.
(A) A
(B) An
(C) The
(D) None of these
(E) All of these
Explanation: The word European is pronounced as a consonant.
Lina is intelligent girl.
(A) A
(B) The
(C) An
(D) None of these
(E) All of these
Explanation: The letter i in intelligent is a vowel. Article ‘an’ is used before a, e, I, o, u having a vowel sound.
Definite Article ‘The’
Definite Article (the) points out a particular person, animal, thing or place.
• This is the boy who came first in the race.
• The pen that you purchased for me is lost.
• I dislike the boy who stole my book in the class.
• The Northern belt of our country is covered with the Himalayan Mountains.
• The Red Sea is different from the Black Sea.
In the above given sentences, the is used to point out a particular person, animal, thing or place.
Uses of Definite Article ‘The’
‘The’ is used before the following:
(i) A class of noun.
E.g. The man.
(ii) Before the Superlative Degree of Adjective.
E.g. The best.
(iii) Before the words to express quantity.
E.g Wheat is sold by the kilogram.
(iv) Before a noun which has been mentioned earlier.
E.g. I saw a tiger. The tiger was looking dangerous.
(v) Before the names of national, religion and caste,.
E.g. The Hindu, The Indian.
(vi) The names of famous building.
E.g. The Red Fort.
(vii) The names of sea, river or valley.
E.g. The pacific, The Ganga, The Bay of Bengal
(viii) Names of some countries,
E.g. The U.S.A., The U.K.
(ix) Names of religious book.
E.g. The Ramayan.
‘The‘ is used before the names of holy books, rivers, oceans, mountains, monuments, newspapers, heavenly bodies, etc.;
• The Ramayana, The Geeta, The Bible, The Quran.
• The Ganga, The Yamuna, The Nile.
• The Indian Ocean, The Pacific Ocean.
• The Himalayas, The Alps.
• The Taj Mahal, The Victoria Memorial, The Red Fort.
• The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, The Hindu.
• The Sun, The Moon, The Sky, The Earth, The Star.
Fill in the blanks with Definite Article.
Allahabad is_______ holy city.
Answer: Allahabad is a holy city.
_______Quran is a holy book of Muslim.
Answer: The Quran is a holy book of Muslim.
Give me _______pen which I bought yesterday.
Answer: Give me the pen which I bought yesterday.
_______hare runs fast.
Answer: The hare fast.
Fill in the blanks with suitable article A, An and The.
_______Geeta is a holy book of Hindus.
(A) A
(B) The
(C) An
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Explanation: ‘The’ is used before holy book like The Ramayan, The Geeta, The Bible, The Mahabharat, The Quran, etc.
_______Sun gives us light.
(A) The
(B) A
(C) An
(D) All of these
(E) None of these
Explanation: ‘The’ is used before the names of heavenly bodies.
Fill in the blanks with A, An or The wherever necessary.
1. _______sun rises in _______sky.
2. _______moon is a heavenly body.
3. _______Principal rewarded_______ boy.
4. _______king had _______son and two daughters.
Sometimes Articles are omitted before the words used to represent some basic facts a universal truth.
• Soul is immortal.
• Man is mortal.
• Earth revolves round the sun.
Before an Abstract Noun
• Honesty is the best policy.
Before the word representing a metal or a Material Noun:
• Iron is the most used metal in industry.
• Gold is a precious metal.
• Silver shines more than iron.
• A is used before a noun beginning with a consonant sound.
• An is used before a noun beginning with a vowel sound.
• The is used before a noun beginning with a consonant or a vowel sound but these nouns refer to definite or particular nouns.
• The is used before the names of holy books, rivers, oceans, mountains, monuments, newspapers, heavenly bodies, etc.
• Indefinite articles are not used with uncountable nouns.
• Article is not used before the name of games. Such as – He plays cricket.
• Article is not used before some diseases like cholera, malaria, fever, typhoid etc.
• Article is not used before the names of festival.
• Article is not used before plural Countable Nouns when they indicate a class.
• No article is used before the names of language.
• No Article is used before Proper Noun, Material Noun and Abstract Noun.
That was enjoyable movie.
(A) A
(B) An
(C) The
(D) And
(E) But
I will take you to nearest place from where you can take a taxi.
(A) A
(B) An
(C) The
(D) But
(E) And
Who is manager of this company.
(A) But
(B) A
(C) An
(D) The
(E) And
TajMahal was built by Shahjahan.
(A) The
(B) A
(C) An
(D) And
(E) But
James has small box.
(A) A
(B) An
(C) The
(D) But
(E) And
I had bag in which there was letter.
(A) A, a
(B) An, a
(C) The, an
(D) But
(E) None of these
The girl found one rupee coin on the road.
(A) An
(B) The
(C) A
(D) But
(E) And
Mahatma Gandhi was honest patriot.
(A) An
(B) A
(D) The
Mr. James is European.
(A) The
(B) An
(C) Or
(D) A
(E) But
Sikhs, the Hindus and the Muslims live in India.
(A) The
(B) An
(C) Or
(D) A
(E) And
1. That was an enjoyable mov
2. I will take you to the nearest place from where you can take a ta
3. Who is the manager of this company.
4. The Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.
5. James has a small bo
6. I had a bag in which there was a lett
7. ‘A’ is used before a noun beginning with a consonant sound.
8. Honest sounds like a vowel.
9. M James is a European.
10. ‘The’ is used before the names of commun