MCQ Questions Class 12 Entrepreneurship
Please refer to the latest MCQ Questions for Class 12 Entrepreneurship with answers below for all chapters in Class 12 Entrepreneurship. These multiple-choice questions for Class 12 Entrepreneurship cover all chapters given in your NCERT CBSE books. Our Entrepreneurship teachers have prepared these objective-based questions based on the expected MCQ questions which can come in the upcoming class 12 Entrepreneurship examinations. You can click on the subject-wise links given here and access chapter-wise MCQ with answers.
Class 12 Entrepreneurship MCQ Questions and Answers
Students can expect more MCQ-based questions to be asked in your Grade 12 Entrepreneurship class tests and exams. It is important for standard 12th Entrepreneurship students to practice a lot of questions so that they can understand how to solve such types of questions. You can refer to the chapters given below as per your NCERT textbook for class 12 Entrepreneurship and get access to the free database of multiple-choice based questions provided here with solutions.
Chapter Wise Class 12 Entrepreneurship Multiple Choice Questions
Question. A Micro Entrepreneurs are_________
(a) A formal-sector entrepreneur with zero to 10 employees
(b) A formal-sector entrepreneur with 1 to 10 employees
(c) A formal-sector entrepreneur with zero to 15 employees
(d) A formal-sector entrepreneur with 1 to 15 employees
Question. Which of the following is not a personal characteristic often found in an entrepreneur?
(a) self-confident.
(b) independent-minded.
(c) perceptive.
(d) follower.
Question. Influence on innovation and job creation best typifies entrepreneurial firms’ ________.
(a)Impact on society
(b)Economic impact
(c)Impact on larger firms
(d)Impact on the environment
Question. What are the four types of Innovation?
(a) Extension, Invention, Synthesis, Duplication
(b) Invention, Duplication, Copying, Extension
(c) Duplication, Invention, Creativity, Extension
(d) None of the above
Question. Which of the following factors affecting identification of business opportunities ?
(a) Volume of internal demand
(b) Created opportunity
(c) Existing opportunities in the environment
(d) None of these
Question. Which of the following sentence is not a characteristic of entrepreneurship:
(a) Risk taking
(b) Innovation
(c) Creative activity
(d) Managerial training
Question. Entrepreneurship is an effort to create …..:
(a) Risks
(b) Profit
(c) Jobs
(d) Business
Question. Positive impact of entrepreneurship on society is _________
(a) Accentuates economic Growth
(b) Encourages welfare of the society
(c) Solves the problems of the society
(d) All of the above
Question. Which of the following sentence is inconsistent in the context of entrepreneur:
(a) He is owner of the business
(b) He is risk taker
(c) He operates production activities
(d) He searches out business opportunities
Question. Self-actualisation needs on the job are fulfilled by :
(a) Ensuring hard work in the job
(b) Ensuring quality products
(c) Participating in a training programme
(d) None of the above
Question. ABC Ltd., decided to raise funds by issuing shares. The finance department felt that the company should offer the shares to existing shareholders on a pro-rata basis. Out of the following, identify the method of raising the funds being suggested by the finance department?
(a) Public Issue
(b) Rights Issue
(c) Private Placement
(d) Offer to Employees
Question. Which of the following attitudes Is not generally associated with successful entrepreneurship :
(a) Competition and co-operation
(b) Desire to influence others
(c) Innovation and product improvement
(d) Status quo in business
Question. Which of the following are commercial functions of Entrepreneur?
(a) Innovation
(b) Finance and Accounting
(c) Leadership
(d) All of the above
Question. Which of the following are the qualities of successful entrepreneurs?
(a) They are confident.
(b) They take responsibility for their actions.
(c) They work hard
(d) All of the above
Question. Which of the following is a characteristics entrepreneurship:
(a) Innovation
(b) Risk-taking
(c) Organisation of Production
(d) All of the above
Question. Success of entrepreneur depends on _________ .
(a) Hard Work
(b) Good Idea
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
Question. The attitude of Indian Government Machinery towards entrepreneurial development programme is :
(a) Destructive
(b) Negative
(c) Constructive
(d) Non-cooperative
Question. __ gives financial assistance to entrepreneurs:
(b) SBI
(c) Indian Bank
(d) IMF
Question. Entrepreneurship is a process of:
(a) Purchasing shares of a company
(b) Setting up one’s own business
(c) Working as an employee
(d) All of the above
Question. A _____________ strategy would be most appropriate for producing high-volume, low-variety products.
(a) Processed-focused
(b) Product-focused
(c) Repetitive Focused
(d) Virtual-focused
Question. As a company grows, the entrepreneur should focus on his/her
:(a) technical ability to complete a task
(b) written communication.
(c) management and motivation skills.
(d) public speaking
Question. For which of the following copy right acquisition is desirable?
(a) Songs
(b) Poems
(c) Models
(d) All of the above
Question. Generally, entrepreneurship involves________risk:
(a) Low
(b) No
(c) High
(d) Zero

You should practice MCQ questions daily designed based on the latest syllabus in Entrepreneurship Class 12th. Students should go through all topics given in your CBSE books for class 12th Entrepreneurship and then attempt these MCQs. You should also refer to the answers provided by us for all Grade 12 MCQs for Entrepreneurship.
NCERT MCQs for Class 12 Entrepreneurship has been prepared by our expert Grade 12th faculty based on the latest NCERT books for Class 12 issued by NCERT. All important topics in every chapter of your books have been covered. Students should solve these MCQs post reading all chapters in Entrepreneurship Class 12 and then compare your answers with solutions provided by us.
Benefits of MCQ Questions for Class 12 Entrepreneurship with Answers
a) More MCQ questions will be coming in Class 12 Entrepreneurship Exams, students should go through all MCQs provided here to gain more practice.
b) All objective questions for Entrepreneurship in Grade 12 have been prepared based on the latest CBSE NCERT books issued for the current academic year.
c) By going through Class 12 Entrepreneurship notes and then practicing these MCQs you will be able to improve your confidence
d) We have provided a lot of Class 12 MCQs for you to practice.
Free Printable MCQs in PDF of CBSE Class 12 Entrepreneurship has been developed by our expert class 12th faculty as per CBSE NCERT guidelines and examination pattern.
Our website has the best collection of MCQ questions for Entrepreneurship in Standard 12.
All MCQs for Class 12 Entrepreneurship with Answers have been designed by our faculty based on the latest syllabus for this year.
Multiple Choice Questions for Class 12 Entrepreneurship with Answers can be downloaded and printed.
On our website, we have provided all MCQs for Grade 12 for Entrepreneurship for free.