Mothers Day Class 11 English Notes
Please refer to Mothers Day Class 11 English Notes and summary provided below. The following summary and solved questions have been designed as per the latest syllabus and books issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. By going through and learning the below notes for Class 11 English you will be able to understand the entire chapter and easily solve questions in your exams. Also, refer to the Class 11 English Chapter Summary for all chapters in your textbooks.
Class 11 English Mothers Day Summary and Questions
The following Mothers Day Class 11 English Notes and questions answers will help you to easily learn the entire chapter. You will be able to solve all questions in upcoming Class 11 English exams and score better marks
Mother’s Day, a play by J. B. Priestley, portraying the status of a mother in a household. Priestly humorously explores the story when Mrs. Pearson, in her forties, stands up for her rights and how her family reacts at this. Mrs. Pearson is very fond of her family and works day and night to support her family member in the best possible manner. However, she is upset at the way she is being treated. Nobody cares for her or asks about her. All day long she stays at home doing all the work. In the evening when the kids and her husband return she gave threw her in meeting their demands. She did not want any dislikeable thing to happen in her household yet she craved for their attention and a little respect. She went to her neighbor Mrs. Fitzgerald, a fortune teller and a magician. Older and heavy, Mrs. Fitzgerald comes with a plan. She proposed that they could exchange bodies and then with Pearson’s body, she would teach a lesson to Pearson’s family that Mrs. Pearson could not herself for she was too humble and nice to do that.
Though reluctant, Mrs. Pearson agreed to the idea and the two exchanged their bodies. Mrs. Pearson was still not sure and asked Mrs. Fitzgerald if she could get her body back. However, determined Fitzgerald tells Pearson to not worry and that she would handle the matter carefully. She left for Pearson’s home with Mrs. Pearson’s body. She entered the home and knew what she was to do to teach Pearsons’ a lesson so they would not bother Mrs. Pearson in future unnecessarily. Mrs. Pearson (Mrs. Fitzgerald’s soul) smoked a cigarette and was confident than ever. A few moments later, her daughter, Doris Pearson, entered the house and started demanding tea and her dress. Mrs. Pearson was sure to make her realize that she was Doris’ mother and not a servant. She was stunned to see her mother smoking and that she had not prepared tea for her and that her dress was not ready as well. Doris told her mother that she was to go out with her beau Charles Spencer on which the mother remarked if she could not find someone better. This broke Doris and she left weeping.
Then came the son, Cyril Pearson, who is amused at his mother’s strange behaviour. They get into an argument. The children could not baffle the situation. When the mother left to fetch the stout, the children discussed their mother’s behaviour. Doris felt that it might have been that mother got her head hit. Then enters mother with a bottle of stout and a glass half filled with it. The children began to laugh and the mother chided them and asked them to behave like grown-ups. Doris then asked her mother for her such behaviour and if they had done something wrong. Then Mrs Pearson tells them that it is actually the children’s and her husband’s behaviour that has disturbed her. They always come and go without bothering about her. They demand duties from her and she does her best to keep everyone happy and still nobody is bothered about her. She remarks that while the three of them do a job of forty hours a week with two days at the weekend, she goes on working seven days round the clock. She proclaimed that she would do some work on Saturday and Sunday only if she is thanked for everything.
When the mother scolded Doris and Cyril duly, entered George Pearson and is annoyed at her wife sipping stout. He told her that he would have supper at the club and that he did not want tea. The wife told him that there was no tea. He got annoyed and the wife then said that when he did not want tea then why he was fighting for it. Mr. Pearson is flabbergasted at such conduct of his wife. The wife continues to rebuke the husband telling him that why he goes to the club when he is a joke among all there. He is stunned and demanded the truth from his son. Cyril got upset at his mother yet told the father that it was the truth.
Then enters Mrs. Fitzgerald (actually Mrs. Pearson). Mrs. Pearson (actually Mrs. Fitzgerald) told her that she was just putting everyone at place and that the things were alright. Mrs. Pearson (Mrs. Fitzgerald in body) requested to have her body then and Mrs. Pearson (Mrs. Fitzgerald in body) on a condition that Pearson would not go soft on her family again. They got into their original bodies and Mrs. Fitzgerald left. The mother and the children and husband smiled at each other and it was decided that they all will have the dinner together and play a game of rummy.
Important Points
- Mother’s Day deals with an issue that concerns all women the world over.
- The position of a woman in We family is pitiable both as a wife and as a mother.
- She is neglected and ordered about by the entire family. Her duties are unlimited, with no weekend break for recreation or change.
- Priestley discusses this issue in a humorous and satirical manner.
- Here are the two faces of woman—the liberated defiant and assertive
- Mrs Fitzgerald gives a practical demonstration of how the docile Mrs Pearson can become the mistress of her house. She suggests rough treatment as the only effective method. She shocks the family with her smoking, drinking and lighting mood. She is able to do so by using a spell and putting her own spirit into the body of her neighbour.
- They all feel miserable and agree to do what Mrs Pearson demands. The solution to the problem is a bit harsh, crude and not very practical.
Short Questions
Question. How does Mrs Pearson (acting as Mrs Fitzgerald) silence her neighbour as she comes back to see the little drama?
Answer: Real Mrs Pearson returns to her house to see that everything is all right. But she is shocked to see the painful drama of tears and scolding. When she tries to intervene, Mrs Fitzgerald tells her severely to let her manage her family in her own way. She says she is putting them all in their places and cutting them to size.
Question. Why does George react when the neighbour calls him George? What does he complain of?
Answer:. George objects strongly when the neighbour addresses him as George. But the new Mrs Pearson sees no reason to feel offended. She tells him that he is not Duke of Edinburgh. Ile further complains that no tea has been served to him, that poor Doris is crying upstairs because her mother has hurt her feelings.
Question. Bring out the distinctive traits of the two ladies in “Mother’s Day”.
Answer: The two ladies in the play are Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald. They are neighbours. They are totally different in their outlook, temperament and habits. Mrs Fitzgerald drinks, smokes and plays cards. She lives life on her own terms. Mrs Pearson is a submissive wife and mother. Although she suffers, she does not have the guts to check or
correct her family members. So, she does all the household chores for her family without a word of appreciation from them.
Question. How had Mrs Fitzgerald mastered some basics of magic spell?
Answer: Mrs Fitzgerald was a bold, talented and strong woman. She learnt some basics of magic in Asia where her husband was posted for twelve years. She takes Mrs Pearson’s hands and utters some words. The personalities of the two women change bodies.
Question. What sane advice does Mrs Fitzgerald give to her neighbour in the art of managing her family?
Answer: Mrs Fitzgerald’s approach is harsh and unforgiving. She tells Mrs Pearson to stop running after her family all the time and taking their orders. Her family should learn to care for her and value her. She should show them their places and refuse to serve them.
Question.What do you think is Mrs Pearson’s grouse or complaint against her husband and children?
Answer: Mrs Pearson’s complaint against her husband and children is that they are so thoughtless and selfish. That they treat her almost like a domestic servant. They come home in the evening and leave soon for their club or outing and enjoy themselves. She takes their orders and runs after them. She has no break, no holiday, no recreation.
Question. How do Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald come together?
Answer: Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald are neighbours. Mrs Fitzgerald is a fortune-teller. She is a bold and domineering woman. The two women often meet. Mrs Pearson shares her problems with her neighbour. Mrs Fitzgerald suggests some radical ways to deal with the family.
Question. It’s more than hints your family needs, Mrs Pearson. Why can’t Mrs Pearson heed and act upon Mrs Fitzgerald’s advice?
Answer: Mrs Pearson does not dare to displease her husband or children. She can’t take a hard step and also does not know how to begin. She agrees with Mrs Fitzgerald’s views but she doesn’t want to annoy them. Her motherly heart does not allow her to be harsh towards her husband and children.
Question. Describe the little but a very effective episode of change of the places or personalities at Mrs Pearson’s house.
Answer: Mrs Fitzgerald is a strong and aggressive woman. She has mastered the art of casting a magic spell. She learnt that art in an Asian country. She mutters the spell—three words in all, holds Mrs Pearson’s hands and they change personalities.
Question. What does Mrs Pearson finally ask her family to do?
Answer: When Mrs Fitzgerald has gone. the real Mrs Pearson asks her family to do as she wants them to do. She wants them all to stay at home that evening and perhaps play a game of rummy with her. She asks her son and daughter to get the supper ready. In the meantime, she will have a talk with her husband George. No one dares to challenge her demand.
Question. What is Mrs Fitzgerald’s parting advice to Mrs Pearson?
Answer: Mrs Fitzgerald is a liberated woman, bold and empowered woman in the real sense. She warns Mrs Pearson to he tough and demanding for a couple of hours with her family. She forbids her to feel sorry for the drama, and offer no explanation or apology. If she stays firm, they will all change for the better very soon.
Question. How does the changed Mrs Pearson give a rude shock to George?
Answer: George questions his wife why she is drinking stout at that odd hour. He disapproves of it but sets a curt reply from her. She points out how he is the laughing stock at the club, where they called him names behind his back. She even threatens to slap his big, fat, silly face, when he insults Mrs Fitzgerald. He accepts defeat and becomes normal.
Question. Describe how the new Mrs Pearson deals with Cyril.
Answer: Cyril is another person whom the changed mother sets right. She tells him to help himself in the kitchen and prepare tea. She declares she would take a holiday on weekends. She points out how he has been wasting much money and time at dog races and ice shows. She calls him a silly, spoilt, young brat.
Question. What do Doris and Cyril presume about the changed behaviour of the mother?
Answer: Both Doris and Cyril are taken aback at the sudden change in their mother’s tone and behaviour. They think that she must have hit her head against something, which has made her light-headed. They are shocked to hear that she would enjoy free-of-work weekends for a change.
Question. When and why does Mrs Fitzgerald (in Mrs Pearson’s body) threaten to slap George?
Answer: George feels offended and insulted. At that moment the next door neighbour Mrs Fitzgerald comes to visit them and addresses him as George. He objects to her presence in the house and insults her. He asks angrily it she (his wife) has gone eccentric. At this, his wife jumps up and threatens to slap his big, in the silly face.
Question. How does Mrs Fitzgerald remove Mrs Pearson’s apprehensions about the reaction of her family and the issue of changing back?
Answer: Mrs Fitzgerald is sure that her spell will work. But the change of personalities/places would not last long. She offers to deal with the self-centered members of the family with a heavy hand. She assures that changing back is quite easy for her, any time.
Question. Describe how Mrs Pearson, with the personality of Mrs Fitzgerald, deal with Doris.
Answer: Doris is the first target of her changed mother. After returning from office, she demands tea and asks her mother whether she has ironed her yellow dress. But the mother refuses point blank to serve her any more. She even makes fun of Doris’s boyfriend, Charlie. Thus, the mother makes her cry. She makes her realise that she is not her servant.
Long Questions
Question. How does Mrs. Fitzgerald put Doris, Cyril and George in their place?
Answer: Mrs. Fitzgerald knows some magic. She uses it to change her personality with that of Mrs. Pearson. Soon Mrs. Pearson’s daughter, Doris comes in. She asks mother for tea, but mother says there is no tea ready for her. Doris had wanted her mother to iron her yellow silk. But mother refuses to do any ironing for her. Doris has never seen her mother behaving like this. She is in tears. When Cyril and George come in, they too receive the same kind of treatment. Mother tells them that henceforth too will work eight hours a day and five days a week. While all this is going on Mrs. Fitzgerald ( who is in fact Mrs. Pearson ) enters. The two ladies change back into their real personality. They have a sigh of relief when Mrs. Pearson calls them back with the smile. But now they have learnt their lesson. Thus Doris Cyril and George are brought to their places.
Question. George, Doris and Cyril were all ungrateful. How?
Answer: George, Doris and Cyril are all ungrateful. Each is worried about himself or herself only. George doesn’t want tea, yet he grows angry with his wife because she hasn’t made any tea for him. Doris wants her mother to iron her yellow silk dress because she is going out to meet her boyfriend. Cyril says he is tired after his eight hours work a day. But none of them ever thinks of poor Mrs. Pearson’s fate. Everybody order her as if she is their servant. Really they are all very ungrateful.
Question. How did Mrs. Fitzgerald help Mrs. Pearson to be the boss of her family?
Answer: Mrs. Fitzgerald is Mrs. Pearson’s neighbor. She offers to help Mrs. Pearson in setting her family right. She knows some magic and she changed her personality with Mrs. Pearson with the help of her magic. Now she looks as if she were Mrs. Pearson and vice versa. She sends Mrs. Pearson to her own house and she stays in Mrs. Pearson’s house. When Doris, Cyril and and George come in, she deals with them very severely. She makes them realize how selfish they are. Thus, Mrs. Fitzgerald helps Mrs. Pearson to be the boss of her family.
Question. Bring out the theme of the play ‘mother day’.
Answer: In this play, Priestley tries to depict the fate of most housewives. The poor housewife has to work all hours of the day and all days of the week. She works hard to keep her husband and children happy. But the husband and children are almost always thoughtless. They have no regard for the felling of the poor mother. The poor mother has to stay at home and keep working. Her husband and children never thinks that she too, is a human being. They never realize that she too needs some rest and entertainment. Such husband and children need to correct themselves.
Question. Compare and contrast the characters of Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald.
Answer: Mrs. Pearson is a loving mother and a gentle wife. She works hard to keep her husband and children happy. But she gets no praise to regard for it. Her husband and children are very happy thoughtless and selfish. They treat her as a servant. Mrs. Pearson feels unhappy about it. But she is too weak to protest.
On the other hand Mrs. Fitzgerald is very outspoken. She cannot tolerate any injustice. She believes in equal rights with men. To make it clear, she even smokes and drinks. She says that husband, son and daughter should take notice of wives and mothers. They should not treat them like dirt. She asks Mrs. Pearson to be the boss of her family.