Unseen Poems for Class 7
Unseen poem for class 7 is the most important part to score higher marks in your exam. .Reading the unseen poem for class 7 in English will help you to write better answers in your exam and improve your reading skill.
Students who are planning to score higher marks in 7th standard English poem should practice the English poem for class 7 before attending the CBSE board exam.
It is compulsory to solve the unseen poem for class 7 because you need to score higher marks in your exam.
To improve your skills, we have provided you with the unseen poem for class 7 with answers.
While Solving the poem, you will see some unseen poem for class 7 with MCQs also present in them.
It is provided to make yourself an expert by solving them and score good marks in your exam. You can also practice unseen poems for class 7 in Hindi.
Important Tips to score good marks in Unseen Poem For class 7
1-Read the entire poem carefully 2 or 3 times so that you can understand the theme of the poem.
2-After reading the question, underline the related words of the given poem which you find is the correct answer.
3-Write your answer in a simple,easy and your own word.
4-Remember that you should use your own word in your answer. Do not copy the sentence from the given poem.
5-Do not make grammatical mistakes while writing the answer. Take good care in the use of punctuation also.
6-A few answers should not be placed in a similar paragraph. Each answer has to be written in a different passage and must have its number relating to that of the question.
Unseen Poem for class 7 with answers
- Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
The Lotus And The Black Mud
The lotus in its beauty and brilliance smiles
And dares the sun
To whom it compares its shape and shine.
“Thou hast not my tenderness,
Thou hast not my fragrance,” it says.
The sun just glares
And utters not a word.
Either of censure or of praise !
The poor black mud
Nourishing the roots
With soft cool protective touch
Keeps silent too.
It is beyond compare
To either the lotus or the sun
Nor recognition does it crave !
Let the world rave and revile
At the vile stench of mud;
The mud knows the Dark Reality
It just wants to Be !
It just wants to Be !
(a) The lotus surpasses the sun in_____
(iv)both (i)and(ii)
(b) The mud is significant because it stands for __
(i) reality
(ii) harshness
(iii) ugliness
(iv) contrast
(c) “Thou hast not my tenderness”. Who says these words?
(d) „Nor recognition does it crave !‟ means the mud is:_
(e) What does the mud do____?
(f) Give the synonym of the following words from the passage-
(i) frown
(ii) condemn
- Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
School of Fantasy
I am a boy from a very nice school
And you’ll see why its so cool
There are no teachers but just books
More than books it has good looks
You get many prizes
In different sizes
It all depends on your will
And most of all on your skill
All this and more
Is really in store
For all the rest
As this school is the best
There are no examinations
All they want is your imagination
Your many creations
Are their expectations
I am having such an experience
In this superb institution
I like to share it with you all
This place is so nice
It’s just a kid’s paradise
I. Complete the summary of the poem:
Rachit’s school of (i) __ is very interesting. It’s a (ii) __ school
because it lacks (iii) __ but is rich in books and (iv) __. A student here can (v) __ many prizes depending on his (vi) __ and (vii) __ The only qualification required here is (viii) __. The best thing is that you don’t have to sit for any(ix) __. This superb institution just wants you to be (x) __.
II. Find the synonyms for:
(i) learning academy
(ii) talent
(iii) something that is made by someone
- Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
Where the mind is without fear and
The head is held high,
Where knowledge is free ;
Where the world has not been broken
Up into fragments by narrow domestic walls ;
Where words come out from the depth of truth ;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection ;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost
Its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit ;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action-
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
Rabindranath Tagore
On the basis of your reading of the poem, complete the following summary with one word only.
Poet wishes for his (a.)_ to wake up in a world where the people live without (b.) _. They live with their head held high. Where (c.)_________is for free and no wall or boundaries break the world into (d.)______. Where even words are true and
reason does not lose its way amidst the (e.) _________sand of dead habit. The poet also says to the Almighty that he wishes that everyone strives and works tirelessly to attain perfection. Where (f.) ______________and action work in harmony and lead us to the (g.) ________
of freedom. Let the country be (h.)__________as a free force.
- Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
Men can make a nation great,
Not the glittering gold,
Men whose hearts are pure and true,
And both strong and bold.
Men who never fear defeat
For their country’s cause,
Men whom dangers cannot daunt,
And who never pause,
Men who labour lovingly
Heedless of their own gain,
These are a nation’s truest wealth,
Without them gold is vain.
On the basis of your reading of the poem, complete the following summary with one word only.
Fearless men are the real (a.) of a nation. A nation is not great because it has
glittering (b.). But men with (c.)_______and true hearts make nations great. They are strong and bold and they never fear (d.) ______. Dangers cannot (e.)
_____these men when they are (f.) ______________for their country’s cause. They do labour lovingly. They put their country above their own (g.) ______. Gold is (h.)
_, their hard work is the real treasure.
- Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to Earth, I knew not where ;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where ;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?
Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroken ;
And the song, from the beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
a. What did the poet shoot?
b. What does the phrase ‘breathed a song’ in the second stanza mean?
c. Why is it difficult to see the flight of the song?
d. In what position did the poet find the arrow after a long time?
e. Explain the meaning of the last line of the last stanza?
- Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
Young,Gifted But Black
When Mebula Ramsandra When Mebula Ramsandra
Was three years old Was fifteen years old
His mother told him, that if he wanted His lecturer told him
To be a strong man That if he wanted to be a lab technician
He’d have to drink all his milk. He’d have to go to university
And he did. And he did.
When Mebula Ramsandra So ten years later
Was five years old When Mebula Ramsandra
His mother told him Was twenty-five years old
That if he wanted A big, strong, clever, educated postgraduate
To go to a grammar school The man on the other end of the telephone said
He’d have to try harder with his homework If he wanted to work for him
And he did. He’d have to be big, strong, clever, educated
Postgraduate and White.
I. Complete the summary of the poem:
A young Mebula Ramsandra was (i) __ by his mother to consume. (ii)
__ if he wanted to be big and (iii) __ At the age of five his (iv)
________told him that if he didn’t put in (v) ________ work , he wouldn’t be able to go to (vi) __ School.When he was in his teens, he was told that he would have to go to university to be a lab(vii) __ After ten years his request for the viii) ________was rejected because he was ix) ________. Surely the man on the other side of the telephone was (x) __.
II. Find the synonyms for:
(i) a person who looks after equipments
(ii) an institution where students study
(iii) a teacher in a college
- Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
I have an outdoor playmate
Who’s as jolly as can be;
(3) Sometimes I’m sure he’s hiding
(6) and seem to wave at me.
(9) He catches up my paper
kite And carries it up high
Above the tops of houses
(12) With their chimneys in the
sky. He often blows and whistles
For me to come outside,
(15) Then when I’m on my
scooter He pushes while I ride-
(18) Though I’ve tried and tried and tried.
I. Write the option you consider the most appropriate.
i. The poet thinks his play mate is hiding
a) above the tops of houses
b) in green leaves
c) in the apple tree
d) in chimneys in the sky
ii. The poet’s playmate is
a) naughty
b) happy
c) rude
d) excited
iii. Which of the following is the sound of leaves?
a) nod
b) rustle
c) spry
d) blow
iv. The word ‘spry’ as used in the poem means which of the following?
a) sweet and innocent
b) cunning and wicked
c) lively and energetic
d) lethargic
II. Answer the questions:
i. What did the poet try to do but was not successful?
ii. Why does the playmate call the poet?
iii. Why has the poet not been able to see his playmate?
- Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
Dark brown is the river
Golden is the sand,
It flows along forever,
With trees on either hand.
Green leaves a-floating,
Castles of the foam,
Boats of mine a-boating,
Where will all come home?
On goes the river
And out past the mill,
Away down the valley
Away down the hill.
Away down the river,
A hundred miles or more,
Other little children
Shall bring my boats ashore.
A. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, complete its summary:
The river is (a)………… in colour and (b) ………….is the colour of the sand. The river flows with (c)…………. on either side of its shore. On the surface of the rivers also floats (d)…….. and (e)………. My boats are also (f) ……….. . I wonder where will all come home. The river goes on the (g) …………, (h) ………… and (i) …………. . After a distance of more than hundred miles my boat shall be brought ashore by (j) …………. .
B. Read the questions given below and choose the most appropriate option:
(a)What kinds of boats are implied in the poem?
(i) real boats
(ii) yatch
(iii) paper boats
(b) Choose a pair of rhyming words:
(i) hand-foam
(ii) away-down
(iii) more-ashore
(c) What do you understand by ‘Castles of the foam’ (line 6)?
(i) shells collected on river bank
(ii) tide and froth
(iii) sand dunes
- Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
I saw you hide your hands in line
behind that lady fair,
I noticed too, hers soft and white‐
Immaculate from care.
But Ma, I say, it’s no disgrace
to have workin’ hands like you,
and had she lived the life you have,
she’d have hands just like it too.
But her hands have never hauled in wood,
or worked in God’s good earth.
They’ve probably never patched blue jeans,
or had worn ol’ socks to darn.
They’ve never scrubbed a kitchen floor,
Or done dishes everyday.
They’ve never guided with those hands
a child who’s lost the way.
So you see, my dearest Mamayours
are hands of love.
And I bet the Lord will notice
when he greets you from above.
3.1 Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
i) The poet’s mother wants to hide her hands from the…………………..
a. child.
b. fair lady.
c. people in the queue.
d. poet’s father.
ii) The fair lady’s hands were……………
a. rough and coarse.
b. soft and dark.
c. soft and white.
d. ugly.
iii) Mother’s hands were such as she had……….
a. scrubbed a kitchen floor.
b. toiled so hard for her children.
c. hauled in wood.
d. all of the above.
iv) Mother had worked hard to mend……
a. shawl and socks.
b. socks and jeans.
c. gloves and caps.
d. jeans and caps.
v) The poet finds his mother’s hands…….
a. disgraceful.
b. shameful.
c. dreadful.
d. honorable.
vi) The word in the poem that means the same as ‘flawless’ is…………..
a. darn.
b. care.
c. immaculate.
d. soft.
- Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:
A Sunday is so typical
When Dad is around
The morning starts
With a loud TV sound.
One groan from my sister
And another from me
Doesn’t melt his heart
To let us sleep for a minute or three.
Mom tries to catch up
On her wee bit of sleep
For she knows Dad is there
To make a cup of tea.
But once we all are up
It all seems so bright
For that’s the only day
When Dad has all the time.
Answer the following questions:
a) Why is Sunday so typical?
b) How does their morning start?
c) What makes the poet and her sister groan?
d) Since Dad is at home every Sunday, what does Mom try to do?
e) Why does everything seem so bright when they all are up?
f) The literary device used in ‘One groan from my sister’ is:
a) Onomatopoeia
b) Personification
c) Metaphor
g) The rhyme scheme of the first stanza is:
a) aabb
b) abcd
c) abcb
h) The word from the poem which means the same as ‘very small’ is:
a) soothe
b) wee
c) calm
i) The word from the poem which is the opposite of ‘dull’ is:
a) bright
b) groan
c) fashioned
j) Give a suitable title to the poem.
Answers to Poem questions:
a) A Sunday is so typical because dad is around at home.
b) Their morning starts with a loud TV sound.
c) The poet and her sister groan because dad’s heart doesn’t melt to let them sleep for a minuteor three.
d) Since Dad is at home every Sunday, Mom tries to catch up on her wee bit of sleep.
e) It all seems so bright because that’s the only day when Dad has all the time for them.
f) Onomatopoeia
g) abcb
h) wee
i) bright
j) Student’s response

Students can find different types of English poem for class 7 CBSE board exam preparation. At the end of every poem, we have also provided you with answers to the unseen poem for class 7 given above.
So, first, solve the above-unseen poem for class 7 and compare your answer with their original answer in this way you can boost your performance. Now, You can easily obtain higher marks in the unseen poem for class 7.
If you take too much time in solving the unseen poem for class 7 take a clock to focus on how much time you are spending.
By doing this, you can easily manage your time to solve the unseen poem for Class 7. You can also visit the unseen passage for class 7 in English.
Don’t take stress, just focus on practicing unseen poem for class 7. You will definitely score high marks in your exam.
We believe that unseen poem for class 7 should reach every student who is aiming to score higher marks in the CBSE board exam. This unseen poem for class 7 prepared by our expert at unseenpassage.com
Frequently Asked Questions-Unseen Poem for class 7(FAQ)
Answer: In the Exam, you will be given a small part of any poem and you need to answer them to score good marks in your score. So firstly understand what question is being asked. Then, go to the passage and try to find the clue for your question. Read all the alternatives very carefully. Do not write the answer until you feel that you have selected the correct answer.
Answer: Do not try to write the answer without reading the poem Read all the alternatives very carefully, don’t write the answer until you feel that you have selected the correct answer. Check your all answers to avoid any mistakes.
Answer: Study the question before reading the poem. After that, read the poem and highlight the word which you find related to the question and a line before that word and one after that. With this strategy, you will be able to solve most questions and score higher marks in your exam.
Answer: A Seen poem is a poem which you have already read and know what is in it.While in the unseen poem, you are not familiar with the poem and don’t know what is in it.
Answer: Take a clock and set the time in which you should just complete all questions.If you can’t complete the poem in that time.don’t worry, find that part in which you take a long time to solve the question. By doing this, you can easily manage your time to solve the question of passage.