Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Class 11 Biology Important Questions
Please refer to Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Class 11 Biology Important Questions with answers below. These solved questions for Chapter 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants in NCERT Book for Class 11 Biology have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should learn these solved problems properly as these will help them to get better marks in your class tests and examinations. You will also be able to understand how to write answers properly. Revise these questions and answers regularly. We have provided Notes for Class 11 Biology for all chapters in your textbooks.
Important Questions Class 11 Biology Chapter 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Objective Questions
Question. Which was the first CO2 fixation product formed, in the Calvin experiment, using radioactive labelled 14C in green algal?
(a) 2-carbon organic compound
(b) 3-carbon organic compound
(c) 4-carbon organic compound
(d) 5-carbon organic compound
Question. The total requirement of ATP & NADPH for each molecule of CO2 fixed & reduced in photosynthesis in the Calvin cycle is
(a) 2 ATP & 2 NADPH
(b) 2 ATP & 3 NADPH
(c) 3 ATP & 2 NADPH
(d) 4 ATP & 3 NADPH
Question. Site of photosynthesis in C4 plant is
(a) mesophyll cells
(b) bundle sheath cells
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Cytosol
Question. Chloroplast movement is influenced by
(a) light exposure
(b) dark condition
(c) atmospheric condition
(d) number of mesophyll cells
Question. Bundle sheath cells
(a) are rich in RuBisCO.
(b) are rich in PEP carboxylase.
(c) lack RuBisCO.
(d) lack both RuBisCO and PEP carboxylase.
Question. By looking at which internal structure of a plant can you tell whether a plant is C3 & C4?
(a) Kranz anatomy
(b) Distribution of mesophyll cells
(c) Bundle sheath cells only
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Question. A process that creates an important difference between C3 & C4 plants is called____________.
(a) Calvin benson cycle
(b) photosynthesis
(c) photorespiration
(d) transpiration
Question. Photorespiration
(a) occurs because oxygen rather than carbon dioxide
links to the rubisco enzyme in the Calvin cycle.
(b) occurs more in C4 than in C3 plants under identical conditions.
(c) describes the uptake of CO2 & the release of oxygen in chloroplasts.
(d) All of the above
Question. Plant factors affecting photosynthesis include
(a) number, age, size, and orientation of leaves, mesophyll cells and chloroplast, internal CO2 conc., the amount of chlorophyll .
(b) nature of leaves, size of mesophyll cells and light.
(c) mesophyll cells, distribution and temperature.
(d) quantity of chlorophyll, size of leaves and CO2.
Statement Type Questions
Question. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(a) Site of photosynthesis is mesophyll cells of chloroplast.
(b) In Z-scheme, movement of electrons is uphill in terms of redox potential scale.
(c) In Z-scheme of photosynthesis, the electrons flow from H2O to NADP+.
(d) ATP synthesis is linked to development of a proton gradient across a membrane.
Question. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(a) Photosystem-I receives electrons from photosystem-II.
(b) Photosystem-II receives electrons from photolytic dissociation of water.
(c) Formation of NADPH is associated with photosystem -II.
(d) Reaction centre of photosystem I is P700.
Question. Which one of the following statement correctly describes the cyclic photophosphorylation?
(a) Cyclic photophosphorylation has both PS-I and PS-II.
(b) Cyclic phosphorylation produces neither ATP nor NADPH + H+.
(c) Water is the ultimate source of e– in cyclic phosphorylation.
(d) Electrons are cycled in cyclic photophosphorylation.
Question. Which of the following statement is incorrect ?
(a) H2S, not H2O, is involved in photosynthesis of purple sulphur bacteria.
(b) Light and dark reactions are stopped in the absence of light.
(c) Calvin cycle occurs in the grana of chloroplast.
(d) ATP is produced during light reaction via chemiosmosis.
Diagram Type Questions
Question. The given diagram represents the Calvin cycle.

At which stage (inducated by P, Q, R and S)is CO2 incorporated?
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) R
(d) S
Question. The diagram below represents an experiment with isolated chloroplasts. The chloroplasts were first made acidic by soaking them in a solution at pH 4. After the thylakoid space reached pH 4, the chloroplasts were transferred to a basic solution at pH 8. The chloroplasts are then placed in the dark. Which of these compounds would you expect to be produced?

(a) ATP
(b) NAD
(c) G3P
(d) C6H12O6
Question. Given below is the pathway (2-scheme) of light reaction.
Identify the blanks indicated by A, B, C and D.

Question. The given figure shows the diagrammatic representation of a section of chloroplast. Few plants are marked as A, B, C, D & E.

Combination of which parts is responsible for trapping the light energy & also the synthesis of ATP and NADPH?
(a) A, B, C
(b) B, C, D
(c) C, D, E
(d) A, D, E
Critical Thinking Type Questions
Question. Which of the following is not concern with cyclic photophosphorylation?
(a) Liberation of oxygen.
(b) Synthesis of ATP.
(c) It occurs in certain photosynthetic bacteria.
(d) Electron expelled from P700 return to it after passing through different electron acceptor
Question. Which one of the following event occurs both during cyclic and non-cyclic modes of photophosphorylation?
(a) Involvement of both PS -I and PS – II.
(b) Formation of ATP.
(c) Release of O2.
(d) Formation of NADPH.
Question. Cooperation of the two photosystems of the chloroplast is required for
(a) ATP synthesis.
(b) reduction of NADP+.
(c) enhancement of dark reaction.
(d) generation of protein motive force.
Question. Assume the thylakoid membrane within a chloroplast is punctured so that there is no separation between lumen & stroma of thylakoid. Which of these process would be most affected?
(a) the splitting of water
(b) the synthesis of ATP
(c) reduction of NADP+
(d) the flow of electrons from PS – II to PS – I
Question. By which of the following complex, proton is pumped to reach ATP synthase, to participate in ATP synthesis.?
(a) Cytochrome b6f
(b) Cytochrome c oxidase
(c) Cytochrome a – a3
(d) Cytochrome bc
Question. How many molecules of RuBP & CO2 respectively are required for production of 6 molecules of 3-PGA?
(a) 3 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 3 and 3
(d) 3 and 1
Question. Which part of the plant do not perform photosynthesis?
(a) Cactus stem
(b) Guard cell of stomata
(c) Mesophyll cells of leaf
(d) Leaf epidermis
Question. Accessory pigments
(a) play no role in photosynthesis.
(b) release e– and get oxidized.
(c) transfer of e– to NADP.
(d) allow plants to harvest visible light of wider range wavelengths.
Question. The pigment molecules responsible for photosynthesis are located in the
(a) cytoplasm of the cell.
(b) matrix of the mitochondria.
(c) thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast.
(d) All of the above
Question. During photosynthesis, electrons are continuously lost from the reaction centre of PSII. By which process these electrons are replaced?
(a) Sunlight
(b) Photolysis of water
(c) Release of oxygen
(d) Redox reaction
Question. In Kranz anatomy, the bundle sheath cells have
(a) thin walls, many intercellular spaces and no chloroplasts.
(b) thick walls, no intercellular spaces and large number of chloroplasts.
(c) thin walls, no intercullular spaces and several chloroplasts.
(d) thick walls, many intercellular spaces and few chloroplasts.