Unseen Passage for Class 5
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Unseen passage for class 5 is the most important part to score higher marks in your exam. Reading the unseen passage for class 5 in English will help you to write better answers in your exam and improve your reading skill.
Students who are planning to score higher marks in class 5 should practice the unseen passage class 5 before attending the CBSE board exam. It is compulsory to solve the unseen passage for class 5 because you need to score higher marks in your exam.
To improve your skills, we have provided you with the unseen passage for class 5 with questions and answers. We have 15 unseen passage for class 5 given below.
While Solving the passage, you will see some unseen passage for class 5 with MCQ questions are also present in them. It is provided to make yourself an expert by solving them and score good marks in your exam. You can also practice unseen passage for class 5 in English.
Remember don’t start with writing the answer when you did not see unseen passage for class 5.
Important Tips to score good marks in the unseen passage for class 5
1-Read the entire passage carefully 2 or 3 times so that you can understand the theme of the passage.
2-After reading the question, underline the related words of the given passage which you find is the correct answer.
3-Write your answer in a simple,easy and your own word.
4-Remember that you should use your own word in your answer. Do not copy the sentence from the given passage.
5-Do not make grammatical mistakes while writing the answer. Take good care in the use of punctuation also.
6-A few answers should not be placed in a similar paragraph. Each answer have to be written in a different passage and must have its number relating to that of the question
Reading comprehension for class 5 is great for preparing for CBSE board examinations. CBSE Class 5 English Syllabus is much bigger and requires concentrated efforts on the part of the student to face the examinations and pop out a success. Reading Comprehension for Class 5 pdf consists of details for all chapters from the subjects. Each explanation is provided with all the assumptions and good judgment used to determine the conclusion. This will allow the students to study and understand each concept even though they are preparing for the first time.
We give Comprehension passage for class 5, Answers, and Marking Scheme. Here we have provided you with unseen Passage for Class 5 to make your preparation better. A Student can view Short Unseen Passage with Questions and answers to score good marks in the Class 5 Board exam.
Unseen passage for class 5 with question and answer
I. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Annie pointed to a rusty pipe sticking out from the top of a small hill. Streaming from the pipe was a column of black smoke. “Let’s check it out” said Annie. She and Jack walked up the little hill. At the top they saw that the rusty pipe was rising out of a wooden roof. Beneath the wooden roof was a door. The door seemed to open into the hill itself. Jack studied their research book and read aloud:Since the prairie did not have many trees, wood was hard to find. So pioneers often made their houses out of sod bricks, which were blocks of earth cut out of the prairie. Sometimes a sod house was dug out of the side of a hill. It was called a “dugout”. Then Jack read more to Annie: Tornados or twisters are common on the prairie.So many dugouts had storm cellars. A storm cellar was like a basement below the ground. During a twister, a storm cellar is the safest place to be.
On the basis of your reading of the passage choose the correct options:
Question. Sod is known as _blocks of earth.
i) hollow bricks
ii) tiles
iii) granite slabs
iv) blocks of earth
Question. Many dugouts had _storm cellars.
i) storm cellars
ii) basement
iii) vault
iv) All of these
Question. Tornados or twisters are common on the _prairie
i) mountains
ii) oceans
iii) prairie
iv) None of these
Question. A storm cellar was like a basement below the ground.
i) window
ii) basement
iii) terrace
iv) balcony
Complete the following:
Question. During a Twister, a storm cellar____________________________
Answer. During a Twister, a storm cellar is the safest place to be.
State whether the following statements are true or false:
Question. The prairie did not have many trees but wood was found in plenty._
Answer. False
From the passage find the synonym of the following:
Question. flowing-__
Answer. flowing-Streaming
Answer the following:
Question. Why did the pioneers often make their houses out of sod bricks?
Answer. Since the Prairie did not have many trees, wood was hard to find. So, the pioneers made houses out of sod bricks.
Unseen Passage with multiple choice questions for Class 5
2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
i.The king of Iran had heard that Birbal was one of the wisest men in the East. He wanted to meet Birbal, so he sent him an invitation to visit his country. In due course, Birbal arrived Iran.
ii.When he entered the palace he was puzzled to find not one, but six kings seated there. All were dressed in kingly robes. Birbal began to think, ’Who is the real king?’ The very next moment, he got the answer. Confidently, he approached the King and bowed to him. ‘’But how did you identify me’’ The king asked, puzzled.
iii.Birbal smiled and explained; ‘‘The false kings were all looking at you, while yourself looked straight ahead. Even in regal robes, the common people will always look to their king for support.’’ Overjoyed, the king embraced Birbal and showered him with gifts.
Circle the most suitable options for the questions given below.
Question. The king sent an invitation to Birbal to visit Iran because
i. Birbal was very rich
ii. Birbal was very brave
iii. Birbal was very wise
Question. When Birbal entered the palace, he was———————————
i. confused
ii. excited
iii. Disappointed
Question. The real king was looking at the false kings. True or False?
Answer. False
Question. The king was very happy with the wisdom of Birbal. How do you know?
Answer.Overjoyed, the king embraced Birbal and showered him with gifts.
Which words in the passage have the same meanings as follows?
Question. dress Ans: ___________ (para ii)
Answer.dress – robes
Question. kingly Ans: ____________(para ii)
Answer.kingly — regal
Complete the given sentence below.
Question. When Birbal entered the palace, he was_____________ to see ______
Answer.When Birbal entered the palace, he was puzzled to see six kings seated.
Find a word from the above passage which means the opposite of the given word:
Question. exit X _____(para ii)
Answer. exit X entered
Unseen Passage for Class 5 with answers pdf
3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
1. i..A feast was held at the palace of the Caliph of Bagdad to celebrate the birth of his son. Kings and queens from across the world were invited. Each one of them came dressed in silk and gold jewels. Expensive gifts were given to the child.
ii.In the midst of such a crowd, was a sage. He had come empty handed. He looked at the child and said, ‘’ The prince has received gold and jewels. But I bring the most precious of all the gifts. I bring the gift of ‘stories’ to him.
iii.The sage came every day to tell stories to the child. He told him stories from around the world. His stories also had good values. The child listened to the stories and grew truthful and kind. When he became the king, he was liked by all for his wisdom and loyalty.
On the basis of your understanding of the story, circle the most suitable option.
Question. Where was the feast held?
i. in a garden
ii. at the palace
iii. in the temple
Question. Who were the invitees for the feast?
i. Kings and queens
ii. common people
iii. The sages
Question. What gift did the sage bring?
i. gold
ii. jewels
iii. Stories
Which words in the passage have the same meanings as follows?
Question. costly ____________
Answer. expensive
Question. honest ____________
Answer. truthful
Complete the given sentence .
Question.When the child became a king, he was known for his____________and
Answer.wisdom (1/2)
Find a word from the above passage which means the opposite of the given word:
foolishness X (para iii )
Question.How did the stories of the sage help the child?
Answer.The boy grew kind and truthful. When he became the king, He was liked by all for his wisdom and loyalty.
Short Unseen Passage Class 5 with questions and answers
4. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
Little Neil was just two years old when his Dad took him to watch an airplane race. At the age of four, Neil went with his Dad for their own ride in an airplane. While his Dad was nervous, Neil had the most wonderful time. When Neil was thirteen, the family moved to a new town. Neil got used to his new school, joined the Boy Scouts, and played in the school band. He still flew model airplanes and engaged himself in the night sky using a neighbour’s telescope.
He always liked airplanes. He started going to the nearby airport to watch airplanes. As a part-time job he washed planes and made extra money. Then he realized that he wanted to learn to be a pilot. Neil asked his parents for permission and they agreed that he could learn to fly an airplane.
Even though he couldn’t get a driver’s license for a car, at age 16 Neil had his student pilot’s license. When Neil grew up he became a U.S. Navy fighter pilot and then a test pilot for advanced rocket-powered aircraft. Have you guessed which Neil the story is about? On July 20, 1969 astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon.
A.Fill in the blanks with the correct words:
Question. Neil asked his parents for permission to become a _.
Answer. pilot
Question. Neil engaged himself in the night sky using a neighbour’s _.
Answer. telescope
Question. At the age of , Neil went with his for their own ride in an airplane.
Answer. four, Dad
B.Complete the following sentences:
Question. At age 16, _____________________________.
Answer. Neil had his student pilot’s license
Question. On July 20, 1969 astronaut _______________________.
Answer. astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon.
C. State whether the following statements are true or false:
Question. Neil’s father enjoyed his first ride in an aeroplane. _
Answer. False
Question. At age 16, Neil got his driver’s license for a car. ____
Answer. False
Question. Neil had to move to a new town when he was 13. _
Answer. True
Question. Neil was always attracted towards cars. _
D.Answer the question in one or two sentences:
Question. Who was the first human to set foot on the moon?
Answer.Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon.
Unseen Passage for Class 5 with answers
5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Bees are insects. Bees are special insects because they can fly! They can move through the air like an aeroplane! Bees can fly because they have wings. They use their wings to fly. Bees can also fly slow. They can fly up and they can fly down. They need to fly to get to the flowers!
Bees can have three colours. They can be yellow, red and orange. All bees are black in some places.
Bees have three main parts. They have a head. They have a body. And, they have a stinger. The stinger is used to defend against enemies. They also have six legs. They use their legs to stand and climb. They also use their legs to eat and collect pollen.
Bees live in many places. They live in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America. The only continent that bees do not live on is Antarctic! I understand why they don’t live in Antarctica. It’s too cold! Most of the time, bees are nice to humans. If you do not bother them, they will not bother you. Have fun watching the bees this summer.
A.On the basis of your reading, choose the correct option:
Question. What are bees?
(a) Mammals
(b) Birds
(c) Reptiles
(d) Insects
Question. Where do bees live?
(a) North America
(b) Asia
(c) Antarctica
(d) Both a and b
Question. How many legs do bees have?
(a) two
(b) four
(c) six
(d) eight
Question. What is the stinger used for
(a)to eat food
(b) to defend against enemies
(c) both a and b
(d) none
B.State whether the following statements are true or false:
Question. Bees use their legs to stand and climb.
Answer. True
Question. Bees can fly because they have wings.
Answer. True
Question. Bees do not live in Asia as it is very cold there.
Question. Bees can only fly fast.
C.Complete the following sentence:
Question. If you do not bother _________________________.
Answer.……..them, they will not bother you
Question. Bees are of three colours yellow, ________________.
Answer.………. red and orange.
D.Write the synonym of the word ‘protect from harm or danger’ (refer to para 3)
E.Answer the questions in one sentence:
Question. Name the three main parts of bees.
Answer. head, body and stinger.
Question. Why do bees need to fly?
Answer. They need to fly to get to the flowers.
Unseen Passage for Class 5 with questions and answers pdf
6. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
“Oh, wow!” said Annie as she stepped on the moon. Jack stood frozen. He wanted to get a good look at everything first. He stared at the ground. He was standing in a layer of gray dust as fine as powder. Footprints were everywhere. Jack wondered who had made them.
He reached into his pack for the moon book. To his surprise, it was as light as a feather. He found a picture of footprints on the moon. He read: the moon has no rain or wind to blow the dust around. So footprints will never wear away naturally, not even in a billion years. “Look” cried Annie. She bounded past Jack—almost flying through the air. She landed on her feet then she jumped again. Jack read the book aloud: A person weighs less on the moon because of the moon’s low gravity and lack of air. Soon he joined her and jumped away. Boing! Boing! Boing! Now he felt like a feather too.
On the basis of your reading of the passage choose the correct options:
Question. The moon is covered with gray coloured________________
i) bricks
ii) stones
iii) dust
iv) water
Question. Jack wondered who had made the_________________
i) painting
ii) houses
iii) tents
iv) footprints
Question. Jack stood frozen because he wanted to ____
i) touch the ice
ii) take a deep breath
iii) take pictures
iv) get a good look at everything
Question. Jack was surprised because the book was as light as a ___.
i) piece of paper
ii) air
iii) feather
iv) rose petal
Complete the following:
Question. The moon has no rain or wind to blow ____________________________
Answer.The moon has no rain or wind to blow the dust around
State whether the following statements are true or false
Question. The footprints on the moon will never wear away naturally._
Answer. True
From the passage find the synonym of the following:
Question. Bounced –__
Answer.Bounced -bounded
Answer the following:
Question. Why does a person weigh less on the moon?
Answer.A person weighs less on the moon because of the moon’s low gravity and lack of air.
Unseen Passage for Class 5 with questions and answers
7. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Bees live in a house that is called a hive. There are three kinds of bees; workers, drones and queens. Only one queen bee can live in each hive. If she is lost or dead, the other bees will stop their work.
Bees are very wise and busy little creatures. They all join together to build cells of wax for their honey. Each bee takes its proper place and does its own work. Some go out and gather honey from the flowers; others stay at home and work inside the hive. The cells which they build are all of one shape and size, and no space is left between them. The cells are not round. They have six sides. It is not safe for children to handle bees. Bees have a painful sting that they use in their defense.
A.On the basis of your reading, choose the correct option.
Question. Bees live in a
(a) kennel
(b) hive
(c) stable
Question. How many queen bees live in a hive?
(a) three
(b) nine
(c) one
Question. All the bees go out and gather honey
(a) Yes
(b) No
Question. The cells bees build are
(a) round
(b) not round
(c) oval
B.Complete the following sentences.
Question. Bees are very wise and _____________________ creatures.
Answer. busy, little
Question. Only one queen bee can___________________________________
Answer. live in each hive
C.Fill in the blanks.
Question. It is not safe for ___ to handle .
Answer. children, bees
Question. All the bees join together to build cells of for their __.
Answer. wax, honey
D.Answer the questions in one sentence.
Question. Name the three kinds of bees.
Answer. workers , drones and queens.
Question. How do bees defend themselves?
Answer. Bees have a painful sting which they use for their defence.
Question. What will happen if queen bee is lost or dead?
Answer. the other bees will stop their work.
Unseen Passage with questions and answers for Class 5
8. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Many years ago, at the foothills of Kaatskill (kat-skill) mountains, was a little village. In the village lived a simple, good-natured fellow named Rip Van Winkle. He was a kind neighbour, ready to help anyone. Everyone in the village liked him. The children of the village shouted with joy whenever they saw him because he played with them, he taught them to fly kites and shoot marbles and told them long stories. The only problem with Rip was that he was very lazy. He didn’t work on his own farm and just idled away his time. His fences were falling to pieces. His cow was going astray. Weeds grew on his farm. Rip’s constant companion was his dog, named Wolf. To avoid work, he would walk away into the forest with his dog.
A.Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
Question. At the foothills of ___ mountains, was a little .
Answer. Kaatskill, village
Question._____ was lazy.
Answer.Rip Van Winkle
Question. Rip Van Winkle was a ____ neighbour.
Answer. kind
B.Choose the correct option.
Question. Rip’s _ was going astray.
a) dog
b) cat
c) cow
Question. Everyone in the village _ Rip.
a) hated
b) liked
c) disliked
C.Write True or False.
Question. Rip was very active.
Answer. False
Question.To avoid work, Rip would walk away in the forest with his dog.
Answer. true
D.Answer the questions in one or two sentences.
Question. What was the problem with Rip?
Answer.…….he was very lazy/ did not work in his own farm/ idled away his time.
Question.Why did the children shout with joy whenever they saw Rip?
Answer. because he played with them, taught them to fly kites and shoot marbles and told them long stories. (any two)
Question. Who was Rip’s constant companion?
Answer. ……. his dog named wolf
English Unseen Passage for Class 5 pdf with answers
9. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
King Akbar regularly took walks to find out how the people in his kingdom were doing. He asked his minister to always carry some gold coins to give to the needy on his way. (para1)
One day, as he was walking, he saw an old man digging holes and planting mango saplings. Akbar stopped and asked the old man why he was planting so many saplings when he would not be alive to eat the fruits of the trees. The old man smiled and said, ‘I do not do this for myself .There would be others who would gain from the trees. These trees will give fruits and shelter to those in need. They will also help bring rain and people will never die of famine.’ (para2)
The king was very happy to see that a man could think about others so selflessly. He asked his minister to give the old man a bag of gold. The man thanked the king and said, ‘I have got a reward even before the trees have produced fruits.’ Akbar was all the more pleased by his statement and gave him another bag of gold coins. The old man said, ‘While the trees would bear fruits only once a year, I have been rewarded twice already. He thanked the king and left with a smile on his face. (para3)
On the basis of your reading of the passage choose the correct options:
Question. Akbar asked his minister to always carry some _____________________
i) gold coins
ii) bronze coins
iii) gold rings
iv) gold biscuits
Question. As he was walking he saw an old man digging holes and planting ______.
i) apple saplings
ii) mango saplings
iii) cutting trees
iv) chopping trees
Question. The king was very happy to see that a man could think about others so __.
i) angrily
ii) selfishly
iii) selflessly
iv) None of these
Question. Akbar reward the old man with _________________________________
i) kind words
ii) a bag of gold coins
iii) a bag of silver coins
iv) gold ring
Complete the following:
Question. According to the old man he was planting saplings because __________
Answer.There would be others who would gain from the trees. These trees will give fruits and shelter to those in need. They will also help bring rain and people will never die of famine.’(any two points)
Do as instructed:
Question. Find a word from the passage which means same as ‘baby plant’________ (para2)
Question. Find the opposite of the word selfishly_________________________________ (para3)
State whether the following statements are true or false:
Question. Akbar went for a walk to find out more about the people in his kingdom.
Question. The old man was planting the saplings to help the other people.
Comprehension Passages for Class 5
10. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Pandas first appeared about 3 million years ago. Pandas are beautiful black and white animals. Nowadays they are found only in six Chinese forests in Gansu, Sichuan, and Shaanxi provinces. They live in hilly areas at 5000 to 10000 feet. Presently, pandas are considered to be the most endangered bears in the world.
Pandas are different from other bears. They are mostly vegetarian. Their favourite food is bamboo which does not have much nutritional value. Just 1% of their diet includes other plants and meat such as small rodents.
Pandas make excellent climbers. Female pandas also like to climb trees. Panda cubs start climbing trees when they are only six months old. Pandas can also swim well. They can talk with other pandas through some calls that they make with the help of their mouths.
Pandas are well-known all over the world. They have a special importance for World Wide Fund for Nature. Since 1961, they have been the symbol of WWF because they are endangered species and are loved by people across the world.
A) Choose the answers from the options given below
Question. The pandas are _____ in colour.
i) black
ii) white
iii) black and white
iv) brown and black
Question. Pandas were first seen on earth____________________________ .
i) 300 years ago
ii) 3000 years ago
iii) 400 years ago
iv) 3 million years ago
Question. Pandas are ______________ species.
i) endangered
ii) extinct
iii) vulnerable
iv) excellent
Question. Pandas live in __ .
i) Dense forest
ii) hilly areas
iii) desert
iv) rain forest
B) Fill in the blanks:
Question. Pandas make _ climbers.
Answer. Excellent
Question. Pandas cubs start climbing trees when they are only _____
Answer. six months
C) Write whether the following are True or False
Question. Pandas love to eat meat.
Answer. False
Question. Pandas have a special importance for World Wide Fund for Nature.
Answer. True
Question. Nowadays they are found in seven Chinese forests.
Answer. False
Question. They are loved by people all over the world. __
Answer. True
Solved Unseen Passages for Class 5
11. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
There was a time, not long ago, when most people thought that the blind could never read. People thought that the only way to read was to look at words with one’s eyes. Louis Braille did not think so. Blind from the age of three, Louis longed to read. He was sent to a special school for the blind in Paris. This school had special books for the blind people to read. These books had large letters that were raised up off the pages. Since the letters were big, the books were large and bulky. They were also very costly. Louis wanted to feel the words on a page quickly and read like people who could see. He soon found a way to do so. One day, he heard that the French army used an alphabet code. The code was to help soldiers read in the dark. It was made up of small dots and dashes. The symbols were also raised up off the papers. The soldiers read by running their fingers over them in the dark.
But even this code needed a lot of space. Louis Braille improved upon this code. He created an alphabet code made of only six dots. The position of the dots stood for the different letters of the alphabet. He punched out sentences which he could read very quickly. Today, we call this special code the Braille Code.
A) Choose the correct alternative to complete the given statements
Question. The school had special __ for the blind people to read.
a) magazines
b) books
c) newspapers
d) computers
Question. The position of the __ stood for the different letters of the alphabets.
a) dots
b) dashes
c) lines
d) circles
Question. Louis Braille was blind from the age of __.
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
B) Complete the given following sentences.
Question. Louis was sent to a special school_________________________________ .
Answer. The soldiers read by running their fingers over them in the dark.
Question. The school had books that had large letters ______________
Answer. The school had books that had large letters and the books were large and bulky
Question. The soldiers read by running ____________
Answer. The soldiers read by running their fingers over them in the dark.
C) Answer the following question:
Question. How did Louis improve upon the code that was used for the blind?
Answer. Louis created an alphabet code … six dots – position – punched out sentences which he could read very quickly. …Today, we call this special code the Braille Code.
Class 5 Solved Unseen Passage
12. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
The disturbing news reached the ruler of Jodhpur State, and he immediately stopped the massacre. By now the entire Bisnoi community was up in arms. They met the Maharaja and told him that since they were not allowed to pursue their faith and religion, they would rather leave the state. The Maharaja was quick to realize the seriousness of the situation. He apologized for the horrible mistake committed by his officer and issued a royal decree, engraved on a copper plate, prohibiting the cutting of trees in any Bisnoi village in Jodhpur State. Hunting of all wild animals was also prohibited.
Who are Bisnois? This is a sect that was founded in 1542 by Janmewarji. He formulated twenty nine principles for the protection of herbivores and trees. That is how the community got its name Bisnoi, as ‘bis’ is twenty and ‘noi’ is nine. For centuries, the Bisnois have remained the traditional protectors of Khejri trees and black buck.
Choose the correct answer:
Question. As soon as the disturbing news reached the ruler of Jodhpur, he __
a) suppressed the Bisnoi community
b) realized his mistake
c) stopped the massacre
d) repented his decision
Question. The members of the Bisnoi community said that they would________________
a) leave the state
b) give up their faith
c) rise in revolt
d) go on fast
Question. Who founded the Bisnoi sect?
Answer.Bisnoi sect was founded in 1542 by Janmewarji.
Question. How did the Bisnoi community get its name?
Answer.Janmewarji formulated twenty nine principles for the protection of herbivores and trees. That is how the community got its name Bisnoi, as ‘bis’ is twenty and ‘noi’ is nine.
Question. What was written in the royal decree issued by the Maharaja?
Answer.Maharaja issued a royal decree, engraved on a copper plate, prohibiting the cutting of trees in any Bisnoi village in Jodhpur State. Hunting of all wild animals was also prohibited.
Find the words from the passage which mean the same as:
Question. imprinted
Answer. engraved
Question. follow
Answer. pursue
Case based Unseen Passage for Class 5
13. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Probably the most important of all man’s inventions after the invention of language itself was the invention of writing. Writing makes it possible for people to keep in touch with one another even if they are far away from one another, and for knowledge to be handed down the years. Libraries full of books are our great storehouses of knowledge. Without books, men’s knowledge is limited to such facts as they are able to keep their memories. Early societies had their own systems of writing. This was used in China, Persia, Mexico and Peru. Knots of coloured cords are made on sticks. When a knot was made, near the stick, this was the sign that what was being said was specially important. While reading a letter in knot writing, a person had to take into account how thick the cord was and what sort of a knot was made. A black cord was the sign of death; a white cord was used for peace or silver, a red cord for war, a yellow cord for gold and a green cord for grain.
Question. _ was the most important invention after the invention of language.
a) reading
b) writing
c) speaking
d) listening
Question. _ full of books are our great storehouses.
a) courts
b) laboratories
c) libraries
d) offices
Question. How does writing help the people?
Answer.Writing makes it possible for people to keep in touch with one another even if they are far away from one another, and for knowledge to be handed down the years.
Question. What will happen if there are no books?
Answer.Without books, men’s knowledge is limited to such facts as they are able to keep their memories.
Question. What do the different knots symbolize?
Answer.A black cord was the sign of death; a white cord was used for peace or silver, a red cord for war, a yellow cord for gold and a green cord for grain.
Write the synonyms for the following words from the passage.
Question. creation
Answer. invention
Question. string
Answer. cord
Unseen Passage for Class 5
14. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.
Childhood is the time when there are few responsibilities. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is improbable that ever again in his life he will be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child–things that have lost their interest for older people. A child finds pleasure playing in the rain, or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure. But a child has his pains; he is not free to do as he wishes and as he thinks older people are; he is continuously being told not to do things or is being punished for what he has done. His life is therefore not perfectly happy.
Choose the correct answer:
i) Childhood is the time when there are few responsibilities.
a) adulthood
b) motherhood
c) parenthood
d) childhood
ii) A visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure for a child.
a) seaside
b) bedside
c) poolside
d) riverside
Question. Who does the author think is the happiest person?
Answer.The happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.
Question. What things does a child feel are bad in his life?
Answer. He is not free to do as he wishes and as he thinks older people are; he is continuously being told not to do things or is being punished for what he has done.
Question. Write two things which you enjoy doing as a child.
Answer. Variety of answer
Question. Write the words from the passage which mean the same as:
a) to feel sorry – regret
b) wonderful- marvelous
Discursive Passage for Class 5
15. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Neem is popularly known as the miracle-tree in India because of its great healing qualities. In fact, the Sanskrit name of Neem is ‘Arishtha’ meaning ‘the reliever of sickness’. Neem is a tall, evergreen tree with small, bright green leaves that are alternate and contain several leaflets. The tree blossoms in spring with small white flowers. It may grow up to a height of 100 feet. Its trunk is straight and its bark is hard, rough and scaly.
Neem is found throughout India but it is popular village tree. It can easily be grown in dry, stony, shallow, and clayey soils. It needs very little water but plenty of sunshine to grow well. It grows slowly during first year of planting. It can be propagated through seeds or cuttings. Young Neem trees cannot tolerate excessive cold. Neem is widely known for its medicinal value. Each part of the tree is used for making medicines and cosmetics. Neem leaves are used in the treatment of Chickenpox. Also, tea made from neem leaves is useful in reducing headache and fever. Neem flowers are used to cure intestinal problems. Neem bark acts as an analgesic and can cure high fevers. There are a lot of other uses of neem. People in villages use its twigs for brushing teeth.Neem bark contains tannin, which is used in tanning and dyeing. The bark also yields a fibre, which is used for weaving ropes.
Choose the correct answer:
Question. Neem is known as a miracle-tree because:
a) It can grow up to 100 feet tall.
b) Its leaves remain green throughout the year.
c) It can cure several diseases.
d) It gives out more oxygen than other trees.
Question. The leaves of neem are:
a) light green, small and scaly.
b) bright green , alternate and large.
c) small, alternate and white
d) small, bright green with several leaflets.
Question. Neem bark contains tannin which is used for_________:
a) brushing
b) weaving ropes
c) dyeing
d) analgesic
Question. What kind of soil does neem tree require for growing?
Answer. Neem can easily be grown in dry, stony, shallow, and clayey soils.
Question. How can neem be propogated ?
Answer. It can be propagated through seeds or cuttings.
Question. Write any two uses of neem.
Answer. Cures several diseases , tea , to cure intestinal problems , dyeing
Question. Which word in the passage means ‘to reproduce’?
Answer. propagate

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Answer: In the Exam, you will be given a small part of any story and you need to answer them to score good marks in your score. So firstly understand what question is being asked. Then, go to the passage and try to find the clue for your question. Read all the alternatives very carefully. Do not write the answer until you feel that you have selected the correct answer.
Answer: Do not try to write the answer without reading the passage Read all the alternatives very carefully, don’t write the answer until you feel that you have selected the correct answer. Check your all the answers to avoid any mistake
Answer: Study the question before reading the passage. After that, read the passage and highlight the word which you find related to the question and a line before that word and one after that. With this strategy, you will be able to solve most questions and score higher marks in your exam.
Answer: A Seen passage is a passage which you have already read and know what is in it.While in unseen passage,you are not familiar with the passage and don’t know what is in it.
Answer: Take a clock and set the time in which you should just complete all questions.If you can’t complete the passage in that time.don’t worry, find that part in which you take a long time to solve the question. By doing this, you can easily manage your time to solve the question of passage