Unseen Passage

For Class 4 to Class 12

Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 2 Set B

Please see below Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 2 Set A with solutions. We have provided Class 12 English Sample Papers with solutions designed by English teachers for Class 12 based on the latest examination pattern issued by CBSE. We have provided the following sample paper for Term 2 Class 12 English with answers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which can come in the upcoming exams.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 English Term 2 Set B

Section A – Reading 

1. Read the following passage.

Donated Organs and their Transportation

(1) Once, an organ donor’s family gives its consent and the organs are matched to a recipient, medical professionals are faced with the onerous challenge of transporting organs while ensuring that the harvested organ reaches its destination in the shortest possible time. This is done in order to preserve the harvested organs which involves the police especially the traffic police department.

(2) The traditional method of transporting organs by road is referred to as a “green corridor”. The first green corridor in India was created by Chennai Traffic Police in September 2008, when they accomplished their task of enabling an ambulance to reach its destination within 11 minutes during peak hour traffic. That organ saved a nine-year-old girl whose life depended on the transplant.
Similarly, such green corridors have been created by traffic police of various cities such as Pune, Mumbai, Delhi NCR, etc.

(3) Experts point out the lack of a robust system to transport organs to super-speciality hospitals in least possible time. National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO), the country’s apex organ donation agency, is now framing a proposal to airlift cadaver organs and will send a report to the Union Health Ministry. “Cadaver organs have a short life and so transplant should be done within a few golden hours.” Director (NOTTO) expressed, “Therefore, we are preparing a proposal for airlifting organs at any given moment.”

(4) Most states do not have enough well-trained experts to retrieve or perform transplant procedures. Also, there is an acute shortage of advanced healthcare facilities to carry out a transplant. So, it is referred to other big centres in metropolitan cities. Organs retrieved from Aurangabad, Indore, Surat and Pune are sent to Mumbai as these cities do not have super-speciality healthcare centres, informed officials.

(5) “In India, about fifty thousand to one lakh patients are suffering from acute heart failure and need heart transplant at any point of time. In a private set-up, a heart transplant costs ` 15-20 lakhs, which is followed up by postoperative medication of about ` 30,000 per month lifelong.” Moreover, the risk factor is great hindrance.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT questions from the nine given below. 

Question. The first green corridor in India was created in:

Question.  The onerous task that the author is talking about in para 1 is :
Answer.to carry the harvested organ in the shortest possible time.

Question.  Most of the people do not go for the heart transplant as:
Answer.the cost is prohibitive

Question.  Most states refer organ transplant cases to big hospitals because:
Answer.they don’t have well trained experts

Question.  Apart from Chennai, where were other green corridors created?
Answer.Delhi NCR; Pune; Mumbai

Question.  How much does a heart transplant cost a patient in a private hospital?
Answer.Rs15-20 lakhs

Question.  Pick out the word/phrase from the passage which is similar in meaning to ‘save’ (Para 1).

Question. What is meant by the word ‘retrieve’ (Para 4)?

Question. What does the author mean by ‘a few golden hours’?
Answer.The crucial time available for transplant of the organ after harvesting it.

2. Read the following passage.

(1) Technology has advanced tremendously and has taken control of our daily lives. Every household has at least one television set, a laptop or desktop. It is not an uncommon sight to see kids playing with smartphones or tablets nowadays. We cannot deny how much technology has helped us, but are we exposing ourselves and our children to too much of it?

(2) There has been much research and plenty of debate among educators, policy-makers, paediatricians and parents on the benefits and disadvantages of technology over the years. The kids are able to talk to friends and family who are far away. They enhance your child’s curiosity and encourages him to explore from the safety of your home. Pushing keys and using the mouse help in fine-tuning your child’s fine motor skills, which enhances their eye-hand coordination. Studies carried out by independent researchers have found that the use of technologies could support home learning.

(3) However, technological interactivity can never replace human interaction as current technology cannot replace the human element of interaction between parent and child. The technology may affect pre-schoolers’ developing cognitive and social skills. The extensive use of tablet computers does not encourage innovative learning. It also increases aggressive responses from playing violent video games. As mentally stimulating as they are, technological devices do not promote physical stimulation as much as physical activity.

(4) The responses received from parents and teachers during the survey conducted have been depicted in the form of pie diagram.

Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 2 Set B

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY SIX out of the seven questions given below.

Question. What do kids play on nowadays?
Answer.Television, Smartphone, Laptop

Question. What is the most important question faced by the parents and teachers today?
Answer.Are we over exposing our kids to the technology?

Question. Who have participated in the debate on advantages and disadvantages of technology for kids?

Question. Which of these helps in fine tuning the motor skills of the child?
Answer.Pushing keys; Using mouse

Question. What was the status of the researchers conducting the studies?

Question. Which skills of pre-schoolers can be hampered by over exposure to technology?

Question. Technological interactivity can never replace ______________.
human intervention.

Section B – Writing 

Question. 3. Rohit has got success in CBSE-PMT. He wants to celebrate his admission to Shivaji Medical College,Nagpur by throwing a party to his friends. Write an informal invitation giving details of venue, time and date. Do not exceed 50 words. 
33/427 Priya Vihar (3)
New Delhi
15 July 20XX
Dear Varun
You will be glad to learn that I have secured 80th rank in the CBSE-PMT competition. I have got admission in a prestigious institution – Shivaji College, Nagpur. I want to share a few happy moments of my life in the company of my old friends at a dinner in Hotel Kanishka at 9.00 p.m. on 23 July, 20XX.
Please join the celebrations and merry-making.
Yours sincerely

Question. 4. Attempt ANY ONE from (A) and (B) given below.
(A) An NGO, ‘Health for All’ organised a health check-up camp in a slum at Amritsar. You are Ruchika/Raunak and you visited the camp. Write a report in 120–150 words covering arrangements such as registration, check-up, tests carried out, etc. 


(B) Draft an application for the post of an accountant in Pioneers (Pvt.) Ltd. Co. Hyderabad in response to their advertisement that appeared in The Times of India dated 1st August, 20XX. Prepare a biodata to be enclosed. You are Nipun/Aparna. 
— by Raunak
18th May, 20XX
A complete health check- up camp was organised by an NGO, ‘Health for All’ in a slum of Amritsar on 12th May 20XX. The camp aimed to make the slum-dwellers aware of their ailments or other health problems so as to come up as a healthy being. The programme started at 9 a.m. in a local school nearby. A team of five doctors, along with paramedical staff, reached the venue in time. They first started the registrations where the persons were supposed to tell their age and general health. Next, there were different counters where normal medical check-up, eyetest, etc., were done. The main focus was on making the people aware of illnesses caused by not taking care of hygiene and sanitation. They provided information to individuals about any kind of diseases they might be suffering from. Free medicines were distributed among the people and they were also made aware about the importance of follow up. The programme was a huge success as they were given information about healthy food habits and clean and healthy surroundings in a lecture by Dr. Gautam. The response of the slum dwellers was overwhelming and they promised to follow the health-safety points given by the team.


23 Raman Villa
Race Course Road
August 11, 20XX
The Personnel Manager
Pioneers (Pvt.) Ltd. Co.
Subject: Application for the post of Accountant
In response to your advertisement in The Times of India dated 1 August 20XX, I wish to be considered for the position mentioned above. I feel my qualifications and experience are good enough to enable me to discharge my duties. I attach herewith attested copies of my certificates and my bio-data. If given a chance, I assure you that I shall fulfil all the tasks assigned to me honestly and devotedly. I will certainly win the confidence of my superiors.
Yours sincerely
Encl.: Bio-data

Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 2 Set B
Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 2 Set B

Section C – Literature 

5. Attempt ANY FIVE of the six questions given below, within 40 words each.

Question. How was the peddler treated at the crofter’s cottage?
Answer. The crofter treated him kindly. He offered him shelter in his cottage, gave him porridge for supper. Then he cut a big slice from the tobacco roll which was sufficient for both of them and offered it to him. The crofter played Mjolis, a card game with him. He also confided in him and shared his secret with him..

Question. Why has Raj Kumar Shukla been described as being resolute?
Answer.Rajkumar Shukla, the Champaran sharecropper, requested Gandhiji at a Congress Session in Lucknow, to fix a date to visit Champaran where the sharecroppers were being subjected to injustice. Until Gandhiji fixed a date to go with him, Shukla did not leave him, rather he accompanied him wherever he went. Gandhiji was impressed by his tenacity and determination and finally agreed to go there from Calcutta.

Question. Who was Derry? What problems did he have?
Answer.Derry was a young boy who came to Mr. Lamb’s garden. One side of his face had been burnt by acid. He was reserved and did not like to mix with people. He would always think that he was the ugliest person on the earth.

Question. What impression of Evans did the Governor give to the Secretary of the Examination Board ?
Answer.The Governor gave quite a satisfactory report about Evans to the Secretary of the Board. It was stated that Evans had no record of violence and he was quite a ‘pleasant sort of chap’. Evans was one of the stars at the Christmas concert but he suffered from a weakness. He was a congenital kleptomaniac. On the other hand, he was good at imitations.

Question. Why do you think Gandhiji considered the Champaran episode to be a turning point in his life?
Answer.Gandhiji considered the Champaran episode to be a turning point in his life because it was during this struggle that he decided to urge the departure of the Britishers. He had made the peasants learn courage and realise that they too had rights and can defend themselves. He made them get rid of their fear also. Apart from this, he also taught the Indians a lesson of self-reliance. In this way, Champaran episode was, in fact, a turning point in Gandhiji’s life.

Question. ‘Beauty is best left undefined’. Support your position on this statement with your rationale coupled with ideas in the poem.
Answer.Beautiful things are eternal sources of joy. Their beauty can never vanish, nor can it ever diminish. It makes a permanent place in our mind and is a source of health and peace. The world has sufferings and noble people are few, but on account of things of beauty, we weave flowery bands to tie ourselves with this earth. Things of beauty remove the curtain of darkness and gloom from our spirits. The Moon, the Sun, the clear streams, and the thickets in the green forests sprinkled with musk roses, are all objects of beauty. The grand mythological stories, epics and ballads about the deeds and doom of our heroes are all sources of eternal joy.

6. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120-150 words each. 

Question. What did Jo want Roger Skunk’s mother to be punished for?
Answer.Jo, being a child, considers Skunk’s mother to be stupid as she spanked the wizard for giving Skunk the smell of roses. Jo wants Skunk to get back the smell of roses and his mother to be punished as she thinks his mother to be insensitive, cruel and unfair.

Question.  Imagine Gandhi were to deliver a speech to students in present day India showing them the path to become responsible world leaders. Based on your understanding of Gandhi’s own leadership skills, write a speech as Gandhi, addressing the students about the qualities that every leader and politician should nurture. “Dear students, you are all leaders of social change. I see many bright and enthusiastic faces that assure me that our future is in good hands. I have learnt from my own experience.”
Answer.Dear students, you are all leaders of social change. I see many bright and enthusiastic faces that assure me that our future is in good hands. I have learnt from my own experience that sweeping away prejudices gives new values for living. I stress the importance of Truth and Non-violence and called you to “Be Fearless”. I understand the feeling and sympathy of youth and called you as instruments of social change. I believe that only spiritual and ethical values can bring in changes to the social order. I want modern youth and students to become the means to form idealistic thoughts. I encourage young minds about self-reliance as a crucial necessity to success. I am open-minded and want all the young people to be the same. I insist on being tolerant of all religions. I emphasize on simplicity, kindness, truth, and non-violence as life’s mantra. These are the essential things that you as students have to learn and follow. Moreover, I want the youth of today to follow moral values. I wish Indian youth to follow my ideals to lead a peaceful India. Thank You

Question. The reader’s sympathy is with the peddler right from the beginning of the story. Why is this so? Is the sympathy justified?
The peddler wins our sympathy for his way of life and how the world treats him. It is an admitted fact that the underdog always runs away with sympathy, so does the peddler with the rattraps.He begs the material like wire for his rattraps. His business not being especially profitable, he resorts to begging and petty thievery to keep body and soul together.
His life is sad and monotonous. He plods along the road lost in his own meditation. The world has never been very kind to him and he feels happy in calling it a rattrap. Whenever, he asks shelter for the night, he meets sour faces. He is an unwelcome, unwanted and undesirable figure.
The blacksmiths at forge glance at him only casually and indifferently. The master blacksmith nods a haughty consent without honouring him with a single word.
The old and lonely crofter finds him an enjoyable company. The ironmaster mistakes him for an old regimental comrade. Only Edla Willmansson behaves with him in a kind, friendly manner.Her nice treatment arouses the tramp’s goodness. He redeems himself by returning the stolen money and wins our admiration. Thus, we see that the sympathy is not only well earned but well justified too.

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