English Grammar Noun Notes and Questions
Definition: A word used to denote the name of anything like a person, place, thing or quality is called a noun. A noun is also called the naming word.
For Example: City, restaurant, love, compassion, etc.
Kinds of Noun
There are five kinds of noun
1. Proper Noun
2. Common Noun
3. Collective Noun
4. Material Noun
5. Abstract Noun
Proper Noun
Proper noun is a specific name of a place, a person, or a thing. The first letter of a proper noun is always represented by a capital letter.
Proper Nouns in English
1. Name of the Month and Day | October, November, etc |
2. Name of a Company | Infosys, Mahindra, etc. |
3. Names of People | Obama, James, etc. |
4. Names of Places | Mumbai, Chennai, etc. |
5. Titles of People | Sir William, President Obama , etc. |
6. Name of Books, Newspapers | The New York Times, The Morning Herald, The Ramayan, etc. |
v There are some nouns, such as sun, moon, earth, which seem to be the names of particular individual objects, but they are not proper names.
Common Noun
Definition: Common nouns are words for people, things, animals, or ideas.
Common Noun for Relations

Common Noun for Relations
Father | Daughter | Mother | Son |
Grandfather | Brothers | Grandmother | Sisters |
Common Noun for Fruits and Vegetables
Apple | Broccoli | Peach | Celery |
Banana | Spinach | Fig | Cabbage |
Apricot | Lettuce |
Common Noun for Animals
Panda | Ant | Snake | Bee |
Giraffe | Butterfly | Goose | Prawn |
Duck | Crab | Eagle | Dolphin |
Common Noun for Places
Bank | Zoo | Street |
Restaurant | Park | Terrace |
School | Library | Ground |
Office | Factory | Market |
Common Noun for Things
Love | Brilliance | Freedom |
Hate | Beauty | Silence |
Pride | Anger | Victory |
The following is the list of common nouns
animal | babies | cabbage | dad | ear |
abode | baby | cable | daughter | earth |
account | back | cactus | day | earthquake |
achieve | badge | cake | death | edge |
acoustics | bag | calculator | debt | education |
act | bait | calendar | decision | effect |
action | balance | camera | deer | egg |
activity | ball | camp | degree | eggnog |
actor | balloon | can | design | eggs |
addition | banana | cannon | desire | elbow |
adjustment | band | canvas | desk | end |
advertisement | base | cap | destruction | engine |
advice | baseball | caption | detail | error |
aftermath | basin | car | development | event |
afternoon | basket | card | digestion | example |
afterthought | basketball | care | dime | exchange |
agreement | bat | carpenter | dinner | existence |
air | bath | carriage | dinosaurs | expansion |
airplane | battle | cars | direction | experience |
airport | bead | cart | dirt | expert |
alarm | beam | cast | discovery | eye |
amount | bean | cat | discussion | eyes |
amusement | bear | cattle | disease | jail |
anger | bears | cause | disgust | jam |
jam | beast | cave | distance | jar |
angle | bed | celery | distribution | jeans |
animal | bee | cellar | division | jelly |
answer | beef | cemetery | dock | jellyfish |
ant | beetle | cent | doctor | jewel |
apparatus | beggar | chain | dog | join |
apparel | beginner | chair | doll | joke |
apple | behavior | chalk | donkey | journey |
appliance | belief | chance | door | judge |
approval | bell | change | downtown | juice |
arch | berry | channel | drain | jump |
argument | bike | cheese | drawer | |
arithmetic | bird | cherries | dress | |
arm | birth | chess | drink | |
army | birthday | chicken | driving | |
art | bedroom | chickens | drop | |
attack | alley | children | drug | |
attempt | game | chin | drum | |
attraction | garden | hair | duck | |
authority | gate | haircut | ducks | |
face | geese | hall | ice | |
fact | ghost | hammer | icicle | |
fairies | giants | hand | idea | |
fall | giraffe | harbor | impulse | |
family | girl | harmony | income | |
fan | glass | hat | increase | |
fang | glove | head | industry | |
farm | glue | health | ink | |
farmer | goat | hearing | insect | |
father | heart | instrument | ||
fear | heat | insurance |
feast | feet | interest |
feather | invention | |
iron | ||
island |
Collective Noun
Definition: A collective noun is a word used to define a group of objects, where objects can be people, animals, emotions, inanimate things, concepts, or other things.
For example: Class, bundle, bunch, herd, swarm, etc. See the following list of collective nouns:

Material Noun
Definition: The name of a thing that exists only in the form of a mass and cannot be counted is called a
Material Noun. A Material Noun is the name of a substance which can be measured or weighed
See the following Material Noun:
Glass, iron, clay, frost, rain, snow, wheat, wine, tea, sugar, etc.
They may be placed in groups as follows:
(i) The metals: Iron, gold, platinum, etc.
(ii) Products spoken of in bulk: Tea, sugar, rice, wheat, etc.
(iii) Geological bodies: Mud, sand, granite, rock, stone, etc.
(iv) Natural phenomena: Rain, dew, cloud, frost, mist, etc.
(v) Various manufactures: Cloth (and the different kinds of cloth, potash, soap, rubber, paint, celluloid, etc.
Abstract Noun
Definition: The name given to a quality, state or action is called an Abstract Noun. A noun that is abstract is an aspect, concept, idea, experience, state of being, trait, quality, feeling, or other entity that cannot be experienced with the five senses
Common Abstract Nouns
Love | Hate |
Anger | Peace |
Pride | Sympathy |
Bravery | Loyalty |
Honesty | Integrity |
Compassion | Charity |
Success | Courage |
Deceit | Skill |
Beauty | Brilliance |
Pain | Misery |
Beliefs | Dreams |
Justice | Truth |
Faith | Liberty |
Knowledge | Thought |
Information | Culture |
Trust | Dedication |
Progress | Education |
Hospitality | Leisure |
Trouble | Friendships |
Abstract forms of nouns are very common and an important part of communication. in many cases these types of nouns are derived from an addition of a suffix or alteration in the root word. Child is a concrete noun, for example, but childhood is an intangible state, so it is abstract. Nouns with the following suffixes are often abstract:
• -tion
• -ism
• -ity
• -ment
• -ness
• -age
• -ance/-ence
• -ship
• -ability
Abstract Nouns formed from Adjectives
Bitter | bitterness |
Brave | Bravery |
Broad | Breadth |
Dark | darkness |
Deep | depth |
FALSE | falsehood |
Great | greatness |
High | height |
Honest | honesty |
Hot | heat |
Humble | humility |
Intelligent | Intelligence |
Just | justice |
Long | length |
Poor | poverty |
Proud | pride |
Prudent | prudence |
Short | shortness |
Sole | solitude |
TRUE | truth |
Vain | vanity |
Wide | width |
Wise | wisdom |
Young | youth |
• Youth may also be a Common Noun (a youth of seventh) and a collective Noun (Give youth its chance).
In this latter sentence youth = young people thought of collectively.
Abstract Nouns formed from Common Nouns

Abstract Nouns formed from Verbs

Abstract Nouns of the same form as verbs

Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Nouns can be either countable or uncountable.
• Countable Nouns are those which can be counted. They have ‘a’ or ‘an’ before them in the singular form.
• Uncountable Nouns are those which cannot be counted. They do not have’a’ or ‘an’ before them.
Read the following examples:
(i She has a dog and a cat. | (Countable Nouns) |
(ii) He has some sugar in the bowl. | (Uncountable Nouns) |
(iii) Albert has an elephant and as ass. | (Countable Nouns) |
(iv) Darkness frightens me. | (Uncountable Nouns) |
You notice that dog and cat (common nouns) are countable. You can say one dog, two dogs, one cat or two cats. The words elephant and ass are also countable the words sugar and darkness are uncountable. You cannot count one sugar, two sugars or one darkness and two darkness.
Some nouns are used both as uncountable and countable.
Read the following examples.

Find the kind of noun underline sentence has
Marutiis the most popular car in India.
Answer: Proper Noun:- A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place or things. So, Maruti is a name of a particular car (things).
Karan is a naughty boy.
Answer: Common Noun: A common noun is shared in common by every person, place or thing of the same class or kind. So, boy is the class of person.
Gold and Silver are used to make jewellery.
Answer: Material Noun: A material noun is the noun that exists only in the form of a mass and cannot be counted. So, gold and silver are in the form of a mass and cannot be counted.
Honesty is the best policy.
Answer: Abstract Noun: An abstract noun is the name of some state, quality, feeling or idea that we can only think of or feel but cannot touch or See.
Read the noun of the underlined word:
Milkis a complete food.
(A) Common Noun
(B) Proper Noun
(C) Collective Noun
(D) Material Noun
(E) None of these
Explanation: Milk is a material noun. A Material Noun is the name of a substance which can be measured or weighed.
A clump of tree.
(A) Material Noun
(B) Proper Noun
(C) Common Noun
(D) Collective Noun
(E) None of these
Explanation: Clump is a Collective Noun. A Collective Noun is the group or collection of things.
• Noun is the name of a person, place, animal, bird or thing.
• A Proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place, thing or animal.
• A Common Noun is the name given to the class of person, place, animal or thing.
•v A Collective Noun is the name of a group or collection of person, things or animals.
• A Material Noun is the name of a substance which can be measured or weighed.
• An Abstract Noun is the name of some state, quality, feeling or idea that we can only think of or feel but cannot touch or see.
• All Common Nouns and Collective Nouns are regarded as countable.
• Proper Nouns are also countable.
• Abstract Nouns and Material Nouns are normally uncountable.
Find The Kind Of Noun of The Underlined Word
A fleet of ships.
(A) Abstract Noun
(B) Common Noun
(C) Collective Noun
(D) Material Nounn
(E) None of these
A shoal of fish.
(A) Proper Noun
(B) Collective Noun
(C) Common Noun
(D) Material Noun
(E) None of these
A bunch of flowers.
(A) Proper Noun
(B) Common Noun
(C) Material Noun
(D) Collective Noun
(E) None of these
Coaland Petrol are fossil fuels.
(A) Collective Noun
(B) Common noun
(C) Proper Noun
(D) Material Noun
(E) None of these
Sugarcomes from sugarcane plants.
(A) Common Noun
(B) Material Noun
(C)Proper Noun
(D) Collective Noun
(E) None of these
Honesty is the best policy.
(A) Proper Noun
(B) Collective Noun
(C) Material Noun
(D) Common Noun
(E) Abstract Noun
Mass transport system in Mumbai has been changing rapidly.
(A) Common Noun
(B) Collective Noun
(C) Proper Noun
(D) Material Noun
(E) None of these
Truth always triumphs.
(A) Proper Noun
(B) Common Noun
(C) Collective Noun
(D) Material Noun
(E) Abstract noun
The Ganga river irrigates a large part of the northern plain.
(A) Proper Noun
(B) Common Noun
(C) Material Noun
(D) Collective Noun
(E) None of these
The performance of boys has reduced rapidly in comparison to girls in various exams.
(A) Abstract Noun
(B) Collective Noun
(C) Proper Noun
(D) Material Noun
(E) Common Noun
1. The name that refers to a group or collection regarded as a single unit is a collective noun. Fleet is a collection of ships.
2. The name that refers to a group or collection regarded as a single unit is a collective noun. Shoal is a collection of fi
3. The name that refers to a group or collection regarded as a single unit is a collective noun. Bunch is a collection of flowe
4. The name of a thing that exists only in the form of a mass and cannot be counted is a Material Noun. Coal and petrol have a m They cannot be counted.
5. The name of a thing that exists only in the form of a mass and cannot be counted is a Material Noun. Sugar has a m It cannot be counted.
6. The name given to a quality, state or action is an Abstract Noun. Honesty is a quality.
7. The name of a particular city is a Proper Noun. Mumbai is a particular name of a city.
8. The name given to a quality, state or action is an Abstract Noun. Truth is a quality.
9. The name shared in common by every person, place or thing of the same class or kind is a Common Noun. The Ganga is a name of river.
10. The name shared in common by every person, place or thing of the same class or kind is a Common Noun. The word boy is a Common Noun.