Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Science Important Questions
Please refer to Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Science Important Questions with answers below. These solved questions for Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources in NCERT Book for Class 10 Science have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should learn these solved problems properly as these will help them to get better marks in your class tests and examinations. You will also be able to understand how to write answers properly. Revise these questions and answers regularly. We have provided Notes for Class 10 Science for all chapters in your textbooks.
Important Questions Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources
All Management of Natural Resources Class 10 Science Important Questions provided below have been prepared by expert teachers of Standard 10 Science. Please learn them and let us know if you have any questions.
Question: Name any two wastes which can be recycled and reused.
Answer: Paper, plastic.
Question: Mention any two reasons for failure to . sustain underground water.
Answer:a. Over use by drilling it out for agriculture and industrial use.
b. Removal of forest cover, disruption of water cycle and erratic rain fall
Question: We need to manage our resources. List two reasons to justify this statement.
Answer: a. We need to manage our resources because they are not unlimited
b. the demand is increasing due to human population rate increase because of improved health care.
c. for sustainable development.
Question: Name the industries which are based on forest produce.
Answer: Two industries which are dependent on forests for raw materials are furniture, sports, and timber and paper industries.
Question: What is meant by biodiversity hotspots?
Answer: A region with large biodiversity of endangered species, many of them being highly endemic and such regions being subjected to large scale destruction are
designated as Hot spots by ecologists. Forests are hotspots because they have large number of species of plants and animals.
Question: Why do we need alternative sources of energy?
Answer: Sources of energy like fossil fuel are not unlimited.
They cause air pollution. In ancient times, wood was the most common source of heat energy.
The growing demand for energy was largely met by the fossil fuels – coal and petroleum. The fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy, so we need to
conserve them. If we were to continue consuming these sources at such alarming rates, we would soon run out of energy! In order to avoid this, alternate sources of energy must be found. Burning fossil fuels has other disadvantages too.
The air pollution, acid rain, the greenhouse effect and global warming due to gases like carbon dioxide.
Question:. Name the group of bacteria the presence of which confirms the contamination of water of a river.
Answer: Coliform bacteria.
Question: Write one negative effect of affluent lifestyle of few persons on the environment.
Answer: It will prevent equitable distribution of resources so that not all, and just a handful of rich and powerful people, benefit from the development of these resources. They will exploit it for their own interest and maybe cause more damage to them.
Question: List two items which can easily be recycled, but we generally throw them in the dustbins.
Answer: Paper, plastic items.
Question: Where can flora and fauna be preserved? Give one reason for preserving it.
Answer: Flora and fauna can be preserved in forests. Forests need to be preserved due to loss of ecological stability.
Question: Give one example each from your daily life where the household waste can be effectively reused and recycled respectively.
Answer: Reuse Used envelopes can be used again by reversing.
Recycle Papers can be recycled by sending these back into factories.
Question: List two industries which are dependent on forests for raw materials.
Answer: Two industries which are dependent on forests for raw materials are furniture, sports, and timber and paper industries.
Question: What are renewable resources? Give one example.
Answer: The renewable resources are those which can be replenished in nature through fast natural cycles such as groundwater and forests.
Question: What is ‘Amrita Devi Bishnoi National Award’?
Answer: ‘Amrita Devi Bishnoi National Award’ was instituted by government for wildlife conservation in memory of Amrita Devi Bishnoi. For Bishnoi community conservation of forest and wildlife was very important. Amrita Devi sacrificed her life for protection of Khejri trees in Khejrali village which is near Jodhpur in Rajasthan along with 363 other people in 1731.
Question: What is ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan’?
Answer: ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan’ was a movement against raising the height of Sardar Sarovar Dam on the river Narmada. This movement was led because construction of large dams led to many social, economic and environmental problems like displacement of people without proper compensation or less benefits to poor people from these dams than what was promised as well as deforestation.
Question: Give your view point about the conservation of natural resources.
Answer: we should conserve forest, wildlife and other natural resources like water, fossil fuels because they are a tool for development and survival of human beings and reduction of environmental or global problems.
These resources are not unlimited and human population is increasing at tremendous rate so we need a sustainable environment in which we can meet current basic human needs along with preserving the resources for future generations, therefore we need to conserve the natural resources.
Question: How are damages caused to forest?
Answer: There are many ways in which damage is caused to forest. Some of them are listed below:
● Forest trees are cut down to obtain wood for use in buildings, furniture, paper, and sports goods.
● Forest department allows cutting down because it is good source of revenue for them
● Developmental projects like building roads through forest area and construction of dams.
● Incoming of tourists to forest, building rest houses and dumping of waste materials in the forest.
Question: How local people can be used for successful forest management?
Answer: Local people’s participation in the management of forests can help in increasing forest produce and conservation of forest.
An example of this is of 1972, when West Bengal Forest Department involved local people to improve the degraded Sal forests. A forest officer A.K Banerjee along with villagers protected around 1200 hectares of Sal forest in Midnapore district and in return villagers were given employment. They were also allowed to collect firewood and fodder from forest at very less amount.
So local people can lead to efficient management of forest as they use forest produce in sustainable manner.
Question: Why is the management of forest and wildlife resources considered as a challenging task?
Answer: Management of forest and wildlife resources is considered as a challenging task because there are four main stakeholders (the person with an interest or concern in something):
● Local people living there who depends on forest for their life.
● Forest department of government who owns the land.
● Industrialists who use various forest products.
● Forest and wildlife activists who wants to save forests.
Also there is not equitable distribution of natural resources. Rich industrialists lead to major deforestation and local people use the forest produce in sustainable manner.
Question: What are the different techniques of water harvesting?
Answer: Water harvesting is an old practice. Water harvesting techniques depends on the location where it is to be used. Some of them are listed below:
● Khadins, Tanks and Nadis in Rajasthan.
● Bhandaras and Tals in Maharashtra.
● Ahars and Pynes in Bihar.
● Bhundhis in MP and UP.
● Kulhs in Himachal Pradesh.
● Ponds in Jammu region.
● Eris (tanks) in Tamil Nadu.
● Surangams in Kerala.
● Kattas in Karnataka.
Purpose or rainwater harvesting is not only to hold rainwater but also to recharge groundwater.
Question: What is watershed management?
Answer: watershed management means scientific soil and water conservation in order to increase biomass production. In this management we develop such resources of land and water which will not cause ecological imbalance. Various organizations have been working on alternative to dams like digging small pits and lake, sand and limestone reservoirs, rooftop water collecting units which saves rain water.
These all methods have recharged the depleting ground water levels. Also watershed management leads to reduction of droughts and floods.
Question: What are fossil fuels? How are coal and petroleum formed? Why fossil fuels should be sued judiciously?
Answer: Fossil fuels are the natural resources which are important sources of energy.
For example: Coal and Petroleum. Coal is used as fuel in homes and industry.
Petroluem products such as petrol and diesel are used in transports like scooters, cars, buses etc.
Coal and petroleum were formed from degradation of biomass of plants and animals respectively, which were buried deep under the Earth millions of years ago. We obtain coal from ‘coalmines’ into the Earth and petroleum is obtained from ‘oilwells’ deep in the Earth.
Fossil fuels should be used judiciously because they are limited in the Earth out which petroleum is expected to last for about 40 years and coal for 200 years. once exhausted, they will be not available to us till a very long period as they are formed at extremely slower rate. Secondly, the products of combustion of fossil fuels pollute the environment to large extent and lead to global warming.
Question: ‘Economic growth and ecological conservation should go hand in hand’?
Explain why.
Answer: Economic growth is very important for each country but ecological conservation is equally important as the exploitation of natural resources with short term aim would be beneficial for present but no resources would be left for future generations.
Without resources there will be no point of economic growth as most of the economy will be invested in taking resources from other countries at a high cost or renewing the resource which will also take a long time. There is also serious damage to environment like global warming without ecological conservation.
Question: Your father has a small four seater car which is good enough for your family of four. However, both your neighbours have big SUV cars. Your mother often feels bad as her children travel in a small car as your neighbours children travel in a big SUV. She has therefore, asked your father to by an SUV for your family also.
(a) Do you agree with your mother? Give two reasons to support your answer.
(b) Give an example by which you can contribute in reduction of air pollution.
(c) What should government do to reduce air pollution?
Answer: (a) No, i don’t agree with her because in my opinion the small car is also serving the same purpose with less cost as large size of SUVs require it to burn more gas i.e. an increase in cost when fueling.
Also, use of more gas lead to negative environmental effect by increasing air pollution and depletion of natural resources like fossil fuels.
(b) There are many small things which can be done as an individual to reduce air pollution. An example of this is going to nearby place by bicycle instead of going by scooter or car and creating awareness about this among our friends, family and neighbours.
(c) Government should ban the non-eco-friendly vehicles and introduce affordable eco friendly vehicles in country. Selling of crackers should not be allowed. Burning of forests and smoking of ciggerates should also be restricted and whoever does so, must be
imposed with heavy fine.
Question: State the main purpose of water harvesting management and mention the source which fills the ponds behind harvesting structures.
Answer: Water harvesting is an age old technique adopted by local people for catching every drop of water falling on land as rain or snow, by making the traditional
structures like ponds, tanks, small earthen dams, constructing dykes, sand and limestone reservoirs etc.
It recharges groundwater locally.
Question: What is meant by the three types of R (3-Rs) to save the environment? Explain with examples how you would follow the 3-Rs in your school to save the environment.
Answer: 3R-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Examples – Switch off the fans and bulbs when not in use, – Reuse of paper, polythene bags, etc., – Reduce
the wastage of water/paper or any other item (or any other relevant example)
Question: List four advantages of properly managed watershed management.
Answer: Advantages
a. It helps in restoring fertility of soil and thus raising crop production.
b. It provides clean drinking water for all.
c. Infrastructure for storage, trAnswer:port and agricultural market.
d. It helped in local water supply for irriga¬tion, hydro power stations, prevention of floods.
Question: List two main causes of the pollution of water of the river Ganga. State how pollution and contamination of river water prove harmful for the health of the people of neighbouring areas.
Answer: Two main causes of the pollution of water of the river Ganga
1. Disposal of industrial effluents. Human activities like bathing, washing, immersion of ashes, etc.
2. Disposal of untreated sewage.
Harmful effects on health
a. Spreads water borne diseases
b. Consumptions of contaminated fishes (or any other relevant affect).
Question: List three merits of watershed management.
Answer: Watershed management emphasises scientific soil and water conservation in order to increase the biomass production. The aim is to develop primary resources of land and water, to produce secondary resources of plants and animals for use in a manner which will not cause ecological imbalance.
Watershed management not only increases the production and income of the watershed community, but also mitigates droughts and floods and increases the life of the downstream dam and reservoirs.
Question: Sunday morning scene is described in a household.
Washing machine is on, father is washing his car with the hose¬pipe, daughter is brushing with the tap on,son is enjoying shower for more than half hour and the mother is washing the floor with the bucket full of water.
a. What changes in the above situation can be done to conserve water?
b. Why do we need to conserve water when water is non-exhaustible renewable resource?
c. What values are being neglected by the family?
Answer: (a) In the above situation to conserve water one should try to reduce the use by using bucket and mug for taking bath, washing clothes and car. Tap should be closed while brushing teeth.
(b) Fresh water resources are very less. Ocean water can not be used for daily activities.
(c) Concern for environment, economy in use
Question: Describe the structure of a traditional water harvesting system with the help of a diagram.
Answer: The structure of a traditional water harvesting system is shown below.
The structure of a traditional water harvesting system.
In largely level terrain, water harvesting structures are generally crescent shaped earthen embankments or low , straight, concrete and rubble, check dams,
built across a seasonally flooded gullies. Monsoon rains fill the ponds behind structures. Only the largest structure hold the water year round. Most of them dry
up six months or less after the monsoon.
Question: What are the consequences of inequitable distribution of natural resources? Give two reasons for using the resources judiciously.
Answer: Only rich and powerful people are benefited We need to use resources carefully because -a. they are not unlimited
b. the demand is increasing due to human population rate increase because of improved health care.
c. for sustainable development
Question: (a) Mention any two advantages of constructing dams.
(b) Name a dam which was a subject of much opposition from locals as well as NGOs.
(c) Mention any three problems which may arise due to construction of large dams.
Answer: Dams are large structure built across rivers to obstruct the water. Large dam ensure adequate amount of water stored for irrigation and to produce
hydroelectricity. Ill planned dams like Sardar Sarovar dam cause following problems
a. social problems because they displace large number of peasants and tribals without adequate compensation or rehabilitation.
b. Economic problems because they swallow up huge amount of public money without generation of proportionate benefits.
c. Environmental problems because they contribute enormously to deforestation and loss of biodiversity.
Question: Why should we aim at sustainable development while utilizing our natural resources?
Answer: Sustainable development meAnswer: to adopt such meAnswer: of development to fulfill the human needs which can maintain a balance between environment and development and prevent degradation of the environment thereby sustaining the resources for further use. We must increase the vegetation and green grasses patches between the concrete building. We should use environmentally sound technologies which do not pollute the environment.
The advantages may be
a. To make life comfortable and healthy for all.
Prevent degradation of the environment or to check pollution.
b. To leave the resources for further use. There will be enough for the comforts of present and still left for future generation.
c. There would not be pollution or other environment related problems.
d. There will be equitable distribution of resources among all, not just with rich and powerful.
Question: What is a natural resource? Why should there be equitable distribution of resources? Mention two factors that work against an equitable distribution of these resources.
Answer: A natural resource is a component of natural environment that can be utilized by man to promote his welfare.
The important resources are soil, water, land, energy, marine and minerals. There should be equitable distribution of resources as resources are limited and demand is more. It will ensure distribution to all and not to only rich and powerful.
Two factors that work against an equitable distribution of these resources are a. Social disparity and Political forces
b. Economical disparity.
Question: Suggest any six approaches towards the conservation of forests.
Answer: We should conserve forest because
a. Forests purify the air, prevent pollution of air, regulate the climate by maintaining the level of rainfall necessary for their own existence.
b. Forests are necessary to replenish ground water,check floods and soil erosion and maintain soil fertility.
c. These forests also provide rubber, wood, timber,fuel wood, paper, fodder, gum, resin, kattha, edible fruits and medicinal plants for industries as well as local people. The forests also provide animal products like honey, wax, lac etc.
d. Forests are a storehouse of biodiversity. A large number of species are found there.
e. Forests serve as a source of income to tribal societies even today.
Two ways of conservation of forest
(i) Afforestation is required to save the forests.
Silviculture is one of the major programmes started to replenish forests. Afforestation should be there
in the areas which are unfit for agriculture, along highways and rivers.
(ii) Awareness programmes should be there. A special programme of tree plantation called Van
Mahotsava is held every year in our country. It should be made more popular.
Question: Mrs. Joshi is a house wife and wants to contribute for conservation of natural resources. List any six activities that she can do on her own.
Answer: a. Using solar cooker
b. Collecting waste separately
c. Using public trAnswer:port
d. Using CFL
e. Avoid using lift or AC
f. Getting leaking taps repaired immediately
g. Use of pressure cooker.
h. Switching off engine at traffic light
Question: What were the main reasons behind Ganga Action Plan which was initiated in 1985? What values can be learnt from such pl Answer:?
Answer: The Ganga Action Plan was initiated in 1985 to clean up the Ganga river. We know that the Ganga is facing serious problem of pollution due to industrial effluents, domestic sewage, etc.
Rivers are one of the main sources for drinking water. It is also used for irrigation. So we must do everything to keep our rivers clean. Life in the Indo- Gangetic plain depends upon a clean River Ganga.
Question: Mention four advantages of exploiting sources with short-term perspective.
Answer: Exploiting sources with short- term perspective means using the natural resources keeping in mind the benefits to only present generation.
The four advantages are
a. It will be providing food, clothes and other things for comfort of present generation.
b. There will be development in all fields.
c. In general, progress will be visible as powerful and rich people will be able to setup more industries gaining a lot of money and power.
d. Living standards of people will rise.
Question: How is exploiting our resources with short-term perspectives different from exploiting them with a long-term perspective.
Answer: Exploiting sources with short-term perspective will be providing food, clothes and other things for comfort of present generation. There will be development in all
fields. Presently natural resources are able to give us these advantages. When we exploit our resources with a long-term perspective, it would lead to sustainable
development. There will be enough for the comforts of present and still left for future generation. There would not be pollution or other environment related
problems. There will be equitable distribution of sources among all, not just with rich and powerful.