Unseen Passage

For Class 4 to Class 12

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

Please see below Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J with solutions. We have provided Class 12 Mathematics Sample Papers with solutions designed by Mathematics teachers for Class 12 based on the latest examination pattern issued by CBSE. We have provided the following sample paper for Class 12 Mathematics with answers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which can come in the upcoming exams.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 Mathematics Set J


1. Find the value of tan−1√3 −sec−1(−2) .
Sol. tan−1√3 sec−1(2) = tan−1 tan π/3 sec−1 sec 2π/3 = π/3 − 2π/3 = −π/3.


Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

is matrix satisfying AA’ = 9I , find x.

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

3. Find the value of [î k̂, ĵ].
Sol. [î k̂, ĵ] = î.(k̂ × ĵ) = î.(−î) = −1.

4. Find the identity element in the set Q+ of all positive rational numbers for the operation * defined by a *b = 3ab/2  for all a, b ∈ Q+.
Sol. Let e ∈ Q+ be the identity element so, we have a *e = a ⇒ 3ae/2 = a ⇒ e = 2/3.


5. Prove that 3cos−1 x = cos−1 (4x3 − 3x), x ∈ [1/2 , 1]
Sol. In RHS, put x = cos θ ⇒ θ = cos−1 x .
Also, as 1/2 ≤ x ≤ 1    ⇒ 1/2  ≤ cosθ ≤1    ⇒  0 ≤ θ ≤ π/3    ⇒ 0 ≤ 3θ ≤ π
Now, RHS: cos−1(4x3 −3x) = cos−1(4cos3θ −3cosθ) = cos−1 cos3θ = 3θ = 3cos−1 x = LHS.


Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

be such that A−1 = kA, then find the value of k.

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

7. Differentiate 

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Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

On differentiating w.r.t. x both sides, we get : dy/dx = 0 − 1 =  −1

8. The total revenue received from the sale of x units of a product is given by R(x) = 3x2 + 36x + 5 in rupees. Find the marginal revenue when x = 5 , where by marginal
revenue we mean the rate of change of total revenue with respect to the number of items sold at an instant.
Sol. R(x) = 3x2 + 36x + 5 ⇒ MR = d/dx [R(x)] = 6x + 36
When x = 5 , then MR = 6×5 + 36 = 66 in rupees.

9. Find :

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J


Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

10. Solve the differential equation cos (dy/dx) = a, (a ∈ R )
Sol. cos (dy/dx) = a  ⇒ dy/dx = cos −1a        ⇒ ∫dy = ∫cos −1adx   ⇒ y = (cos−1 a) x +C.

11. If a̅ + b̅ + c̅ = 0 and a̅ = 5, b̅ = 6 and c̅ = 9 then find the angle between a̅ and b̅. 
Sol. Let θ be the required angle betweena̅ and b̅.
Now a̅ + b̅ + c̅ = 0     ⇒  a̅ + b̅ = −c̅       ⇒ |a̅ + b̅| = |−c̅| = |c̅|  ⇒ |a̅ + b̅|2 = |c̅|2
⇒ (a̅ + b̅).(a̅ + b̅) = c̅.c̅           ⇒  a2 + 2a̅ .b̅ + b2 = c2      ⇒ 25 + 2ab cosθ + 36 = 81
⇒ 2×5×6cos θ = 20               ⇒ 2 × 5 × 6 cosθ = 20     ⇒ cos θ = 20/60 = 1/3       ∴ θ = cos −11/3 .

12. Evaluate P(A ∪ B), if 2P(A) = P(B) = 5/13  and P(A | B) = 2/5

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J


13. Using properties of determinants, prove that

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Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

Now expanding along C1, Δ = 4(a + b + c){1[(a + 2b)(b + 2c) − (a − b)(−c − 2b)]− 0 + 0}
⇒ Δ = 4(a + b + c){ab + 2ac + 2b2 + 4bc + ac + 2ab − bc − 2b2}
⇒ Δ = 4(a + b + c){3ab + 3bc + 3ac} =12(a + b + c)(ab + bc + ca) = RHS .


Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

Also, show that dy/dx = cos a, when x = 0.

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

15. If x = a sec3 θ and y = a tan3 θ , then find d2y/dx2 at θ = π/3.
Here x = a sec3 θ and y = a tan3 θ     ⇒ dx/dθ = 3a sec3 θ tan θ and dy/dθ = 3a tan2 θ sec2θ 

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Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

16. Find the angle of intersection of the curves x2 + y2 = 4 and (x − 2)2 + y2 = 4 , at the point in the first quadrant.
Sol. We have x2 + y2 = 4 and (x − 2)2 + y2 = 4 …(ii)
On solving (i) and (ii), we get : x2 − 4x + 4 + y2 = 4       ⇒ x =1      ∴ y = ± √3 .
So, the points of intersection are P(1, √3) and Q(1,− √3) .
As we have to find the angle of intersection in the first quadrant so, we shall take only point

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J


Find the intervals in which the function f (x) = −2x3 −9x2 −12x +1 is
(i) Strictly increasing (ii) Strictly decreasing.
Sol. Given f (x) = −2x3 −9x2 −12x +1     ⇒  f ‘(x) = −6x2 −18x −12 = −6(x +1)(x + 2)
For critical points, f ‘(x) = −6(x +1)(x + 2) = 0 ∴x = −1,−2

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

So, clearly f (x) is Strictly decreasing in (−∞,−2)∪(−1, ∞) and Strictly increasing in (−2,−1) .

17. A window is in the form of a rectangle surmounted by a semicircular opening. The total perimeter of the window is 10 metres. Find the dimensions of the window to admit maximum light through the whole opening. How having large windows help us in saving electricity and conserving environment?
Sol. Let ABCD be a rectangle and let the semi-circle is described on the side AB as its diameter.

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J
Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

18. Find

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Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

19. Solve the differential equation (x2 − y2 )dx + 2xydy = 0 .

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J


Find the particular solution of the differential equation (1+x2) dy/dx + 2xy = 1/1+xgiven
that y = 0 when x =1.

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J
Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

20. Find x such that the four points A(4, 4, 4), B(5, x, 8), C(5, 4, 1) and D(7, 7, 2) are coplanar.
Sol. Let A(4î + 3ĵ+ 3k̂ ) , B(5î + xĵ+ 7k̂ ) , C(5î + 3ĵ) and D(7î + 6ĵ+ k̂ )

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

⇒ 1(0 + 9) − (x − 4)(−2+ 9) + 4(3− 0) = 0    ∴ x = 7 .

21. Find the shortest distance between the lines 

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

Sol. Writing lines in the vector form : r̅ = î + 2ĵ+ 3k̂ + λ(2iˆ + 3ĵ+ 4k̂ ) and
r̅ = 2î + 4ĵ+ 5k̂ + μ(3î + 4ĵ+ 5k̂)
So, we have  a̅1 = î + 2ĵ+ 3k̂, b̅ = 2î + 3ĵ+ 4k̂  a̅2 = 2î + 4ĵ+ 5k̂, b̅2 = 3î + 4ĵ+ 5k̂ . 
∴  a̅2 − a̅1 = î + 2ĵ+ 2k̂ .

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

22. Two groups are competing for the position of the Board of Directors of a corporation. The probabilities that the first and second groups will win are 0.6 and 0.4 respectively. Further, if the first group wins, the probability of introducing a new product is 0.7 and the corresponding probability is 0.3 if the second group wins. Find the probability that the new product introduced was by the second group.
Sol. Let E1, E2 denote the events that first group and second group wins, respectively. Also, let E
denotes that the new product is introduced.
Here P(E1) = 0.6, P(E2) = 0.4, P(E|E1) = 0.7, P(E|E2) = 0.3.

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

23. From a lot of 20 bulbs which include 5 defectives, a sample of 3 bulbs is drawn at random, one by one with replacement. Find the probability distribution of the number of defective bulbs. Also, find the mean of the distribution.
Sol. Let X : no. of defective bulbs. So, X = 0, 1, 2, 3.
Total bulbs = 20, and defective bulbs = 5

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J


24. Show that the relation R on the set Z of all integers defined by (x, y) ∈ R ⇔(x − y) is divisible by 3, is an equivalence relation.
We’ve relation R defined on Z as, (x, y) ∈ R ⇔(x − y) is divisible by 3.That is, R = {(x, y) :3 divides x − y} defined on Z.
R is reflexive, as 3 divides (x – x) i.e., 0 for all x ∈ Z. That is, x R x for all x ∈ Z.
Further if (x, y) ∈ R for all x, y ∈ Z, then 3 divides (x – y). Therefore, 3 divides (y – x) as well.
Hence, (y, x) ∈ R, which follows that R is symmetric.
Similarly, if (x, y) ∈ R and (y, z) ∈ R, then (x – y) and (y – z) are both divisible by 3.
That is, x − y = 3p, y − z = 3m where p, m ∈ Z.
Note that, x – z = (x – y) + (y – z) = 3p + 3m = 3 (p + m). So, (x – z) is divisible by 3.
This shows that R is transitive as (x, z) ∈ R.
Thus, R is an equivalence relation in Z.


A binary operation * on the set A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is defined as

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

Write the operation table for a * b in A.
Show that zero is the identity for this operation * and each element ‘a’ ≠ 0 of the set is
invertible with 6 – a, being the inverse of ‘a’.

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

Let x be the identity for an element a.
So a * x = a . If a + x < 6 then, a + x = a or if a + x ≥ 6 then, a + x − 6 = a
That is, a + x < 6 then, x = 0∈A or if a + x ≥ 6 then, x = 6 ∉ A
Therefore, x = 0 is the identity element for this operation.
Also let y be the inverse of each non-zero element a. Then a * y = 0 .
If a + y < 6 then, a + y = 0 or if a + y ≥ 6 then, a + y − 6 = 0
i.e., a + y < 6 then, y = −a ∉ A for all a ∈ A −{0}
Or, if a + y ≥ 6 then, y = 6 − a ∈ A for all a ∈ A−{0}
∴y = 6 − a is the inverse of each non-zero element a of A .


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Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J


Find the inverse of the matrix

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

by using elementary row transformation. 
Sol. In row operations, we have A = IA 

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J
Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

26. Using integration, find the area of region : {(x, y) : 0 ≤ 2y ≤ x2 , 0 ≤ y ≤ x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3}.
Sol. Consider the diagram shown below.

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

27. Evaluate

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Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

28. Find the vector equation of the line passing through (1, 2, 3) and parallel to each of the planes r̅.(î − ĵ+ 2k̂) = 5 and r̅.(3iˆ + ĵ+ k̂ ) = 6 . Also find the point of intersection of the line thus obtained with the plane r̅.(2î + ĵ+ k̂ ) = 4 .

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

are d.r.’s of the required line.
This line is parallel to the planes r̅.(î − ĵ+ 2k̂) = 5 and r̅.(3iˆ + ĵ+ k̂ ) = 6 . So, clearly, the normals
of these two planes will be perpendicular to the line (i).
Therefore, a − b + 2c = 0 and 3a + b + c = 0

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

Hence, the vector eq. is : r̅ = î + 2ĵ+ 3k̂ + λ(−3î + 5ĵ+ 4k̂) .
Now consider the random point on line (i) as : P(−3λ +1, 5λ + 2, 4λ + 3) . For the intersection of
line and the plane r̅.(2î + ĵ+ k̂ ) = 4 i.e., 2x + y + z = 4 , point P must satisfy the eq. of plane.
So, 2(−3λ +1) + (5λ + 2) + (4λ + 3) = 4 ⇒ λ = −1
Hence the point of intersection is P(4, –3, –1).

29. A company produces two types of goods, A and B, that require gold and silver. Each unit of type A requires 3 g of silver and 1 g of gold while that of B requires 1 g of silver and 2 g of gold. The company can use at most 9 g of silver and 8 g of gold. If each unit of type A brings a profit of Rs 40 and that of type B Rs 50, find the number of units of each type that the company should produce to maximize the profit. Formulate and solve graphically the LPP and find the maximum profit.
Sol. Let x and y number of units of type A and type B goods are produced.

Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper Set J

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