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For Class 4 to Class 12

Report Writing Formats CBSE Class 10 and 12

Read report writing formats for Class 10 and 12. These Report Writing Format Class 10 and 12 are prepared by our expert teachers on the latest exam pattern of the CBSE Board Exam. It will help you to make your preparation better to score good marks in your English exam.

Report Writing Examples is great for preparing for the CBSE board examinations. CBSE English Syllabus is much bigger and requires concentrated efforts on the part of the student to face the examinations and pop out a success.

Report Writing Format Class 10 Consists of all of the concepts and important topics which help you in revision. Each explanation is provided with all the assumptions and good judgment used to determine the conclusion. This will allow the students to study and understand each concept even though they are preparing for the first time.

It is important for students to understand various Report Writing Formats for CBSE Class 10 and 12. In all exams, there are definitely questions asked in which the students have to write reports. You should be able to understand the procedure to write a good report. We have given some tips and solved examples below which will help you to understand how to write better reports and get good marks in exams. You should also refer to English Letter writing rules.

Tips for writing a good report

1.Title: – should be an eye-catching phrase.

2.Byline – It is the name and the designation of the person who writes the report.

3.Dateline- It should be written on the left side of the report Box just below the dateline.

4.A report is always written in the past tense.

5.A report should answer the questions – ‘what’, where’, ‘when’ and ‘how’.

  1. Detailed observations should be provided in the report.

7.Quotes of the prominent speakers are advisable.

8.Overall impression about the program/event/situation is advisable

Report Writing Formats Sample 1

Question. You are Ramana/Ramani. A slum area in Karimnagar city of Andhra Pradesh State has been seriously affected due to a massive fire. You are the Reporter of an English Daily asked to make a report on the tragic incident (Word limit : 125 words)

(By-Ramani, Staff Reporter)

Dt. 23.10.20XX

The massive fire that took place in wee hours of Friday in Rampur, a slum area in the city, proved to be a total disaster. Five people were charred to death. The area was inhabited mostly by the weaker sections. There were many junk-shops, godowns of waste plastic material, newspapers and clothes. The relief-work was delayed. The area presented a picture of pathetic scene. Most of the huts were burnt. Thousands of people were rendered homeless in the area in the ghastly incident.. Temporary arrangements were made in Sadhana Model Vidya Mandhir. There was commendable response and concern from local Sarva Seva Smithy, a local voluntary organization. Food packets, bed sheets, medicines and water packets were distributed to the victims. The Tahsildhar of the area rushed to the spot with rescue team and supervised the relief operation. However miserable condition of the homeless people was yet to be improved to bring back normalcy in the life of poor people of slum area.

Report Writing Formats Sample 2

Question. Imagine yourself a reporter of Deccan Chrnocile , Hyderabad. Write a report on the running over of a few young school children by a private bus in in the outskirts of the city.   

(By- staff reporter)

Hyderabad, 26th January, 20XX.

A private buses are said to be the prime cause for killing innocent and unknown children on the roads of Hyderabad. Yesterday, the nation was celebrating Republic Day in which many school children participated in the different parts of the city. When a few children were returning home on foot, a private with no.2688 came from behind and ran over the children. The bus sped away leaving two children crushed to death. There was a pool of blood and the site presented a heart-rending and tragic sight. The children were rushed to Yashodha Hospital but were declared dead. So the callous and criminal negligence the drivers of private buses took a few innocent lives It is grass negligence on the part of the authorities that results in accidents as there is no proper check on reckless driving of private vehicles.

Report Writing Formats Sample 3

Question. You have witnessed a train accident where the Howrah -bound Konark Express derailed. Write a report in 125 words to be published in The Times of India


Vijayawada , 20th March, 20XX. 

India has made considerable strides in expanding its railways. But it still lags behind in providing a safe and risk-free journey. Railway accidents are quite frequent. The yesterday’s derailment How rah –bound Konark Express near Vijayawada Junction adds one more to the black-list. Preliminary reports suggest that the derailment was caused due to some ‘human error’. The How rah bound Konark Express left Vijayawada at the fixed time. Everything went on well till it reached the derailment. Three bogies got derailed. The train came to a halt just at the outer the site. Many villages also reached the spot to help the passengers. They also brought food and water for the passengers. Many passengers were dragged out to safety. Fortunately, there was no loss of human life. About 50 passengers received minor injuries. They were discharged after getting the First Aid. Five passengers who received serious injuries were admitted to the Head Quarters Hospital, Vijayawada.

Report Writing Formats Sample 4

Question. Your school N.S.S. unit organised a Blood Donation Camp. As a member of the N.S.S. group, write a report in 100 words to be printed in your school magazine.   



Students and teachers of Blue Moon Public School, Warangal celebrated the Silver Jubilee of their great institution in a style. They organized a Blood Donation Camp on this auspicious occasion. The activities of the camp were coordinated by the N.S.S wing of the school and the secretary, N.S.S. Unit of Blue Moon Public School , Warangal. The number of volunteers who came forward to donate their blood even surpassed the estimate of the organizers. Four doctors and six nurses worked round the clock to collect blood for the needy. The donors were given milk and fruits after blood donation. A lucky draw for the donors gave an air of festivity to the whole programme. The student of class XI was the lucky donor who won a colour T.V. in the draw. The chief-guest Sri Giridhar, the Chief Medical Officer, Warangal Head Quarter Hospital, gave away commendation certificates to the volunteers.

Report Writing Formats Sample 5

Question. Your school has recently celebrated ‘Tree Plantation Week’ organizing a number of inter-house competitions, highlighting the need for ecological balance for man’s happiness. As the Secretary of the National Green Corps, prepare a report in 125 words, suitable to be published in your school magazine. You are Sadhana/Surender


Mumbai, 20th Febrauary, 20XX
NCC Troup Leader

Ragavendra Public School , Mumbai has hit the headlines again. The school celebrated ‘Tree Plantation Week’ only recently. The ‘Tree Plantation Week’ was launched with great fanfare by the Principal and the students on the morning of 10th February. About two hundred trees were planted on the campus. They included traditional Neems, Gulmohars, Banyans as well as other flower trees. A number of inter-house competitions were arranged highlighting the need for the factors that are degrading the ecological balance. The need for maintaining the forest wealth, growing more trees and keeping the environment clean dominated the show. The winners were given away prizes in al gala ceremony at the conclusion of the week

Question. Recently your city has experienced monsoon rains. Write a report on the loss of life and property to be read out in your school assembly. Your report should be within 100 words.


24, November 20XX

The last month i.e., October ,2008 came with a message of hardships, sufferings and challenges from nature. My city Lucknow experienced heavy monsoon rains. On 22nd of November, suddenly the water level increased in the big drain and it started overflowing. Soon the whole town of Lucknow became a huge lake. The local authorities of Lucknow Municipality had issued no previous warning of a flood. We had to leave everything behind. There was waist-deep water outside. We were shifted to refuge camps in tourism-boats. The District  dministration proved singularly inadequate and incompetent to cope with the problems caused by the flood. Not only, there was a scarcity of food and shelter but also a shocking negligence of medical facilities. Twenty thousand people were affected by the flood. Twenty lives were lost. The loss of property and animals was really a matter of concern.. It was a nightmare –like experience.

Question. Your are Santhosh / Santhoshi , the reporter of local daily newspaper. Write a report a robbery that was held in your locality, on Rajeev Road, Vishakapatnam.


The sensational robbery Rs. 1.10 crores was held in Ramlal Jewellery on Rajeev Road, Vishakapatnm in the midnight. The driver of the proprietor, Sri Ramalal was suspected to be behind plotting the robbery. The other two accused, Ram Charan and Shivalal along with the driver made an attempt earlier and released on personal surety. The driverwho hails from Agra allegedly plotted to rob the money and gold and sought help of his relatives Ram Charan and Shivalal. It is not yet confirmed from whom they procured the knife and glass cutter but the trio selected September, 11 to execute the plan and take away the money. They wielded a knife to threaten anyone who would come on the way. The local Sub Inspector Shri. Bheemaiah who earlier served with Encounter Dept. could catch hold of them who were boarding Delhi bound Express Dakshin Express departing from Kacheguda. , who came to know about their flee on a phone call from the unidentified person ( Informer) They will be produced before the local magistrate on Monday. The police were investigating for further information to submit in the court.It is believed once the crime is fixed there would be severe punishment.

Question. You are Sara/ Sarath,the Secretary of Social Club in your School. Recently the local Circle Inspector of Police was invited to orient the students on ragging in Educational Institutions. Draft a report to be published in your School Magazine


Jaya Public School
Sept., 24, 20XX

The Social Club organized a Anti-ragging Campaign Programme in the School. The local Circle Inspector of the local Police Circle graced programme as Chief Guest. At the outset, the Principal of the school Sri Raman gave his open remarks requesting the gathered students to maintain a cordial relationships enabling the freshers to feel at home without any fear. The Chief Guest, Sri Raghu Yadav, the local Circle Inspector of Police focussed on ragging activity. He oriented the students of the available Acts that punish the promoters of ragging. He invoked the provisions under the Anshra Pradesh Prohibition of Ragging Act. He also said that the mangagements are equally responsible in checking and discouraging ragging and warned of a stern action against those who involve in ragging. The senior students of the school took an oath that they would not indulge in ragging and stand ideal to other colleges and schools. On the occasion, a poster against ragging was released by the Chief Guest, which was sponsored by Parents Teachers Association of the school.


Secretary, Social Club

1. A newspaper reporter has been sent to report on a road accident. Below you can see one page of his notes. Use the information to complete the report he wrote for his newspaper. Do not add any new information.
Sevoke-10km from Siliguri
Crash-jeep in ditch
Local bus – high speed-middle of the road
Jeep braked to avoid collision-swerved,
Hit a tree and overturned. Jeep driver (Mahindra singh,35yrs)
Killed instantly—3 injured—taken to hospital

2. You are Mohanlal. The school captain of Naipunnya Public School, Trivandrum. Recently a Book Exhibition was held in your school. As part of it several programs were organized. Write a report on the celebrations in 80 words for your school magazine.

3. You have witnessed an accident of chain snatching on your way to school. Write a report of the incident to be submitted to the police in about 80 words. Name yourself as Manisha/Mohit, Daryaaganj, Delhi.

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