English Grammar Determiners Notes and Questions


Definition: Determiners are those words which modify in some manner the Nouns with which they are used.
 I have red pen.
 She was very beautiful girl.
•The cow is an animal.
•My brother is teacher.
 She wants to be doctor.
 Steve has little knowledge about planets.
 Do you have any book on Management?
•This juice is bitter.
•Every child should be taught basic values.
 There is not much chance of his winning the game.

In the above given sentences, a, the, my, an, little, any, this, every, much and his are those words which indicate that Nouns are about to be used. As these words fix the position of Nouns, they are called Fixing words or Determiners.

Kinds of Determiners

There are several kinds of Determiners:
1. Article Determiners: a, an, the
2. Possessive Adjectives: my, your, our, his, her/ its, their
3. Demonstrative Adjectives: this, that, these, those
4. Adjective of Number and Quantity
5. Numeral Determiners
6. Quantitative Determin

 Distributive Adjectives : each, every, either, neither, both
 Interrogative Adjectives : what, which, whose
 Some phrases denoting quantity and number:

Use of Determiners
Let us see how the various Determiners are used in the English language.

Article Determiners
We have already discussed about the use of articles in this book.

Demonstrative Determiners
This, that, these, and those are Demonstrative Adjective and are used before the Nouns by pointing towards the objects.

Possessive Determiners
My, our, your, his, her, their / its, one’s are all pronouns or Adjectives of Possessive case.

Numeral Determiners

Numeral Adjectives are of three types;
(i) Definite Numerals
(ii) Indefinite Numerals
(iii) Distributive Numerals

(A) Definite Numerals
First, second, third, —— one, two, three, etc. are some examples of Definite Numerals.
 Four birds are sitting on the tree.
 She has two bungalows in the city.
 James stood first in the class.
 Two of us can help mother in the kitchen.

(B) Indefinite Numerals
They express the Indefinite Numbers. Some, many, a few, all, several are some of its examples.

Some: A singular or plural noun can be used after ‘some’. If ‘some’ is used with a countable noun then it means ‘a few’ or ‘a small number’.

 There are some papers lying on the table.

Many: Common Noun with plural number is used with many. When it is used with a countable noun, ‘many’ means ‘a great number’.
 Many employees are absent today.

‘Many a’ is used with a countable Noun which is Singular in number.
 Many a child was hurt.

Few, a few, the few: Few means a small number. The antonym of few is many.
 I have very few expensive dresses.

A few means some. The antonym of a few is none.
 I have read a few books. (I have read some books.) The few means some (not many) but all that is.
 I have read the few books that I have, (that is, I have read all the books, which I had even though they were few in number.)

All: All is used with plural number.
 All the people of Kolkata look forward to holidays for Durga Puja festival.

Several: Several means many.
 It will take him several months before he is able to walk on his feet.

(C) Distributive Numerals
These are Distributive Adjectives. They give us the knowledge of every person or thing of any category.

Each: Each is used for everything or a person from a definite quantity.
 Each girl in the class scored more than 80 percent marks.

Every: Every means all.
 Every living thing dies.

Either: Either means anyone out of the two.
 Either of you can take part in the contest.

Neither: Neither means none of the two.
 Neither of them is efficient.

(D) Quantitative Determiners
‘Some, no, any, more, much, little’ are all adjective of quantity, which give us the knowledge of the quantity of a thing.

Some: In the form of adjective of quantity, it is used with uncountable nouns, where it means a little or a small quantity.
 There is some tea in the kettle.
 Some kind of work is to be sought after.
 Some of time he spent with his friend.
 He gave some money to the poor girl.

Any: Any means ‘some’. It is used in negative or interrogative sentences.
 There isn’t any cash in my wallet.
 Do you face any problem with the television?
 He doesn’t have any book to spare.
 Do you have any money with you?

No: It means – not any.
 There is no sense in going to the market now.
 There is no truth in the statement.

Much: Much means – plenty and it expresses quantity.
 There is much sugar in the jar.
 Has he much knowledge about the subject?
 The teacher gave him much advice.
 I have much to finish yet.

More: More means greater quantity.
 Will you give me more tea?
 Put more effort to excel in the exams this year.

Less: Less means in a smaller degree.
 If you work hard there are less chances of failure.
 The mother spends less time with her child now.

Little: It means not much and is used in the negative sense.
 There is little hope of his recovery.
 She can do little to help him.

A little: A little means – a small quantity.
 Try to help him a little in his work.
 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
The little: The little means not much but all that is.
 The little knowledge of first aid he had helped him in saving someone’s life.

Many: Many means several.
 She has many friends.
 William has many books on environment.
 He has been hurt many times.
 There are many types of insects.

Look at following sentences (The words in bold are determiners)
(i) The cow is an animal.
(ii) My brother is a teacher.
(iii) Either boy is safe.
(iv) She has one son and three daughters.
(v) Both books were out of the library.

If noun is not added with this / that / these / those, we cannot call it determiners it is called a demonstrative pronoun.
 This /That is my pen.
 These/Those are flowers.
Here this, that, these and those are Demonstrative Pronouns

Some determiners are used in the form of pronouns. For example, Some, all, most, many, more, several, both, half, enough, one, either.

Some cows are gentle(Some-determiner)
Some are gentle(Some-pronoun)
I have found some(Some-pronoun) 
Some of you are guilty(Some-determiner) 
Either way is safe(Either-determiner) 
Either of the ways is safe(Either-pronoun) 
You can choose either(Some-pronoun) 
Which is yours?(Which-pronoun) 
Which book is yours?(Which-determiner)

There are three kinds of Determiners:

Pre determinersCentral determinersPost determiners
all, both, halfa, an, theone, two, three, etc.
double, twice, etc.this, that, these, thosefirst, second, etc.
one, third, etc.my, your, his, etc.next, last, other, etc.
what, such, etc.what, which, whosemany, few, little, several,
(what a boy, such a boy)(Interrogative adjectives)more, etc. (Quantifiers)
some, any, no, every, each,
either, neither, enough, much

Some more examples of determiners
 All the boys were present.
 I want half the butter.
 All these cars are mine.
 All this rice is to be sold.
 A have read ail his six novels.
 I go there twice a week.
 What a nuisance!
 This is my first book.
 The two blue cars belong to me.
 I want some more milk.
 His many friends never deserted him.
 Have you got any more coffee?

Find the kind of determiner the underline word has.

I bought this book yesterday.
Answer: Demonstrative Determiner

The Quran is a holy book of Muslim.
Answer: Article Determiner

Each book is useful for you.
Answer: Numeral Determiner

Do you have any problem.
Answer: Quantitative Determiner

Pick out the determiner in the following sentences and write kind of determiner it is.

The guavas of Allahabad are delicious.
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



Explanation: ‘The’ is Article Determiner. As we see in the above sentence ‘the’ has been used to give importance to a person or a thing.

Those dresses are yours.
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



Explanation: ‘Those’ is Demonstrative Determiner. Here, those has been used with plural nouns.

Pick out the determiner word in the following sentences and select kind of determiner it is.

There is some tea in the kettle.
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



There isn’t any cash in my wallet.
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



I admire that girl.
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



Those books are useful.
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



The Prime Minister will preside over the meeting?
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



I need some apples / milk.
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



Each girl in the class scored more than 80 percent marks.
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners(
C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



Do you have any money with you?
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



There were a large number of students there.
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



Four birds are sitting on the tree.
(A) Article Determiners
(B) Demonstrative Determiners
(C) Possessive Determiners
(D) Numeral Determiners
(E) Quantitative Determiners



Explanation for selected Questions

1‘Some’ is Quantitative Determin

2‘Any’ is Quantitative Determin

3That’ is Demonstrative Determin

4Those’ is Demonstrative Determin

5The’ is Article Determin

6‘Some’ is Quantitative Determin

7‘Each’ is Numeral Determin

8‘Any’ is Quantitative Determin

9‘Large’ is Numeral Determin

10. ‘Four’ is a Numeral Determin

English Grammar Determiners Notes and Questions