Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 2 Set A
Please see below Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 2 Set A with solutions. We have provided Class 12 English Sample Papers with solutions designed by English teachers for Class 12 based on the latest examination pattern issued by CBSE. We have provided the following sample paper for Term 2 Class 12 English with answers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which can come in the upcoming exams.
CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 English Term 2 Set A
Section A – Reading
1. Read the following passage.
(1) Suspense was over when my high school results finally came out. But I was upset. I hadn’t done as well as I had expected. My father tried to console me. ‘Why are you worried? You have done very well my dear’. ‘No, I haven’t, Baba,’ I protested, controlling my tears and wondering if I had disappointed him. ‘It doesn’t really matter,’ he assured me. ‘Do you know what I got when I finished high school ?’ I looked into Baba’s face and waited for the answer to his own question. ‘You know,’ he told me. ‘I’ve never told you this. I got just a third division. But, look at me, I’ve done quite well’. Baba got a third division! I was almost in shock but the thought of my having done a lot better than that made me realize that I had no reason to complain. I certainly felt better. ‘Everything is under control ’ said Baba, smiling. That was his favourite phrase. Posted in Kolkata, my father was then a senior official in the Indian Railway Service, and an expert in goods traffic operations. He was soon to become a director with the Railway Board. By the time he retired in 1981, he was the General Manager of the Central Railways. By the time Baba passed away in November 2000, his name had found place in several hearts as well. He was open, easy to know, and full of life. We were extremely close, but I had so much more to learn about him from many things which I came to know after his death.
(2) In September 2000, he was in hospital for treatment of cancer and given just two months to live. When he found out, his reaction was an extremely rational one. He asked me to fetch files from his cupboard, so that he could explain the details of my mother’s pension. He also dictated his will from his hospital bed. ‘Everything is under control ’ After Baba’s death, Satish, our old family retainer, was inconsolable. We tried to cheer him up. ‘Your Baba had scolded me only once in all these years!’ he cried. Satish pointed to the watch on his left hand. ‘I had been coming late for work and everyone in the family was complaining about it,’ said Satish. ‘Then, one day, your Baba gave me this watch and told me, ‘now that you have a watch, you can’t be late’. That was the scolding Satish received. On the fourth day after Baba’s death, my sister and I had to perform a ceremony. Since several relatives were expected, we decided to order lunch from a caterer in our locality who was reputed for his home cooked food. But, when we went to pay the owner, we got a surprise. He refused to accept any money. ‘When I wanted to start my catering business, it was your father who lent me money,’ he told us. It seems Baba never asked for it back. Now, after four or five years, the caterer wanted to repay that debt. Of course, we made him accept the full payment for the fine food and service. ‘It was Baba’s gift and it ought to remain so,’ I told him.
(3) Some days later, (as we were preparing for the main ceremony) there was yet another piece of information. Vikram, my brother drove me to the local market. On recognizing our car, the parking assistant, in his twenties, came running towards us and asked why he had not seen its owner for so long. We had to break the news to him and to our utter surprise, he started crying. We were really surprised by this reaction from a stranger—until the man told us that Baba used to pay his daughter’s school fees and buy her books. It seems, it was on my father’s advice that he’d started sending the child to school. More than three years after Baba’s death, as we were looking into Baba’s personal things, we came across an old file with Baba’s certificates and I found among them, his high school diploma from 1937, the one he’d told me about 30 years earlier, about the third division that had made no difference in his life or career. It had made me see beyond mere marks and first classes as the main road to success. But there was one more fact. Baba had actually got a first division, a rare achievement in his day. Today, years after his passing, when I think of Baba, I see a man who was able to sympathise with others very easily and who had touched their lives in a very special way.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT questions from the nine given below.
Question. Why was the narrator in tears when her school results came out?
Answer.The narrator was in tears when her results came out because she had not done as expected.
Question. On knowing the result, how did the narrator’s father react?
Answer. He consoled her when he came to know the result.
Question. Why did the narrator say that she had nothing to complain?
Answer. It was so because she had done better than her father
Question. Which division did Baba actually get?
Answer. Baba actually got first position.
Question. Whose fees the narrator’s father used to pay?
Answer. The narrator’s father used to pay the fees of the parking assistant’s daughter.
Question. What were the favourite words of the narrator’s father?
Everything is under control.
Question. Why did he ask to bring the files before his death?
He did so because he wanted to dictate his will and to inform about mother’s pension.
Question. Describe the narrator’s father.
The narrator’s father was kind, open and vivacious.
Question. Rewrite the given sentence by replacing the underlined word with another one, from lines 1-7.
The farmer was anxious about his crops as the weather had turned bad.
The farmer was worried about his crops as the weather had turned bad.
2. Read the following passage.
(1) The present generation is well updated with the use of internet and computers. The rapid development in computer technology and increase in accessibility of the internet for academic purpose has changed the face of education for everyone associated with it. Let’s look at the data arising out of a recent survey that was done to ascertain the time spent on utilisation of the computer and internet:

2) At present, many schools and universities have been implementing internet-based learning as it supplements the conventional teaching methods. The internet provides a wide variety of references and information to academics as well as scientific researchers. Students often turn to it to do their academic assignments and projects.
(3) However, research on Internet is very different from traditional library research and the differences can cause problems. The Internet is a tremendous resource but it must be used carefully and critically.
(4) According to a 2018 Academic Student e-book Experience Survey, conducted by LJ’s research department and sponsored by EBSCO, when reading for pleasure, almost 74% of respondents said they preferred print books for leisure whereas, 45 % of respondents chose e-books rather than the printed versions for research or assignments.
(5) When asked what e-book features make them their favourite for research, the respondents were clear. Having page numbers to use in citations, topped the list (75%); followed by the ability to resize text to fit a device’s screen (67%); the ability to bookmark pages, highlight text, or take notes for later reference (60%); downloading the entire e-book (57%); and allowing content to be transferred between devices (43%) were the varied responses.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY SIX out of the seven questions given below.
Question. With reference to the figure given in the passage, what percentage of students can be said to use internet for work and for leisure, for once a month?
Answer.As many as 15% can be said to use internet for work and 85% use leisure, for once a month
Question. Based on the given graphical representation of data in the passage, what percentage of people can be depicted with respect to the usage of email?
Answer.About 18% people use email once a week and less than 5% of people never use the email.
Question. Based on the given graphical chart, what lists the area of zero response from respondents?
Answer.Never using the internet for work and leisure
Question.(iv) In the cartoon, the student’s reaction reveals that he is ______________.

Question. “… but it must be used carefully and critically.” Substantiate the idea of being careful and critical while using the internet.
Answer.The idea of being careful and critical while using the internet refers to plagiarism.
Question. Identify a word from lines 10-15 which indicates that the internet is an incredible means.
Question. Arrange the given e-book features preferred for research from the least favourite to the most favourite–
1. downloading the entire e-book
2. choosing page numbers in citations
3. highlighting text
4. resizing text to fit screen
Answer.1, 3, 4, 2
Section B – Writing
Question 3. Your school is planning to organise a talk on the ‘Importance of Promoting Art Education’ at various levels. You plan to invite The Director, Delhi School of Art, as a Key Note Speaker. As CCA Coordinator of Vidya Mandir Vidyalaya. Draft an invite for the same giving all the necessary details. (50 words).
Vidya Mandir Vidyalaya (3)
20 January, 20xx
The Director
Delhi School of Art
Sub: Invitation to be the Key Note Speaker
Dear Sir
With due regards, we would like to inform you that our school has planned to organise a talk on the ‘Importance of Promoting Art Education’ at various levels. We extend an invitation to you to be the Key Note Speaker. We will be highly obliged if you spare some time and enlighten us with your views.Kindly send your confirmation at the earliest.
Thanking you
Yours truly
(CCA Co-ordinator
Question 4. Attempt ANY ONE from (A) and (B) given below.
(A) The history club of your school organized a picnic on a river bank. During the picnic, you observed a small boat (with two persons on it) sinking. You saw a good swimmer jumping into the river and rescuing the two persons sailing in the boat. Write a report in 120-150 words on the picnic and rescue. You are Rohit of 2, Mall Road, Kanpur.
(B) Bal Vidya Public School, Bhilai, urgently requires a post–graduate teacher to teach Political Science for which they have placed an advertisement in ‘The Bhilai Express’. You are Sanjay/Sanjana Sharma residing at 21, Vasant Marg, Bhilai. Draft a letter including a CV applying for the advertised post.
(A) Swimming Hero (5)
9 March 20xx
Last week, History club of our school organised a picnic on the banks of River Ganga. Everyone was enjoying. The teachers also joined the students. There were some other families also who had come to enjoy the scenic beauty.
We were singing and dancing. Suddenly, we heard a loud commotion. We learnt that a small boat carrying two persons had overturned and the passengers were shouting for help. It appeared that both of them could not swim. Suddenly, a young boy of around 22 came running and jumped into the river. With expert strokes, he swam to the overturned boat. With some effort, he returned the boat to the original position. Then, swiftly he swam to them and towed them one by one to the boat. He also helped them to climb again on the boat. As it was a small boat, he did not board the boat himself, but signalled them to row the boat to the shore and swam along the boat.
All the people on the bank clapped for the spirit of the boy and the passengers thanked him a lot
for his timely help.
We surely need our youth to take inspiration from the boy and do selfless service.
(B) 21, Vasant Marg
26 February 20xx
The Principal
Bal Vidya Public School
Subject : Application for the post of Political Science Teacher
Dear Madam/Sir
With reference to your advertisement published in ‘The Bhilai Express’ dated February 25th, I would like to apply for the post of teacher (Political Science). I did my post-graduation and graduation in Political Science from Bhilai University. I did my B.Ed from Raipur University. I have a total experience of five years in the relevant field. If given a chance, I will do everything in my capability to prove my worth.
I have attached my resume for your kind consideration.
Hope to get a positive response from your side.
Thank you
Yours truly
Sanjana Sharma

Section C – Literatur
5. Attempt ANY FIVE of the six questions given below, within 40 words each.
Question. When Gandhiji got the whole hearted support of the lawyers, he said, ‘The battle of Champaran is won’. What was the essence behind his statement?
Answer.Gandhiji made lawyers realize their duty towards the peasants. It would be shameful desertion on their part if they left the peasants and Gandhiji was arrested. Lawyers understood, approached Gandhiji and said they would accompany him to jail. Getting support of educated Indians like lawyers, Gandhiji gained confidence that now they would win against the British.
Question. What might be the significance of setting the story’s events during Christmas? Justify your opinion. (The Rattrap)
Answer. Christmas is a time of celebration and forgiveness. Also, Christmas is the time to amend one’s ways. The story is setup in the background of the Christmas as the ironmaster and his daughter show charity to the peddler. After knowing the true identity of his, they forgive him and still rejoice and celebrate in his company. This made the peddler amend his ways and he left the stolen money as a gift for the ironmaster’s daughter.
Question. Why do you think both Jo and Jack want a different ending each, for Roger Skunk’s story?
Answer. Jo’s father did not want the Wizard to hit the mother and wanted the skunk to have its original smell. Her father’s ending of the story is better as it is more practical and realistic. Jo is a child and her perspective about the ending of the story is childish and immature. But her father views things on a philosophical level and thus, makes his judgement from an adult’s perspective.
Question. What is common between Derry and Mr. Lamb?
Answer. Both of them had their own disabilities, Mr. Lamb was a man who owned a tin leg and Derry was a victim of acid attack. Both of them had physical deformities which made them stay away from society. The callousness of society affected them adversely.
Question. Aunt Jennifer’s efforts to get rid of her fear proved to be futile. Comment.
Answer. Aunt Jennifer lived in constant fear of her husband. She was very weak and frail. She could never stand up boldly against her tyrannical husband. She revolted silently in her own way, i.e.,by creating tigers on a panel to symbolize her wish to be strong, fierce and free like the tigers. There was no escape even after death. Her terrified hands still will be ringed with ordeals that she was mastered with.
Question. In the hot season, how do man and beast get comfort? (A Thing of Beauty)
Answer. In the hot season, man and beast get comfort by taking shelter under the shade of the tree or by being one with absorbing nature and the coolness it provides. The things of beauty, which nature offers are simple. However, they have a calming effect on every living being.
6. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120-150 words each.
Question. How did the mistakes committed by the prison authorities help Evans in escaping from the prison?
Answer. In spite of all the precautions taken by the Governor and his staff, they failed to foil Evans’s bid to escape because of certain lapses on their part. First of all, they called a teacher from the technical college to act as Evans’s German tutor, but never cared to check on him. Then, they engaged Reverend S. McLeery to invigilate, but never cared to check on him when he came to discharge his duties. When Stephens raised an alarm, they blindly went by his assumption that Evans impersonating as McLeery had walked out of the prison after injuring McLeery. They did not even bother to check the identity of the injured McLeery. Then, McLeery gave them the slip and disappeared. Belatedly, they discovered that it was Evans impersonating McLeery who had stayed in. Finally, following the clues, the Governor nabs Evans at the Golden Lion Hotel. Here again, he acted foolishly. He rang up the local police station and asked them to send a police van which successfully took Evans away right from under his nose as no security check of the van was done.
Question. Why did the crofter repose confidence in the peddler? How did the peddler feel after betraying the crofter?
Answer.The peddler was ungrateful for the hospitality shown by the crofter. The crofter reposed confidence in the peddler because he was lonely and wanted someone with whom he could share his feeling. He welcomed the peddler in his house when he had asked for the shelter. He took good care of him. He immediately put the porridge pot on the fire and gave him supper; then, he carved off a big slice from his tobacco roll and gave it to him. Finally, he brought out an old pack of cards and played ‘mjolis’ with him until bedtime. Not only this, the old man was just as generous with his ‘confidence’ as with his porridge and tobacco. He told him at once that in his days of prosperity, his host had been a crofter at Ramsjo Ironworks and had worked on the land, and now he had thirty kronors, which he had earned by selling the milk of his cow.
Question. How did the Civil Disobedience triumph at Motihari?
Answer. Gandhi ji began his efforts at Champaran by trying to get the facts. For this purpose, he visited the secretary of the British Landlord’s Association, but he refused to give any information to an outsider. Next, he called upon the British official commissioner of the Tirhut division in which Champaran district lay. The commissioner bullied him and advised him to leave Tirhut but he stayed there. This shows that Gandhi ji was a staunch seeker and believer of truth. Gandhi ji consulted the lawyers and chided them for collecting fee from the sharecroppers, However, Gandhi ji disobeyed the court’s order and rather proceeded to Motihari, the capital of Champaran. He mobilized the support of the lawyers and peasants. He got an official notice to quit Champaran immediately. However, he disobeyed the order and was summoned to court. The spontaneous demonstration of thousands of farmers was their liberation from the fear of the British. Gandhi ji just wanted the Civil Disobedience Movement or Satyagraha in a non-violent manner. Later on, Satyagraha and non-violence became the main pillars of strength for India’s freedom struggle