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Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set D

Please see below Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set D with solutions. We have provided Class 10 Science Sample Papers with solutions designed by Science teachers for Class 10 based on the latest examination pattern issued by CBSE. We have provided the following sample paper for Term 2 Class 10 Science with answers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which can come in the upcoming exams.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 Science Term 2 Set D

Section – A

I. Case Study Question

1. Study the table related to sex ratio at birth of females/1000 males in different states UTs based on sample registration system and answer the questions that follow:

Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set D

(i) Name the state which has males to female ratio to maximum extent in 2012-14.
Ans. (i) Kerala

(ii) What is major cause of less females than males in India? 
Ans. (ii) Female Foeticide

(iv) Which state of India has lowest sex ratio in 2013-15?
Ans. (iii) Haryana


II. Very Short Answer Type Questions :

2. Why are seeds called products of sexual reproduction?
Ans. Seeds are formed by fusion of gamete that is why called products of sexual reproduction.

3. Mention two reasons why tungsten is used for making filaments of electric lamps. 
Ans. (a) High resistivity, (b) High melting point

4. Fan works on electric motor. What is principle of electric motor? 
Ans. It is used on magnetic effect of current. A current carrying conductor produces a magnetic field around it.

Section – C

III. Short Answer Type Questions :

5. (i) Write the molecular formula of an alkyne containing 10 atoms of hydrogen.
(ii) Why CH3OH, C2H5–OH, C3H7OH belong to homologous series?
Ans. (i) C6H10
(ii) It is because they have same functional group.

6. Distinguish between biodegradable and non-biodegradable pollutants. Give one example of each.
Ans. Biodegradable pollutant can be broken down into non-poisonous substance by action of micro-organisms Whereas those pollutants which cannot be degrades to harmless substances by nature (micro-organisms) are non-biodegradable.
Sewage and agricultural waste are biodegradable.
DDT, radioactive waste are non-biodegradable.

7. How does fuse wire protects electrical appliances?
Ans. When large amount of current flows through the circuit, temperates of the wire increases and fuse wire gets melted. It prevents the flow current in other circuits of the house by breaking the circuit and saves electrical appliances.

8. What are acquired traits? Why acquired traits are not inherited?
Ans. Acquired traits are those which are developed in the organisms during their life time. These traits are not inherited because these do not involve reproductive tissues or gene which transfers genetic characteristics.

9. Name the various types of asexual reproduction. What is meant by vegetative propagation?
Ans. (i) Fission (ii) Budding (iii) Spore formation (iv) Regeneration
Vegetative propagation is a process in which vegetative parts like roots, stem and leaves develops into new plants under appropriate conditions. It can occur naturally or be involved by horticulturists.

Section- D

IV. Short Answer Type Questions :

10. (i) Why are covalent compounds generally poor conductor of electricity?
(ii) Why does carbon forms large number of compounds?
(iii) Which of the following organic compounds belong to same homologous series?
CH4, C2H6, C2H4, C2H6O2, CH4O
Ans. (i) It is because these are non-polar and do not form ions.
(ii) It is due to tetravelency and catenation property.
(iii) CH4 and C2H6 belong to alkanes.
C2H6O2 and CH4O belong to alcohols.

11. Explain why is a food chain consists of few steps only. Write a food chain having five steps. Mention producer, secondary and tertiary consumer.
Ans. Food chain has only few steps because energy decreases at each successive trophic level due to which less energy in available for further level. If food chain has 6 steps, energy available at 6th step will not be sufficient for survival of organisms of 6th trophic level.

Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set D

12. Find the current drawn from the battery by the network of four resistors as shown in the figure.

Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set D

Ans. R1, R2, R3 are in series combination and R4 is in parallel combination to these combination of resistors.
Equivalent resistance of the given network is given as:

Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set D

Section– E

V. Long Answer Type Questions 

13. (i) Why should we classify elements?
(ii) How many groups and periods are there in periodic table?
(iii) Why is position of isotope not disputed in modern periodic table?
(iv) What is the cause of periodicity of properties in periodic table?
(v) Name the type of elements present on zig-zag line between metals and non-metals.


The position of certain elements in the Modern Periodic Table are shown below:

Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set D

Using the above table answer the following questions giving reasons in each case:
(i) Which element will form only covalent compounds?
(ii) Which element is a non-metal with valency 2?
(iii) Which element is a metal with valency 2?
(iv) Out of H, C and F which has largest atomic size?
(v) To which family does H, C and F belong?
Ans. (i) It helps in studying 118 element by studying properties of few groups and few periods.
(ii) There are 18 groups and 7 periods.
(iii) Isotopes differ in atomic mass but not in atomic number thus their position is not disputed.
(iv) It is due to recurrent similar electronic configuration.
(v) Metalloids (Semi metals)


(i) E will form only covalent compounds.
(ii) B is non-metal with valency 2.
(iii) D is metal with valency 2.
(iv) ‘F’ has largest atomic radius.
(v) It belongs to noble gases.

14. (i) Who provided exchanges of DNA as genetic material?
(ii) Explain the Mendel’s concept of heredity, by giving three points.
(iii) A man with blood group ‘A’ marries a woman with blood group ‘O’ and their daughter has blood group O. Is this information enough to tell you which of the traits-blood group A or O is dominant? Why or why not? 


(i) Where are genes located? What is the chemical nature of genes?
(ii) ‘DNA is the carrier of the genetic information’. Justify.
Ans. (i) Mendel
(ii) (a) Mendel worked on pea plant.
(b) He found that traits are controlled by genes which come in pairs.
(c) Genes are inherited as separate units, one from each parent.
(iii) The information is not sufficient because information is confined upto two generation. We need information about third generations to predict the dominant trait.


(i) Genes are located on chromosomes at fixed positions. They are made of nucleic acid (DNA) therefore acidic in nature.
(ii) Most of the characters or traits of an organism are controlled by the genes. Genes are actually segments of DNA guiding the formation of proteins by the cellular organelles. These proteins may be enzymes, hormones, antibodies, and structural components of different types of tissues. In other words, DNA (genes) is responsible for structure and functioning of a living body. Genotype of an individual controls its phenotype.
In human beings there are 23 pairs of chromosome. We inherit half of our chromosomes (genes) from our two parents. This means half of DNA in each cell has been inherited from each parent, hence we resemble both of them or their side of family members.

15. (i) How do magnetic field lines move inside the magnet?
(ii) How is relative strength of magnetic field lines can be determined?
(iii) By which instrument presence of magnetic field determines?
(iv) Which rule help in defining the direction of current in a straight current carrying conductor?
(v) How is direction of electron movement is determined in solenoid?


Describe an activity to show that the magnetic field lines produced when current is passed through the circular coil. Explain with the help of diagram.
Ans. (i) Magnetic field line will move from south pole to north pole inside the magnet.
(ii) The strength of magnetic field is determined by closeness of magnetic field lines.
(iii) Magnetic needle (compass)
(iv) We can use the right hand thumb rule for polarity i.e direction of current.
(v) The direction of movement of electron is opposite to current, determined by left hand thumb rule.


(i) Take a rectangular cardboard having two holes.
(ii) Insert a circular coil through these holes, normal to the plane of paper.
(iii) Connect the ends of coil in series with a battery, and key.
(iv) Sprinkle iron filings uniformly on the cardboard.
(v) Plug the key.
(vi) Tap the cardboard gently a few times. Note the pattern of the iron filings.

Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set D

(vii) The pattern of magnetic field lines will be same as the pattern of iron filings.
• Iron fillings are arranged in form of concentric circles.
• The circles become larger as we move away from wire.
• At center of loop, lines are perpendicular to the plane of loop.
• The concentric circle at every point represent magnetic field around it.
• Magnetic field lines close to the axis of loop is perpendicular to the coil and loop and converging on the center of loop.
• Magnetic field lines keep on diverging as we move away from the center of the loop.

Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set D

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