A Letter to God MCQ Class 10 English
Please refer to Chapter 1 A Letter to God MCQ Class 10 English with answers below. These multiple-choice questions have been prepared based on the latest NCERT book for Class 10 English. Students should refer to MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with Answers to score more marks in Grade 10 English exams. Students should read the chapter A Letter to God and then attempt the following objective questions.
MCQ Questions Class 10 English Chapter 1 A Letter to God
The A Letter to God MCQ Class 10 English provided below covers all important topics given in this chapter. These MCQs will help you to properly prepare for exams.
Answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.
Question. Why did the boys expose themselves to the rain?
a. To protect the field
b. To enjoy the rain
c. To collect the frozen pearls
d. None of these
Question. Lencho gazed at the sky in the ________________ direction hoping for a rainfall.
a. north-east
b. north-west
c. south
d. north
Question. What was the single hope for Lencho and his family?
a. Their savings
b. Their friends and relatives
c. Their faith in God
d. None of these
Question. Where was Lencho’s house situated?
a. On the top of a high mountain
b. On the crest of a low hill
c. In the middle of a cornfield
d. On the edge of a cliff
Question. Why did Lencho go out in the rain?
a. To check his corn field
b. To feel the rain in his body
c. To inform his neighbours about the rainfall
d. To shield his crops from getting destroyed
Question. The story, ‘A Letter to God’ is all about:
a. unconditional love of family
b. unconditional enmity of neighbours
c. unconditional sacrifice of friends
d. unconditional faith in God
Question. In the chapter ‘A Letter to God’, hailstones were compared with:
a. snow balls
b. metal stones
c. silver coins
d. frozen pearls
Question. How long did the hail rain?
a. For a day
b. For an hour
c. For few minutes
d. For a week
Question. What happened when the storm passed?
a. The flowers were gone from the plants.
b. The corn was totally destroyed.
c. The field looked as if covered with salt.
d. All of these
Question. What was Lencho’s wife doing, while he was gazing at the sky?
a. She was working in the field.
b. She was feeding the cattle.
c. She was preparing supper.
d. She was gazing at the sky along with Lencho.
Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option.
The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said:
“God: Of the money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don’t send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho”.
Question. Why did the postmaster open the mailbox immediately after Lencho had posted his letter?
a. Because he wanted to hide that letter from his staff
b. Because the postmaster wanted to check Lencho’s response
c. Because Lencho had given him a stink-eye
d. Because Lencho had asked him to
Question. Why did Lencho not want God to send the rest of the money through mail?
a. Because Lencho thought that the letter could get lost in mail
b. Because the postmaster seemed lazy to Lencho
c. Because Lencho believed that post-office employees were all cheats
d. Because postal service was too slow for Lencho
Question. What help had Lencho asked for?
a. Lencho asked for a new bag of corn seeds
b. He asked for blessings
c. He asked for food ration for the year
d. He asked for a hundred pesos to sow his field
Question. What did Lencho believe would happen to his family if God doesn’t help him?
a. They would be bankrupt.
b. They would go hungry the whole year.
c. They will lose their farm.
d. They will stay depressed.
Question. Why did no leaf remain on the trees?
a. Because it was fall season
b. Because the hailstorm left the field bare
c. Because of a lethal storm
d. Because there was a plague of locusts
Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option.
In the north-east huge mountains of clouds could be seen approaching. The air was fresh and sweet. The man went out for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body, and when he returned he exclaimed, “These aren’t raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins. The big drops are ten cent pieces and the little ones are fives.”
Question. Why were the raindrops like ‘new coins’ for Lencho?
a. Because he thought that the rain will yield a good harvest
b. Because Lencho thought he could practice rain water harvesting
c. Because it saved him from the cost of irrigation
d. Because it ensured better weather for the transportation of goods
Question. How did these new coins ultimately bring disaster to his cornfield?
a. They over-watered his crops
b. They blocked the irrigation canals
c. They turned into hailstones and destroyed all his crops
d. They flooded the roads, halting any transportation
Question. What did hailstones resemble?
a. Mochi balls
b. Snow balls
c. Gold coins
d. Silver coins
Question. How did these new silver coins bring disaster to Lencho?
a. By making him too rich
b. By destroying his entire field
c. By bringing him bad luck
d. None of these
Question. How did Lencho feel after the storm?
a. Lencho was utterly unhappy and distressed.
b. He was in a frenzy.
c. He was sad but relieved.
d. He felt suicidal.