Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 1 Set B
Please see below Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 1 Set B with solutions. We have provided Class 12 English Sample Papers with solutions designed by English teachers for Class 12 based on the latest examination pattern issued by CBSE. We have provided the following sample paper for Term 2 Class 12 English with answers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which can come in the upcoming exams.
CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 English Term 1 Set B
I. Read the passage given below:
(1) One of the greatest sailing adventures of the past 25 years was the conquest of the Northwest Passage, powered by sail, human muscle and determination. In 100 days, over three summers (1986-88), Canadians Jeff MacInnis and Mike Beedell accomplished the first wind-powered crossing of the Northwest Passage.
(2) In Jeff MacInnis’s words…Our third season. We weave our way through the labyrinth of ice and in the distance, we hear an unmistakable sound. A mighty bowhead whale is nearby and its rhythmic breaths fill us with awe. Finally, we see it relaxed on the surface, its blowhole quivering like a volcanic cone, but it senses our presence and quickly sounds. We are very disappointed. We had only good intentions-to revel in its beautiful immensity and to feel its power. Mike thinks how foolish it would be for this mighty beast to put any faith in us. After all, we are members of the species that had almost sent the bowhead into extinction with our greed for whale oil and bone. It is estimated that as many as 38,000 bowheads were killed off eastern Baffin Island in the 1800s; today, there are only about 200 left.
(3) We were on the fine edge. Everything that we had learned in the Arctic over the last 90 days was now being tested. The fascinating and sometimes terrifying wildlife keeps us entertained during our explorations. Bearded harp and ring seals greet us daily. The profusion of bird life is awesome; at times, we see and smell hundreds of thousands of thick-billed murres clinging to their cliffside nests. Our charts show that we are on the edge of a huge shoal where the frigid ocean currents upswell and mix nutrients that provide a feast for the food chain. At times, these animals scare the living daylights out of us. They have a knack of sneaking up behind us and then shooting out of the water and belly flopping for maximum noise and splash. A horrendous splash coming from behind has a heart-stopping effect in polar bear country.
(4) We have many encounters with the ‘Lords of the Arctic,’ but we are always cautious, observant and ever so respectful that we are in their domain. In some regions, the land is totally devoid of life, while in others, the pulse of life takes our breath away. Such is the paradox of the Arctic; it’s wastelands flow into oasis’ that are found nowhere else on the face of the earth. Many times, we find ancient signs of Inuit people who lived here, superbly attuned to the land. We feel great respect for them; this landscape is a challenge at every moment.
(5) We face a 35 mile open water passage across Prince Regent Inlet on Baffin Island that will take us to our ultimate goal – Pond Inlet on Baffin Bay. The breakers look huge from the water’s edge. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions by choosing the correct option.
Question 1. The passage is about the:
(A) author’s sailing adventure through the North West Passage.
(B) flora and fauna of the Arctic.
(C) survival skills needed while sailing.
(D) saving of the Arctic.
Question 2. ‘Lords of the Arctic,’ (used in Para 4) refers to the:
(A) wind breakers
(B) icebergs
(C) Polar bears
(D) Inuits
Question 3. The author’s sailing vessel is named:
(A) Prince Regent
(B) Hobie Cat
(C) Perception
(D) Arctic
Question 4. ‘We were on the fine edge’ refers to:
(A) the Prince Regent Inlet
(B) the ominous sail
(C) the frigid ocean
(D) their expedition
Question 5. According to the passage, which statement is not true?
(A) A sound from distance was heard.
(B) The sound was in rhythm.
(C) Everyone was pleased to hear the sound.
(D) A beautiful whale was seen.
Question 6. When the whale sensed the explorer’s presence, it _______________.
(A) disappeared
(B) dived with enthusiasm
(C) quickly sounded
(D) None of these
Question 7. Which of these pictorials represents the change in population of bowheads over the years?

Question 8. According to the estimation, how many bowheads are left?
(A) 100
(B) 200
(C) 38,000
(D) 20,000
Question 9. The explorers found the landscape _______________.
(A) beautiful
(B) challenging
(C) like an oasis
(D) superbly altered
Question 10. In how many days was the first sail powered voyage through Northwest Passage completed?
(A) 100
(B) 365
(C) 1000
(D) 2000
II. Read the passage given below:
(1) Human life changes constantly over time. Mobile phones were previously seen only among few high-class people and were considered as something lavish. Then slowly, even the average or the common men on the street like a cobbler or vegetable vendor could be seen having a cell-phone. In the world today, even young kids and school going children are found busily chatting away on their mobile phones. Now kids as young as seven and eight too have started owning a mobile phone. Welcome to the new age world!
(2) Studies recommend that mobile phones should only be given to children above sixteen years of age. Children below the age of sixteen should not be given mobile phones since their brain is too sensitive to withstand the effects of mobile radiation. Since the tissues in the brain and body are still developing, these radiations can cause cell damage. Due to the absorption of radiation, children can have severe health issues. Although, adults also get affected by these radiations, it will be more severe in children because of increased absorption of these radiation levels. Experts also believe there is a link between childhood cancer and mobile phone usage among children.
(3) A survey was conducted to get the views of the parents and teachers as to whether the children below sixteen years of age should be given mobiles or not was conducted. The responses received were formulated into a pie diagram as under:

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions by choosing the correct option.
Question 11. Children have health issues due to ………………….. of radiation.
(A) absorption
(B) reflection
(C) refraction
(D) All of these
Question 12. Who is more severely affected due to radiation?
(A) Children
(B) Adults
(C) Senior citizens
(D) None of these
Question 13. Which of these is linked with mobile usage of children?
(A) Child cancer
(B) Child growth
(C) Child education
(D) Child manners
Question 14. Which of these shaded portions represents the option ‘Yes, no restriction’?

Question 15. Which of these options is represented by the shaded portion?

(A) Yes, no restrictions
(B) Yes, but not during class hours
(C) Yes, but only in emergency
(D) No, never
Question 16. What group of parents and teachers are represented by this pictorial representation?

(A) Yes, no restrictions
(B) No, never
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
Question 17. Which word in Para 3 is an antonym of ‘given’?
(A) Conducted
(B) Received
(C) Formulated
(D) Whether
Question 18. According to the studies, what is the recommended age for giving mobile phones?
(A) 15
(B) 16
(C) 17
(D) 18
III. Answer any four out of the five questions given below.
At Rohini, in Delhi you have a three-bedroom flat with all modern amenities. It is fully air – conditioned and has power backup. For the sale of this flat, draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in a local daily. Give all the necessary details. Your contact number is 9911223344.

Question 19. (A) Flat Vacant
(B) Property To-let
(C) Flat For Sale
(D) Property Wanted
Question 20. (A) all furnished
(B) fully furnished
(C) half furnished
(D) not furnished
Question 21. (A) 9911223344
(C) XXX….
(D) 9911XXX….
Question 22. What is motive of an Advertisement?
(A) To influence masses
(B) To promote the sales of product
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
Question 23. In an advertisement, name and address of the company are _________ details.
(A) useless
(B) Essential
(C) waste
(D) None of these
IV. Answer any six of the seven questions given below.
Question 24. How many paragraphs should be made while writing an Article?
(A) One or two
(B) Two to three
(C) Three to four
(D) Six to seven
Question 25. What is fluency in Letter Writing?
(A) Ability to weave the content together
(B) Ability to set the content apart
(C) Ability to find out the pros and cons
(D) Ability to greet and thank the audience
Question 26. Generally, an Article is published in:
(A) newspaper
(B) Magazine
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither of these
It gives you a good feeling when you read in the newspapers about how patients from abroad come to hospitals in India and get themselves treated at a fraction of the expenses they would have incurred elsewhere. Write a letter in about 120–150 words to the editor of a national daily describing the importance of medical tourism for India. You are Karan/ Karuna, M 114, Mall Road, Kanpur.
(27) _______________
24 February, 20xx
(28) _______________
Subject: Importance of Medical Tourism
Medical tourism is a (29) _______________ concept. By it, we mean medical and surgical services being availed by the tourists while vacationing or travelling in another country.
It is good to know that people from all walks of life cut across the entire span of the globe to travel to India for their treatment, in order to experience the most competent and world class medical services. India has some of the most highly qualified and experienced physicians in the world. The medical facilities present in the high–end hospitals of India are at par with the facilities present in the hospitals in Western countries. Hospitals are equipped with the latest technologies and the physicians have super– specialization in their respective specialities. In addition to the allopathic and modern medicine, India boasts of several other traditional medicine options like ayurveda, naturopathy, homeopathy, unani and yoga–cure.
The cost saving on medical expenses is huge as compared to the Western countries and is one of the biggest motivating factors for people who travel all the way to seek treatment in India. For example, the cost of an effective knee surgery is almost 40–60% lesser in India than that in the US, even if we include the stay in the hospital, tests, surgeon’s fee and transportation costs to and fro from India.
We hope that this trend continues and medical tourism keeps flourishing in India in the times to come, since, it enables our country to earn foreign exchange and to improve relations with other countries too, in return enhancing image of India.
Thank you
(30) _______________
Question 27. (A) M-114, Mall Road, Kanpur
(B) The Editor, Times of India, Delhi
(C) To, The Editor, Times of India, Delhi
(D) Karan, M-114, Mall Road, Kanpur
Question 28. (A) M-114, Mall Road, Kanpur
(B) The Editor, Times of India, Delhi
(C) To, The Editor, Times of India, Delhi
(D) Karan, M-114, Mall Road, Kanpur
Question 29. (A) novelty and trendy
(B) novel and trending
(C) novelty and trending
(D) novel and trendy
Question 30. (A) Yours sincerely
(B) Your Sincerely
(C) Yours Sincerely
(D) Regards & Yours
This section has sub-sections: V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. There are a total of 30 questions in the section.
Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
M. Hamel went on to talk of the French language, saying that it was the most beautiful language
in the world — the clearest, the most logical; that we must guard it among us and never forget it,
because when people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the
key to their prison. Then he opened a grammar book and read us our lesson. I was amazed to see how
well I understood it. All he said seemed so easy, so easy!
Question 31. Which of the following can be attributed to M. Hamel’s declaration about the French language?
(A) Subject expertise
(B) Nostalgic pride
(C) Factual accuracy
(D) Patriotic magnification
Question 32. Read the quotes given below.
(i) Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know nothing of their own. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
(ii) Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going. – Rita Mae Brown
(iii) A poor man is like a foreigner in his own country. – Ali Ibn Abi Talib
(iv) The greatest propaganda in the world is our mother tongue, that is what we learn as children and which we learn unconsciously. That shapes our perceptions for life. – Marshal McLuhan
Choose the option that might best describe M. Hamel’s viewpoint.
(A) Option (i)
(B) Option (ii)
(C) Option (iii)
(D) Option (iv)
Question 33. “I was amazed to see how well I understood it.”
Select the option that does NOT explain why Franz found the grammar lesson “easy”.
(A) Franz was paying careful attention in class this time.
(B) M. Hamel was being extremely patient and calm in his teaching.
(C) Franz was inspired and had found a new meaning and purpose to learning.
(D) Franz had realised that French was the clearest and most logical language.
Question 34. Franz was able to understand the grammar lesson easily because he was___________ .
(A) receptive
(B) appreciative
(C) introspective
(D) competitive
Question 35. What made Franz forget M. Hamel’s ruler and crankiness?
(A) Police Patrolling
(B) Strange Quietness
(C) Bustle on the streets
(D) The idea of his going away
VI. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
“We must simply tell them we intend to give him to the police- as indeed we must, Sadao. We must think of the children and your position. It would endanger all of us if we did not give this man over as a prisoner of war.”
Question 36. Who is ‘them’ here?
(A) Sadao’s father and mother
(B) Servants of the house
(C) General and his assassins
(D) Sadao’s children
Question 37. Why ‘he’ needed to be handed over to the police?
(A) He was an enemy soldier.
(B) He was a murderer.
(C) He was a sought after criminal.
(D) All of these
Question 38. Which ‘position’ is being talked about here?
(A) Sadao was a famous astrologer.
(B) Sadao was an army personnel.
(C) Sadao was a respectable doctor and scientist.
(D) Sadao was a true politician.
Question 39. How would ‘his’ presence endanger them?
(A) They would be assassinated.
(B) They would be exiled.
(C) They would be killed by him.
(D) They would be termed as traitors and would be punished by law.
Question 40. Where did Dr. Sadao live?
(A) America
(B) United Kingdom
(C) Japan
VII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
On sour cream walls, donations, Shakespeare’s head,
Cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities.
Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open–handed map,
Awarding the world its world.
Question 41. What is the condition of the classroom wall?
(A) State of maintenance
(B) State of neglect
(C) State of delight
(D) State of richness
Question 42. What aspects show a civilized race?
(A) Picture of Tyrolese valley
(B) Shakespeare’s bust
(C) World map
(D) All of these
Question 43. What is the specialty of the Tyrolese Valley?
(A) Flowers
(B) Bells
(C) Carpets
(D) Maps
Question 44. What type of map has been referred to here?
(A) Close-handed map
(B) Open–handed map
(C) Foldable map
(D) Globe
Question 45. The objects present in the slum classroom are a mismatch because:
(A) the teacher is distasteful.
(B) everything is donated.
(C) the students don’t take care of them.
(D) people don’t know how to appreciate them.
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
His father had taken him often to the islands of those seas, and never had he failed to say to the little brave boy at his side, ”Those islands yonder, they are the stepping stones to the future for Japan.”
Question 46. Who is the ‘little boy’ here?
(A) Sadao’s father
(B) Sadao’s cousin
(C) Sam’s friend
(D) Sadao
Question 47. What is the meaning of ‘yonder’?
(A) At a distance
(B) Nearby
(C) Adjacent
(D) All of these
Question 48. ‘Stepping stones’ refer to:
(A) Means of progression.
(B) Means of advancement
(C) Both A and B
(D) Neither A nor B
Question 49. What was his father’s advice to Dr. Sadao?
(A) The future was limited and it depended on what one made it.
(B) The future was limitless and it depended on what one made it.
(C) The future was limitless and opportunity should be used to benefit oneself.
(D) The future was limited and so one has to be selfish to gain name and fame.
Question 50. What was the chief concern of Sadao’s father?
(A) Good education of his son
(B) Birth of his son
(C) Private hospital of his son
(D) Retirement planning for himself
IX. Attempt the following.
Question 51. What is Saheb’s role in the harrowing stories of exploitation?
(A) He acts as a rebel.
(B) He displays resilience and acceptance for his pitiable condition.
(C) He fights for his rights as well as the rights of his people.
(D) All of the above.
Question 52. Why did Douglas’ father laugh when he was drowned under a wave in California beach?
(A) It was his father’s habit to laugh unnecessarily.
(B) His father didn’t laugh, rather he was serious.
(C) There was no serious issue as it was a playful activity.
(D) His father wanted to teach him a lesson.
Question 53. What was the long lasting impact of the drowning incident on Douglas?
(A) He was traumatised mentally.
(B) He was traumatised physically.
(C) He was traumatised mentally and physically.
(D) He felt traumatised to the core and was affected adversely.
Question 54. The image of the merry children ‘spilling out of their homes’ depict happiness and________________.
(A) spontaneous overflow of life
(B) activity
(C) overwhelming desire to embrace life
(D) exaggeration of thoughts
Question 55. Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example.
With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal —
For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes
From fog to endless night?
What is the tone of these lines?
(A) Sombre and hopeless
(B) Intensely frustrated
(C) Vehemently appealing
(D) Enthusiastic and exciting
Question 56. “Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example.”
Why did the poet use such negative adjectives?
(A) Because the world created by them is unattainable for slum dwellers.
(B) Because the world created by them is misleading.
(C) Because the world created by them is ambiguous.
(D) All of these
Question 57. The tone of the poem, Keeping Quiet, is _____________.
(A) agitated
(B) enthusiastic
(C) optimistic
(D) serene
Question 58. To keep quiet is to _____________ the death.
(A) escape
(B) embrace
(C) accept
(D) threaten
Question 59. Who had sent that ‘First Day cover and when?
(A) Sam’s father in 1892
(B) Sam’s uncle in 1984
(C) Sam’s friend in 1849
(D) Sam in 1894
Question 60. What happens when Charley enters the Grand Central Station?
(A) He finds a huge tree like Station
(B) new staircases, corridors and tunnels
(C) tree keeps spreading its roots throwing rooms and windows
(D) All of these