Class 10 English Sample Paper Term 2 Set C
Please see below Class 10 English Sample Paper Term 2 Set C with solutions. We have provided Class 10 English Sample Papers with solutions designed by English teachers for Class 10 based on the latest examination pattern issued by CBSE. We have provided the following sample paper for Term 2 Class 10 English with answers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which can come in the upcoming exams.
CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 English Term 2 Set C
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
(1) Much of India’s law-making process has been outside the scrutiny of ordinary people. They are not framed by legislators or even senior bureaucrats but are often drafts prepared by babus. Sometimes, powerful business interests influence these laws (like the Special Economic Zone Act) and then they are passed in Parliament with little or no discussion.
(2) Sometimes, a popular public demand enters the discourse of a political party and takes the shape of policy and legislation. However, the desire of citizens to participate in the framing of law and policy has intensified over the years, and their voice needs to be included in democratic decision making.
(3) With growing interest in governance, citizens may suggest policy and legislation and such deliberations will only strengthen constitutional processes. Actual consultation on draft legislation and policy require detailed discussion of the principles, framework and formulation of species. These consultations will provoke multiple views and it is important for the institutional framework to assimilate and consider them.
(4) Any group placing its views in the public domain cannot claim total representation. There will be criticism and those need to be resolved. However, assemblies of people can only support the need for legislation.Surveys and votes by raising hands are important to register support for the general idea but cannot be the basis for detailed drafting of a law and its constituent parts.
(5) The principles and framework of any legislation must be debated and the erroneous conclusion that any difference of opinion is tantamount to mala fide intent needs to be questioned. It is in any case only of peripheral importance, as the issues themselves need to be addressed. This applies to laws made both by the formal and informal structures.
(6) Many democracies in the world already have started placing policy and draft laws in the public domain before they are sent to the government, cabinet and then Parliament. The deliberative consultative process is for everyone but focuses more on people who are most affected by the legislation. The policy and the sharing of framework are followed by a draft of the bill itself. All this is done within a time frame. The nascent process of participation of citizens in shaping legislation in the two decades will find systemic space and democratic credibility.
(7) Today, Lokpal has become a phrase, a concept and almost a passion. But that apart, the unpackaging of the concept and the understanding of the bill, and its legal and administrative mechanisms are restricted to a few civil society and government groups. It is time for the interest groups to build a constituency of concerned people who will steer democracy in consonance with constitutional rights. What we need is a well-argued critique of the way we want change.
(8) What we need is a transparent pre-legislative process within the democratic framework. It is important that the pre-legislative process is evolved and shaped in a synergetic manner. If it is properly institutionalised, it will not impinge on executive or legislative privilege. There should be a response to citizens’ desire to participate in framing legislation by creating platforms for institutionalised participation to deepen democratic processes.
(9) India today is at a moment in history where a more complex political idiom is being evolved. This needs to be understood, nurtured and used for enriching our processes of making law and policy. It is a test of the maturity of people, polity and the underlying democratic mores of all of us.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below:
(i) Why is consultation on draft legislation and policy important?
Answer.These consultations will provoke multiple views and it is important for the institutional framework to assimilate and consider them. So, the consultation is important on draft legislation and policy.
(ii) What was intensified in democratic decision making?
Answer.Over the period of years, the desire of citizens to participate in the framing of law and policy has intensified and they want to be included in the democratic decision making.
(iii) What according to the author is wrong with Lokpal Bill?
Answer.The legal and administrative mechanisms of Lokpal Bill were understood by very few people and it made the Lokpal Bill unapproachable and unrealistic.
(iv) These consultations will provoke multiple views and it is important for the institutional framework to assimilate and consider them. Replace the underlined word without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Answer.These consultations will provoke multiple views
and it is important for the institutional framework to
comprehend and consider them.
(v) How are other democracies of the world treating policy making?
Answer.Many democracies in the world have started placing policy and draft laws in the public domain before they are sent to the government, cabinet and them parliament. It now focuses more on people who are more likely to be affected by the legislation.
(vi) How can citizens participate in framing legislation?
Answer.The author suggests that by creating platforms for institutionalised participation, the citizens’ participation can be deepened for democratic processes.
2. Read the following passage carefully.
(1) When M. K. Gandhi was thrown out of a train in South Africa he had a choice to make – either to ignore the event and live in peace or enter into a conflict and face harassment, hardship and the possibility of getting physically hurt. He chose the latter. Why? Did he not have a guru who had taught him that living in peace and tranquillity was the ultimate objective of life and the best way to achieve this objective was to avoid situations of conflict? Why did he not walk away?
(2) The Dalai Lama chose to live in exile rather than live in peace in Tibet. He is a spiritual master himself.He preaches peace around the world. Does he not know that living in peace requires avoiding situations of conflict?
(3) Aung San Suu Kyi did not have to stay in jail. Winston Churchill did not have to join the World War. Nelson Mandela did not have to suffer in solitary confinement. Julius Nyerere did not have to fight a war with Idi Amin. There is a long list of people who have embraced conflict, despite standing for peace, otherwise. They had the courage to stand up against repression rather than submit to it.
(4) Both the Ramayana and Mahabharata, revered Indian epics, are stories of war, not peace. Krishna did not tell the Pandavas to ignore the incident of Draupadi’s humiliation in court (the Draupadi vastraharan). He encouraged them to go to war. The Gita says engaging in war to uphold truth is not a matter of choice for a warrior; it is his duty. Islam says participation in jihad is the duty of a Muslim when the fight is to uphold justice when challenged by oppression, as a way of self-defence.
(5) Most of us are confused between conflict and the method of resolving a conflict. We assume, incorrectly, that Gandhi, as a peace loving person, must have avoided situations of conflict. On the other hand, he faced conflict head-on. Bhagat Singh and Gandhi were both gearing themselves to deal with conflict, except that Gandhi tried to employ peaceful means while Bhagat Singh chose aggression.
(6) The duty of a scientist, artist or professor is also to engage in conflict against repressive regimes of knowledge. Any kind of limited knowledge is a form of bondage. Albert Einstein advanced the boundaries of scientific knowledge. James Joyce did the same in the world of literature. He flouted rules of writing as he saw them as restrictions on creativity. Picasso and M. F. Husain, for example, explored realms beyond accepted rules in visual art. Mother Teresa redefined the concept of caring. Every one of them faced criticism and controversy, yet they remained convinced of the nature of their work and the methods they used to fulfil their vision. They remained engaged.
(7) One can only conclude from this that the people we admire and even those we worship have all rejected the existing as being adequate and have chosen to engage in conflict to expand the existing. They have redefined the purpose of our life.
(8) The purpose of our life is not to live in passive acceptance but to engage with conflict in order to be creative.Creativity is the purpose of life. The purpose is to advance an individual soul and the collective consciousness.
The only word of caution here is that we must first settle ourselves spiritually so that we know whether a conflict is justified or not.
On the basis of your reading of the passage answer ANY FIVE of the given questions.
(i) What happened to Gandhi in South Africa? How did he react to that?
Answer.Gandhi was thrown out of a train in South Africa because of discrimination. He had two choices either to ignore the event and live in peace or enter into conflict and face harassment, hardship. He chose the latter.
(ii) What does Gita say about war?
Answer.Gita says that engaging in war to uphold truth is not a matter of choice for a warrior it is his duty.
(iii) What is the similarity and difference between Gandhi and Bhagat Singh?
Answer.The similarity is that both Gandhi and Bhagat Singh chose conflict head on but their way of dealing with conflict was different. Gandhi chose peaceful method whereas Bhagat Singh chose aggression.
(iv) They had the courage to stand up against repression rather than submit to it. Replace the underlined word without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Answer.They had the courage to stand up against oppression rather than submit to it.
(v) Who else can engage in conflict other than world class leaders?
Answer.Scientists, artists and professors engage in conflict against repressive regimes of knowledge. Limited knowledge is a form of bondage.
(vi) What is the purpose of our life?
Answer.The purpose of our life is not to live in passive acceptance but to engage in conflict in order to be creative.
3. Attempt any one of the given questions.
The given line graph shows the number of athletes participated in different types of games. Study the graph carefully write an analytical paragraph about it in 100-120 words.

You are Mohan/Mohini, (librarian) Grand Public School, Meerut, U.P. Write a letter in 100-120 words to MS Sunshine Bookstore placing an order for English CBSE Board books and some novels for your school library. Invent all details and ask for discount permissible for schools.
Answer.The given line graph shows the number of athletes who participated in different types of games.The number of participants is in hundreds and their participation in five different games.
The athletes who participated the least is in 400 m race, where only 1500 people chose it. Next preferred game is long jump where the number of participants went slightly higher taking the count to 2000.
The participants of javelin throw comes next levelling off with 2500 participants. Two most preferred games are discuss throw and shot put. Discuss throw shows a hike of 1000 participants and levelling off at 3000 athletes playing it. Shot put is the most preferred game with most number of participants which is 4000.
The given data which showcased the interest of athletes in different games, shows us that the most preferred game is shot put and the least preferred is 400 m race. Rest of the three games have an average difference of 500 participants.
To conclude the given graph has helped us in understanding the games preference of around 4000 athletes in five different games.
4. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the correction. The first has been done for you.

Error Correction
(a) on over
(b) became become
(c) at of
5. Read the conversation between Maggie and Clinic’s receptionist and complete the passage that follows :
Maggie : Hi! I am Maggie. Can you check and confirm my appointment?
Receptionist : Sure! Ok Maggie your appointment for 2 pm is confirmed. Anything else I can help you with?
Maggie : No, thanks.
Maggie called the clinic’s receptionist and asked her to (a) ______________________________. The receptionist checked and (b) ______________________________ that her appointment is at 2 pm.
Answer.(a) check and confirm her appointment
(b) confirmed
6. Answer ANY SIX of the following in about 30-40 words.
(i) What did Valli’s mother say about the things happening without her knowledge?
Answer.Valli’s mother said that so many things happen amidst us and in the world outside. We can’t know everything. When we know about something we often cannot understand it completely.
(ii) What does Lomov think when he is alone?
Answer.Lomov thinks that Natalaya is an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking, well educated. It is impossible for him not to marry. In the first place, he is already thirty-five. He ought to lead a quiet and regular life. He suffers from palpitations. He is excitable and always getting upset. There are some other problems too which trouble him.
(iv) What does Bill say about Lutkins and his family?
Answer.Bill told the lawyer that he knew Lutkin’s mother. He said that she was a terror. He narrated an incident when he took a trunk to her once and she almost took his skin off because he did not treat it like a box of eggs. He also said that she was very tall and fat. She was very quick and could talk a lot. He said that Oliver must have heard that somebody was chasing him and consequently, would have gone into hiding at his mother’s place.
(v) What was the cause of Matilda’s ruin?
Answer.Matilda had inferiority complex. Whenever she visited her rich friend she felt dejected and disappointed because of her poverty. She used to compare her lodgings to that of her friend’s. She did not have attractive dress and jewellery to adorn herself with. That is why, she did not like to visit her rich friend.
(vi) ‘Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.’ Who is the poet talking about? What is their state of mind?
Answer.The poet is talking about the animals. The animals are placid and self contained; they are happy. They are not worried about getting respect or disrespect. Most importantly, animals do not have ego
(vii) ‘But Custard cried for a nice safe cage.’ Who is Custard? Why did he cry for a ‘nice safe cage’?
Answer.Custard was a dragon. Although he appeared to be fiercest of all Belind’s pets, Custard cried for a nice safe cage because of his basic nature, which was calm and quiet-almost mistaken to be cowardly.
7. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120-150 words each.
(i) No one is always foolish. Time and circumstances give us intelligence and change our personality. Explain with reference to ‘Bholi’.
Answer.(i) “Put the fear out of your heart and you will be able to speak to anyone else.” The words of encouragement from the teacher highlight that change of social attitude and encouragement can help a child like Bholi to become confident and face the world bravely.
However, this was not always the case with Bholi. Throughout her childhood Bholi had to face many difficulties. She was considered a ‘dumb cow’ by everybody including her family members. Bholi had remained a backward child ever since she was just ten months old. She had fallen on her head and a part of her brain got damaged. An attack of small pox had left deep black pock marks on Bholi’s entire body except her eyes, when she was only two years old. The pock marks remained with her all her life. To add to the little girl’s misery, Bholi learned to speak at the age of five. But her speech was not clear as she stammered. She became the laughing stock for other children. As a result, she kept quiet most of the time. When the utterly neglected Bholi was sent to school, her teacher changed the course of Bholi’s life, she changed the quality of Bholi’s life by encouraging, inspiring and showering Bholi with much deserved love and compassion.
To help children who are mentally/physically challenged they should be treated with love, care and sympathy as doing so can really work wonders. Kind words, demonstration of love and affection, a sympathetic pat helps them gain confidence, enable them to believe in themselves and compete with others, and ultimately help them become socially acceptable. Such children need social, parental attention and encouragement so that they come out of their complex.
(iii) What lesson did Kisa Gotami learn the second time that she had failed to learn the first time?
Answer. Kisa learns her lesson the second time she goes out to find mustard seeds from a house where no one has ever died. Death is natural and it comes to every living being. She understood that death and sorrow are inseparable. Life of a man is like an earthen pot that breaks and meets its end. No amount of weeping and lamenting can bring the dead back to life. Neither from grieving nor from lamenting can anyone obtain peace of mind; on the contrary, his pain will only get worse and his body will suffer. He will only make himself pale and sick, yet the dead are never saved by his lamentation or grief. So, wise men don’t grieve. He who takes out the arrow of lamentation and gets composed, he will get peace of mind. He who has overcome all sorrow will become free from sorrow, and be blessed.