Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 1 Set A
Please see below Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 1 Set A with solutions. We have provided Class 12 English Sample Papers with solutions designed by English teachers for Class 12 based on the latest examination pattern issued by CBSE. We have provided the following sample paper for Term 2 Class 12 English with answers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which can come in the upcoming exams.
CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 English Term 1 Set A
I. Read the passage given below :
(1) Every morning Ravi gives his brain an extra boost. We’re not talking about drinking strong cups of coffee or playing one of those mind-training video games advertised all over Facebook. ‘‘I jump onto my stationary bike and cycle for 45 minutes to work,’’ says Ravi. ‘‘When I get to my desk, my brain is at peak activity for a few hours.’’ After his mental focus comes to a halt later in the day, he starts it with another short spell of cycling to be able to run errands.
(2) Ride, work, ride, repeat. It’s a scientifically proven system that describes some unexpected benefits of cycling. In a recent study in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, scientists found that people scored higher on tests of memory, reasoning and planning after 30 minutes of spinning on a stationary bike than they did before they rode the bike. They also completed the tests faster after pedalling.
(3) Exercise is like fertilizer for your brain. All those hours, spent on exercising your muscles, create rich capillary beds not only in leg and hip muscles, but also in your brain. More blood vessels in your brain and muscles mean more oxygen and nutrients to help them work. When you pedal, you also force more nerve cells to fire. The result : you double or triple the production of these cells — literally building your brain. You also release neurotransmitters (the messengers between your brain cells) so all those cells, new and old, can communicate with each other for better, faster functioning. That’s a pretty profound benefit to cyclists.
(4) This kind of growth is especially important with each passing birthday, because as we age, our brains shrink and those connections weaken. Exercise restores and protects the brain cells. Neuroscientists say, ‘‘Adults who exercise display sharper memory skills, higher concentration levels, more fluid thinking and greater problem-solving ability than those who are sedentary.’’
(5) Cycling also elevates your mood, relieves anxiety, increases stress resistance and even banishes the blues. ‘‘Exercise works in the same way as psychotherapy and antidepressants in the treatment of depression, maybe better,’’ says Dr. Manjari. A recent study analyzing 26 years of research finds that even some exercise — as little as 20 to 30 minutes a day — can prevent depression over the long term.
(6) Remember: although it’s healthy, exercise itself is a stress, especially when you’re just getting started or getting back into riding. When you first begin to exert yourself, your body releases a particular hormone to raise your heart rate, blood pressure and blood glucose levels, says Meher Ahluwalia, PhD, a professor of integrative physiology. As you get fitter, it takes a longer, harder ride to trigger that same response.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions by choosing the correct option.
Question 1. When nerve cells work during exercise then:
(A) the body experiences stress.
(B) the brain is strengthened by multiplying them.
(C) you start to lose your temper.
(D) your stationary cycle starts to beep.
Question 2. What are the unexpected benefits of cycling?
(A) Sharpens the memory
(B) Improves reasoning
(C) Improves planning skills
(D) All of these
Question 3. The more one pedals, more is _____________________.
(A) production of nerve cells
(B) harm to nerve cells
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Question 4. Why does Ravi do a circuit of ‘ride, work, ride’?
(A) Because he wants to stay focused.
(B) Because after cycling to work, his brain is at the peak of activity level.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Question 5. What is the work of neurotransmitters?
(A) They are like messengers between brain and cells.
(B) With the help of neurotransmitters, cells can communicate with each other.
(C) It makes the functioning better and faster.
(D) All of these
Question 6. Why is exercise so important for adults?

(A) Only 1 and 4
(B) 1, 2 and 3
(C) Only 2 and 3
(D) 1, 2, 3, 4
Question 7. Based on the understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the correct sequence of ‘How is exercise itself a stress?’
1. The body releases a particular hormone.
2. As one gets fitter, it takes a longer and more rigorous exercising to trigger the same response.
3. As soon as one states exercising, the body reacts immediately.
4. That hormone raises one’s heart rate, blood pressure and blood glucose levels.
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4
(B) 1, 3, 4, 2
(C) 3, 1, 4, 2
(D) 4, 3, 2, 1
Question 8. Find word from the passage which means the same as ’inactive’. (Para 4)
(A) Passing
(B) Sedentary
(C) Shrink
(D) Weaken
Question 9. Find word/phrase from the passage which means the opposite of (abstain from functioning). (Para 6)
(A) Stress
(B) Back into riding
(C) Exert
(D) Trigger
Question 10. Ravi gets his brain to work at peak level by:
(A) drinking three cups of coffee.
(B) playing games that need brain activity.
(C) cycling on a stationary bike.
(D) taking tablets to pump up his brain.
II. Read the passage given below:
(1) Most of us know that smoking causes cancer, lung disease, heart disease, can shorten life by 10 years or more and can cost a smoker thousands of rupees a year. So, why are people still smoking? The answer, in a word, is addiction.
(2) Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains the very addictive chemical nicotine. The body and mind quickly get used to the nicotine in cigarettes. Soon, a person needs to have it just to feel normal.
(3) People start smoking for different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Almost all adult tobacco users started before they were 18 years old. Most never expected to become addicted.
(4) Many of the chemicals in cigarettes, like nicotine and cyanide, are poisons that can kill in high doses. The body is smart. It goes on the defence when it’s being poisoned. First time smokers often feel pain or burning in their throat and lungs, and some even cough vigorously the first few times they try tobacco. Over time, smoking leads to health problems such as heart disease, stroke, lung damage and many types of cancer — including lung, throat, stomach and bladder cancer.
(5) A survey was conducted to collect views of the people whether smoking should be allowed or not in public places. The results of the responses received have been depicted in the form of a pie chart here.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions by choosing the correct option.
Question 11. Which of these can be caused by smoking?
(A) Heart disease
(B) Cancer
(C) Lung disease
(D) All of these
Question 12. What is the basic reason for continuing smoking even after knowing its harmful effects?
(A) Looking cool
(B) Keeping pace with the society
(C) Addiction
(D) None of these
Question 13. Which of these is defence system that appears in first time smokers?
(A) Vomiting
(B) Burning in lungs
(C) Dizziness
(D) All of these
Question 14. Which of these types of cancers is likely to be caused by smoking?
(A) Lung cancer
(B) Blood cancer
(C) Breast cancer
(D) Bone cancer
Question 15. From the given pictorial representation, choose the option that correctly states the percentage of persons who are of the view that smoking should not be allowed on roads.

Question 16. From the given pictorial representation, choose the option that correctly states the percentage of persons who say that smoking should have a blanket ban as compared to those supporting no restrictions on smoking.

Question 17. What is the meaning in which ‘cool’ has been used in Para 3 of the passage?
(A) Chill
(B) Unfriendly
(C) Calm
(D) Stylish
Question 18. ________________ contains an addictive substance called nicotine.
(A) Liquor
(B) Coffee
(C) Tobacco
(D) Fruit juice
III. Answer any four out of the five questions given below.
Question 19. A Notice must contain ___________ information.
(A) factual
(B) variety of
(C) meeting
(D) object
Question 20. Information about the ‘reward’ is mentioned in _______________________________.
(A) Notice for the Meeting
(B) Notice for the object ‘Found’
(C) Notice for the object ‘Lost’
(D) Notice for the Competition
Question 21. In a missing person/pet advertisement, mentioning of ___________________ must be avoided.
(A) reward
(B) character traits
(C) physical features
(D) phone number
Question 22. Where do you write Salutation in the Notice?
(A) Just above the date
(B) Just below the date
(C) Beside the date
(D) Salutation is not written in the Notice.
Question 23. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT for Classified Advertisements?
(A) Word limit: 50 words
(B) Costs more than Display Advertisement
(C) Subscription is not written
(D) It is put up in a box
IV. Answer any six of the seven questions given below.
Question 24. Concluding paragraph of an Article should never:
(A) be open ended
(B) have food for thought.
(C) give way to a planned action.
(D) sum of all the stated points.
Question 25. Which of the following should be added to make an Article effective?
(A) Quotes
(B) Statistics
(C) Anecdotes
(D) All of the above
Rising prices of essential commodities make life difficult for the common man. You are Nalini/ Ranbir.
Write an article in 150-200 words describing the causes, possible solutions and how students can help their parents to cope with the problem.

Prices are ever on the increase. A rise in price, economists say, is a sign of development and prosperity.
However, during the last two decades, prices of almost all the essential commodities have been
increasing at an alarming rate. These soaring prices have caused great unrest and frustration among the people. The people belonging to the middle class and the salaried people are hit hard. All the
more, (27) ________________ and an open challenge to the government. It has shaken the faith of the people in the government. There is no let-up in the situation. Life has become very hard.
Not to speak of rising prices, things of daily use are sometimes not available in the market. Big businessmen hoard things and sell them in black. Adulteration of eatables is a big health hazard. The prices of petrol, cooking gas, kerosene oil and several other items of daily use are increasing every
year. Not only that, the railway fares, air fares and bus and taxi charges are also increasing regularly. The rich make a display of their wealth while the poor find it difficult to make both their ends meet. (28) ________________. The indiscriminate rise in prices of essential commodities has left many a people tense and helpless. No one can foresee what is in store for the common people. There are many causes of the unprecedented rise in prices.
It is the duty of the government to bring down the prices of the essential commodities. (29) ________ Black marketers, hoarders and profiteers must be booked. Family Planning programmes should be stepped up to check over-population. More fair-price shops should be opened in different localities. There should be an equitable distribution through the fair price shops. Shopkeepers should be directed to display the stock of essential commodities along with their prices. Those people who buy things in the black market should be punished. Production of food should be increased. Sincere efforts should be made to stabilize prices of essential commodities. Evils of corruption, bribery, smuggling and illegal gratification deep-rooted in the society must be rooted out.
We as students (30) ________________.
Let us hope that the government will be able to bring down the soaring prices. The government has, in recent past, taken some steps to control the prices to revamp the economy of the country. The government efforts have met a partial success and inflation has been controlled to some extent.
Question 26. (A) Rising Prices: An Ordeal for Common Man
(B) High Prices: An Order for Lay Man
(C) Essential Commodities
(D) Cope with the Problem
Question 27. (A) the searing prices become a big thread
(B) the soaring prices become a big thread
(C) the soaring prices have become a big threat
(D) the searing prizes have become a big threat
Question 28. (A) Life has lost its charming for the bread-winner.
(B) Life has lost its warmth for the average bread-earner.
(C) Life has lost its warmth for the normal bread-winner.
(D) Life has lost its charm for the average bread-winner.
Question 29. (A) Inflation, black – marketing, hoarding, over – population, increasing demands, natural factors like flood, droughts, Social evils, breaking of joint – family system, corruption
(B) Black – marketing, hoarding, corruption, nuclear families, increase in population, luxurious life style, high taxation, poverty.
(C) Over- population, high salaries, corruption, earthquakes or floods, dowry system, wastage of food in parties and marriages, faulty credit – system
(D) Corruption, black- marketing, hoarding, credit system, easy loans, scams, population control, system of distribution, new economic policies, better wages
Question 30. (A) can nab the people hoarding and black marketing the essential commodities.
(B) can protest against the corrupt leaders and officials.
(C) can help our parents reducing food wastage and minimizing our demands.
(D) can help the police by informing them about the hoarders and black-marketeers.
This section has sub-sections: V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. There are a total of 30 questions in the section.
Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
“I will learn to drive a car,” he answers, looking straight into my eyes. His dream looms like a mirage amidst the dust of streets that fill his town Firozabad, famous for its bangles. Every other family in Firozabad is engaged in making bangles. It is the centre of India’s glass-blowing industry where families have spent generations working around furnaces, wielding glass, making bangles for all the women in the land it seems. Mukesh’s family is among them. None of them know that it is illegal for children like him to work in the glass furnaces with high temperatures, in dingy cells without air and light; that the law, if enforced, could get him and all those 20,000 children out of the hot furnaces where they slog their daylight hours, often losing the brightness of their eyes. Mukesh’s eyes beam as he volunteers to take me home, which he proudly says is being rebuilt.
Question 31. ‘His dream looms like a mirage amidst the dust of streets…’ Why does Mukesh’s dream appear illusive?
(A) Because it is just a dream and not a reality.
(B) Because Mukesh is lost in the sea of dust.
(C) Because it is indistinct due to his poor living condition.
(D) Because his dream is hanging in the dusty air.
Question 32. ‘I will learn to drive a car,’ he answers, looking straight into my eyes. This sentence highlights Mukesh was _____________.
1. resolute 2. brave 3. hopeful
4. heroic 5. self-motivated 6. demanding
(A) 1 & 5
(B) 2 & 4
(C) 2 & 5
(D) 3 & 6
Question 33. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with reference to the extract?
(A) Children work in dark and suffocating furnaces.
(B) The children are unaware that to work in the furnaces is considered to be child labour which is strictly against the law.
(C) Children slog in the furnaces for hours which affects their vision.
(D) Firozabad has emerged as a budding producer of bangles in the country.
Question 34. Every other family in Firozabad is engaged in making bangles, indicates that:
(A) Bangle industry is flourishing and widespread in Firozabad.
(B) All the people of Firozabad are involved only in bangle making.
(C) Bulk population of Firozabad is involved in bangle making.
(D) Bangle making is the most treasured occupation in Firozabad.
Question 35. What is meant by ‘slog their daylight hours’?
(A) Work doggedly
(B) Slave away
(C) Grind away
(D) All of these
VI. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
Sadao stopped Hana at his side, and turned the man’s head. They saw the face. ‘A white man!’ Hana whispered. Yes, it was a white man.
Question 36. What did Dr. Sadao see when he turned the face of the man?
(A) Man with yellow hair
(B) Man with yellow beard
(C) Man showing signs of being tortured
(D) All of these
Question 37. In what state was the white man lying?
(A) Unconscious
(B) Dead
(C) Sleeping
(D) Drunk
Question 38. Which part of the body of young man had wound?
(A) Left side of upper back
(B) Head and chest
(C) Both the legs
(D) Right side of lower back
Question 39. To which of these the white man belonged to?
(A) US Army
(B) US Navy
(C) Japanese Army
(D) Japanese Navy
Question 40. In the story, ‘The Enemy’, Dr. Sadao undergoes ____________________.
(A) mental conflict
(B) physical trauma
(C) mental contentment
(D) physical conflict
VII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
For once on the face of the Earth
let’s not speak in any language,
let’s stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.
It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines,
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.
Question 41. The poet uses the word “let’s” to :
(A) initiate a conversation between the poet and the readers.
(B) invite readers as part of the poem’s larger call to humanity.
(C) welcome readers into the world of the poem and its subject.
(D) address readers as fellow members of the human race.
Question 42. Margaret Atwood said, “Language divides us into fragments, I wanted to be whole.”
Choose the option that correctly comments on the relationship between Margaret Atwood’s words and the line from the above extract – “let’s not speak in any language”.
(A) Atwood endorses Neruda’s call to not speak in any language.
(B) Atwood justifies Neruda’s request to not engage in any speaking.
(C) Atwood undermines Neruda’s intent to stop and not speak in any language.
(D) Atwood surrenders to Neruda’s desire for silence and not speak in any language.
Question 43. Why do you think the poet employs words like “exotic” and “strangeness”?
(A) To highlight the importance of everyone being together suddenly for once.
(B) To emphasize the frenetic activity and chaos that usually envelops human life.
(C) To indicate the unfamiliarity of a sudden moment without rush or without engine.
(D) To direct us towards keeping quiet and how we would all be together in that silence.
Question 44. Choose the option that correctly matches the idioms given in Column A with their meanings in Column B.

(A) 1 – (i); 2 – (iv); 3 – (iii); 4 – (ii)
(B) 1 – (i); 2 – (iii); 3 – (ii); 4 – (iv)
(C) 1 – (ii); 2 – (i); 3 – (iv); 4 – (iii)
(D) 1 – (iv); 2 – (ii); 3 – (iii); 4 – (i)
Question 45. According to the poet, when can we all be together?
(A) When we become self centered
(B) When we become war mongers
(C) When we all relax and introspect
(D) When we all rush and examine each other.
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
It was at this moment that both of them saw something black come out of the mists. It was a man.
Question 46. Who are ‘both’ here?
(A) Hana and her husband
(B) Old General and his wife
(C) Mrs. and Mr. Harley
(D) Commissioner and his wife
Question 47. From where was the man flung up?
(A) Airplane
(B) Ocean waves
(C) Heavy winds
(D) Back seat of the car
Question 48. Who was the man who had come out of the mists?
(A) Black man
(B) Red Indian
(C) White man
(D) A drunkard
Question 49. Who did the doctor initially mistake him for?
(A) Pilot
(B) Captain of a ship
(C) Local trader
(D) Fisherman
Question 50. What kind of doctor will you claim Dr. Sadao to be?
(A) An excellent doctor
(B) A compassionate human being
(C) A sincere and responsible citizen
(D) All of these
IX. Attempt the following.
Question 51. The most favourite of all the activities for Franz was:
(A) to run errands and enjoy all the trivial things.
(B) to run in the open fields and enjoy all the trivial things.
(C) to run in the school yard and enjoy fishing.
(D) to run behind his house in the small fields and enjoy the sunrise and sunset.
Question 52. Douglas shows that most of our fears are baseless. Fear creates dangers where there is none.
Which of the following quotes proves his experience?
(A) Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
(B) Inaction breeds doubt and fear.
(C) Have no fear of perfection–you’ll never reach it.
(D) The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
Question 53. Why did M Hamel call French as the clearest and the most logical language?
(A) He had the highest regard for the French language.
(B) He was patriotic.
(C) He wanted to empower his countrymen.
(D) All of the above
Question 54. ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’ is based on the theme of ______________ and the fear of loss and separation associated with it.
(A) advancing age
(B) advancement
(C) progression
(D) education
Question 55. “His father had taken him to the beach in California where the waves knocked him down and swept over him. He was coerced by the strong force of the waves.”
Which life incident of Douglas is explained through these lines?
(A) Author’s Aversion to Water at a Young Age
(B) Author’s Plan to Learn Swimming
(C) The Misadventure
(D) Efforts to Survive
Question 56. Keeping quiet will help in reflecting over ________________________ and help in creating a feeling of mutual understanding among human beings.
(A) the birth of man
(B) the destiny of man
(C) the fate of man
(D) the life of man
Question 57. Ageing is an inescapable phase of every human’s life. How does the poet prove this through the poem, ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six’?
(A) By showing different stages of life in the poem.
(B) The poem begins with grief over death of loved ones and ends with mourning over the whole life.
(C) The poem begins with grief over old age and ends with mourning over the whole life.
(D) By mentioning the age of her mother.
Question 58. Why is the last stanza unlike the rest of the poem?
(A) It is the longest stanza.
(B) It is the shortest stanza.
(C) It displays optimistic attitude of the poet.
(D) It displays pessimistic attitude of the poet.
Question 59. How did Sam diagnose Charley’s problem?
(A) Sleeplessness
(B) Anxiety
(C) Waking dream wish fulfilment
(D) Both A and B
Question 60. The psychiatrist explained the problem of Charley that he was trying to _____________.
(A) escape his worries and stress
(B) run behind success
(C) become sufficiently rich
(D) escape the world through meditation