Chemistry in Everyday Life Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions
Please refer to Chemistry in Everyday Life Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions with answers below. These solved questions for Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday Life in NCERT Book for Class 12 Chemistry have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should learn these solved problems properly as these will help them to get better marks in your class tests and examinations. You will also be able to understand how to write answers properly. Revise these questions and answers regularly. We have provided Notes for Class 12 Chemistry for all chapters in your textbooks.
Important Questions Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday Life
All Chemistry in Everyday Life Class 12 Chemistry Important Questions provided below have been prepared by expert teachers of Standard 12 Chemistry. Please learn them and let us know if you have any questions.
Short Answer Questions :
Question. Define the following :
Answer : Antacids : The compounds which reduce or neutralise acidity and raise the pH to appropriate level in stomach are known as antacids e.g., ranitidine.
Question. What is meant by a ‘broad spectrum antibiotic’?
Answer : The antibiotic which is effective against a wide range of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria is known as broad spectrum antibiotic. For example, chloramphenicol.
Question. If water contains dissolved Ca2+ ions, out of soaps and synthetic detergents, which will you use for cleaning clothes?
Answer : As the water contains dissolved Ca2+ ions, therefore it is hard water. Hence, synthetic detergents are preferred over the soaps for cleaning the clothes because calcium salts of detergents are soluble in water while calcium salts of soaps are insoluble. As a result, lot of soap is wasted.
Question. Give two examples of macromolecules that are chosen as drug targets.
Answer : Drugs interact with macro molecules like carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids present in the cell.
Question. What are the artificial sweetening agents? Give two examples. Name the sweetening agent used in the preparation of sweets for a diabetic patient.
Answer : The chemicals that give sweetness to the food but do not add any calorie to our body are called artificial sweetening agents.
e.g., saccharine, aspartame.
Any artificial sweetening agent like aspartame, alitame, etc., can be added to the food consumed by diabetic patient.
Question. What is the following substance? Give one example?
Answer : Tranquilizers : Those medicines which act on central nervous system and help in reducing anxiety and relieve tension on the nerves are called tranquilizers. For example, valium.
Question. Explain the following terms with one suitable example?
Cationic detergents
Answer : Cationic detergents : Detergents in which large part of molecules is cation are called cationic detergents.
These are quaternary ammonium salts.
e.g. Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide

Question. Explain the following term with one example?
Answer : Chemical substances which improve cleansing property of water and helps in removal of dirt from skin, fabric or other materials are called detergents. e.g., sodium dodecyl benzenes sulphonate (SDS).
Question. Name sweetening agent used in the preparation of sweets for a diabetic patient.
Answer : Use of aspartame is limited to cold food and drinks because it is unstable at cooking temperature.
Question. (i) What are disinfectants? Give an example.
(ii) What are anionic detergents? Give an example.
Answer : (i) Disinfectants are chemicals which either kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms but not safe for living tissues. They are applied on floors, drainage system etc. For e.g., 1% of phenol, low concentration of SO2 etc.
(ii) Anionic detergent : A detergent whose large part of the molecule is anion is called anionic detergent.
These are sodium salts of sulphonated long chain alcohols or hydrocarbons.
e.g. Sodium laurylsulphate
CH3 –(CH2)10CH2OSO–3Na+
Question. How are synthetic detergents better than soaps?
Answer : Synthetic detergents are better than soaps because they form foam even in hard water whereas soaps do not. Some of the detergents give foam even in ice cold water.
Question. How do antiseptics differ from disinfactants?
Give one example of each. (Give two differences).
Answer : Antiseptics : These are the chemical substances used to prevent the growth of microorganisms or to kill them and are safe to be applied on living tissues. These are applied to wounds and cuts. For examples (i) iodoform (ii) tincture of iodine.
Disinfectants : These are chemical substances used to kill micro-organisms in inanimate materials and are not safe to be applied to the living tissues.
(i) 1% solution of phenol.
(ii) Solution of o-, m- and p-methylphenols (cresols) in soapy water is called lysol and is used as a disinfectant.
Difference : 1. Antiseptics are applied to the living tissues and disinfectants are applied to inanimate objects.
2. Some substance can act as an antiseptics at low concentration and as disinfectant at high concentration.
Question. What are the following? Give one example.
(i) Sweetening agents
(ii) Food preservatives
Answer : (i) Sweetening agents : The substances which provide sweetness to the food without increasing the calories to the body are known as artificial sweetening agents. Saccharin and aspartame are artificial sweetening agents..
(ii) Chemicals which prevent the spoilage of food due to microbial growth are called food preservatives. Table salt, sugar, vegetable oils are some commonly used food preservatives.
Question. Determine the following giving one example:
Answer : Antacids : These are the chemical substances which neutralize the excess acid and raise the pH to an appropriate level in the stomach. e.g. Sodium hydrogen carbonate or a mixture of aluminium and magnesium hydroxide are some common antacids.
Question. Mention one use each of the following drugs:
(i) Ranitidine
(ii) Paracetamol
(iii) Tincture of iodine.
Answer : (i) Ranitidine is used as an antacid
(ii) Paracetamol is used to bring down the body temperature during high fever.
(iii) Tincture of iodine is used as an antiseptic. It is 2-3% solution of iodine in alcohol and water.
Question. Explain the following terms with one suitable example for each :
(i) Enzymes
(ii) Analgesics
Answer : (i) Proteins which play an important role of biological catalyst in the body are called enzymes. For e.g., Invertase, Maltase etc.
(ii) Analgesics are drugs that reduce pain without causing impairment of consciousness, mental confusion, incoordination or paralysis or some other disturbances of nervous system.
Example : Aspirin, Paracetamol, Morphine etc.
Question. Explain the following type of substance with one suitable example.
Answer : Analgesics are drugs that reduce pain without causing impairment of consciousness, mental confusion, incoordination or paralysis or some other disturbances of nervous system.
Example : Aspirin, Paracetamol, Morphine etc.
Question. Define the following :
Cationic detergents
Answer : Cationic detergents : These are quaternary ammonium salts of amines with acetate, chlorides or bromides as anions. Cationic part has long hydrocarbon chain and positive charge lies on nitrogen atom.
e.g., cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide.
Question. What are anionic detergents ? How are they prepared ? Write their two main uses.
Answer : Anionic detergent : A detergent whose large part of the molecule is anion is called anionic detergent.
These are sodium salts of sulphonated long chain alcohols or hydrocarbons.
e.g. Sodium laurylsulphate
CH3 –(CH2)10CH2OSO–3Na+
Preparation : Alkyl hydrogen sulphate formed by treating long chain alcohols with concentrated sulphuric acid are neutralised with alkali to form anionic detergents.

Uses : These are mostly used (i) for household work
(ii) in toothpaste.
Question. Define the following :
(i) Narrow spectrum antibiotics
(ii) Disinfectants
Answer : (i) Narrow spectrum antibiotics : The antibiotics that are specifically effective against a limited group of microorganisms are known as narrow spectrum antibiotics.
(ii) Disinfectants : The chemical substances which kill microorganisms or stop their growth but harmful to human tissues are known as disinfectants.
Question. What are the following substance ? Give one example?
Sweetening agents
Answer : Sweetening agents : The substances which provide sweetness to the food without increasing the calories to the body are known as artificial sweetening agents. Saccharin and aspartame are artificial sweetening agents.
Question. Due to hectic and busy schedule, Mr. Angad made his life full of tensions and anxiety. He started taking sleeping pills to overcome the depression without consulting the doctor. Mr. Deepak, a close friend of Mr. Angad, advised him to stop taking sleeping pills and suggested to changes his lifestyle by doing Yoga, meditation and some physical exercise. Mr. Angad followed his friend’s advice and after few days he started feeling better.
after reading the above passage, answer the following :
(i) What are the values (at least two) displayed by Mr. Deepak?
(ii) Why is it not advisable to take sleeping pills without consulting doctor?
(iii) What are the tanquilizers? Give two examples.
Answer : (i) (a) Mr. Deepak is very much concerned about the healthy life and he knows the benefits of doing yoga, meditation and physical exercise.
(b) Mr. Deepak is very good friend and helped Mr. Angad to come out from tensions and anxiety.
(ii) It is not advisable to take sleeping pills without consulting doctor because if they have taken in doses higher than recommended, may produce harmful effects and act as poison and cause even death.
(iii) Drugs which are used for the treatment of stress fatigue, mild and severe mental disease anxiety, irritability are called tranquilizers.
e.g., Equanil, chlordiazepoxide.
Question. (i) Define Antihistamine with an example.
(ii) Which one of the following drugs is an antibiotic?
Morphine, Equanil, Chloramphenicol, Aspirin.
Answer : (i) The drugs which prevents the interaction of histamine with the receptors where histamine exerts its effect are called antihistamines. E.g. Synthetic drug brompheniramine (Dimetapp) and terfenadine (Seldane) acts as antihistamines.
(ii) Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic.
Question. Explain the following terms with suitable examples :
(a) Cationic detergents
(b) Anionic detergents
Answer : (a) Cationic detergents : Detergents in which large part of molecules is cation are called cationic detergents.
These are quaternary ammonium salts.
e.g. Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide

(b) Anionic detergent : A detergent whose large part of the molecule is anion is called anionic detergent.
These are sodium salts of sulphonated long chain alcohols or hydrocarbons.
e.g. Sodium laurylsulphate
CH3 –(CH2)10CH2OSO–3Na+
Question. Mention the action of the following on the human body in bringing relief from a disease:
(i) Brompheniramine
(ii) Aspirin
(iii) Equanil
Answer : (i) Brompheniramine acts as antihistamine (antiallergic). It interferes with the natural action of histamine by competing with histamine for binding sites of receptor where histamine exerts its effect.
(ii) Aspirin acts as an analgesic, i.e., used to reduce pain and antipyretic, i.e., brings down the body temperature. Aspirin inhibits the synthesis of compounds which stimulate inflammation in the tissue and cause pain.
(iii) Equanil is used for controlling depression and hypertension.