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Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set F

Please see below Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set F with solutions. We have provided Class 10 Science Sample Papers with solutions designed by Science teachers for Class 10 based on the latest examination pattern issued by CBSE. We have provided the following sample paper for Term 2 Class 10 Science with answers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which can come in the upcoming exams.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 Science Term 2 Set F

Section – A

1. Identify and name the functional groups present in the following compounds.
a. CH3-CH2-CH2-OH
b. CH3-CH2-CH2-CHO
c. CH3-CH2-CO-CH2-CH3
d. CH3– CH2 –COOH

Answer. (i) -OH, Hydroxyl/Alcohol
(ii) -CHO, Aldehyde
(iii) >C = O, Ketone
(iv) -COOH, Carboxylic acid

2. A metal ‘M’ belongs to 13th group and 3rd period in the Modern periodic table.
a. Write the valency of the metal ‘M’.
b. How does valency of an element vary across the period?

Answer. (i) Atomic number = 13
Electronic configuration = 2, 8, 3
Valency = 3
(ii) The valency of an element first increases the decreases across the period.

3. In the figure given below, identify the life form and comment on it.

Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set F

Answer. Rhizopus
Process of spore formation (Sporulation)

4. A cross between two tall pea plant, produces tall and short both expressions. Make a cross based on the above information to explain the reason for the above observation.
Answer. Cross with parents heterozygous Tall (Tt), Getting the ration of Short (tt) Since, parent plant is (Tt) so gamete formation will result in segregation of (t) and fertilization will result the combining of (t) with (t) to form (tt) in the ration of 25%.

5. How is sex determined in humans during reproduction?
Answer. a. In humans sex is determined by the type of make gamete (sperm) that fertilizes the egg (X)
b. If (X) containing sperm fertilizes the egg (X) : Girl child
c. If (Y) containing sperm fertilizes the egg (X) : Boy child

6. A fixed wire AB carries current I. An electron is moving parallel to the wire, in which direction does the electron tend to move?

Class 10 Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set F

Answer. By right hand thumb rule, the magnetic field in the vicinity of wire is downward perpendicular to plane of paper.
By convention, direction of electric current is opposite to the direction of motion of electron.
By Fleming’s left-hand rule, the force on electron is away from wire into the plane of paper; therefore, the electron will be deflected down ward (away from wire) into the plane of paper.

7. Ecosystem is an integrated network of many components with each having its specific place and importance.
a. List the two main components of an ecosystem.
b. List two biotic components of a biosphere.
Answer. a. Biotic and Abiotic components of the ecosystem.
b. Plants & Animals

Section – B

8. (a) Write any two similarities and difference between cyclohexane and benzene.
Also draw their structures.
(b) Write any two uses each of graphite and diamond.
Answer. a. Similarities: (i) Both are cyclic compounds (ii) Both contains 6 carbon atoms.
Differences: (i) Cyclohexane is a saturated compound whereas benzene is an unsaturated compound.
(ii) Cyclohexane is less reactive than benzene as double bond is weaker than single bond.
Draw their structures of benzene (C6H6) and Cyclohexane (C6H12)
b. Graphite: (i) It is used for making pencil. (ii) It is used as a lubricant.
Diamond: (i) It is used in making tools. (ii) It is used in jewellery.

9. An element X (Atomic number 17) reacts with an element Y (Atomic number 20) to form a divalent halide.
a. Where in the periodic table are elements X and Y placed?
b. Classify X and Y as metal, non-metal or metalloid.
c. What will be the nature of oxide of element Y? Identify the nature of bonding in the compound formed.
Answer. a. X belongs to group 17 and 3rd period, Y belongs to group 2 and 4thperiod.
b. X-Non-metal and Y-Metal
c. Basic oxide, Ionic bonding

10. During human reproductive cycle, what changes are observed if:
a. The egg gets fertilized?
b. The egg does not gets fertilized?

a. If egg gets fertilized: The zygote starts its journey in the fallopian tube towards uterus by repeated division (embryo). Uterus become more nutritive & spongy to receive the embryo.
b. If egg is not fertilized: The egg remains alive for few hours before death. The nutritive & spongy layer of uterus is not required so it dislodges and starts being ejected out of uterus (menstruation). It may take 2 to 4 days for this.

11. (a) Define electric power. Derive an expression for power in terms of current and 
(b) Two electric bulbs rated 100 W; 220 V and 60 W; 220 V are connected in parallel to an electric main of 220 V. Find the current drawn by bulbs from the mains.
Answer. a. It is the rate at which electrical energy is dissipated or consumed in an electrical circuit is called electric power.
V = W/Q, W = VQ, W/t = V(Q/t)
P = VI = IR. I = I2R
b. Bulb 1: I = P/V = 100/220 = 5/11 = I1
Bulb 2: I = P/V = 60/220 = 3/11 = I2
Total current = 5/11 + 3/11 = 8/11 = 0.72 A

12. Two identical resistors, each of resistance 15Ω are connected in (i) series and (ii) parallel, in turns to a battery of 6 V. Calculate the ratio of the power consumed in the combination of resistors in each case.
R1 = R2 = 15 ohm = 6 V
(i) In series: Rs = R1+ R2 = 30 ohm, I = V/Rs = 6/30 = 0.2 A
P1= VI = 6 x 0.2 = 1.2 W
(ii) In parallel: Rp = R1x R2/R1+ R2= 225/30 = 7.5 ohm
I = V/Rp = 6/7.5 = 0.8 A
P2 = VI = 6 x 0.8 = 4.8 W
Ratio of power = P1/P2 = 1.2/4.8 = 1/4
P1: P2= 1: 4

13. Explain the following:
a. Autotrophs are at the first level of food chain. Give reason.
b. How agricultural practices may cause damage to the environment?
c. Construct a terrestrial food chain comprising four trophic levels.
Answer. a. Autotrophs form the 1st trophic level because they are the initial providers of energy in the living system.
b. Agriculture practices that damage ecosystem: Use of pesticides, excessive fertilizers, excessive use of ground water for irrigation.
c. Grass → Insect → Frog → Snake / Eagle (or any other)

Section – C

14. Evolutionary relationships of animals can be deduced by studying the design and function of organs of different animals / plants. If we compare the higher animals (vertebrates), we come across two types of situations. Some of the organs among the higher animals although look differently and perform different functions but to our surprise such organs show striking similarity in their internal structure and origin. While in some other cases, the organs look very similar and perform same function, but they show marked differences in their internal structure and origin.
Similar examples can be cited in plants.
a. What is this topic all about?
b. Name the first category of organs discussed above. Give one example each from plant and animal group.
c. Name the second category of organs discussed above. Give one example each from plant and animal group.

Answer. a. Evolutionary evidences
b. Homologous organs.
Animals: Human arm : Leg of horse : Flipper of whale
Plants: Normal root : Root or carrot
c. Analogous organs.
Animals: Wing of bird : Wing of Insect
Plants: Rose leaf : Tendril of pea plant

15. Faraday’s discovery of electromagnetic induction in August 1831 has been recognized as one of his great achievements, as well as a discovery of immense importance in understanding electromagnetism. John Tyndall, one of the Faraday’s early biographers surmised that this discovery of magneto-electricity is the greatest experimental result ever obtained by an investigator. It is the Mont Blanc of Faraday’s own achievements. Thomas Martin, the editor of Faraday’s laboratory notes, remarked that Faraday’s discovery of induction, was one of the most important experiments in the history of physical science. The phenomenon Faraday had demonstrated was the generation of an electric current (electricity in motion), in a wire forming closed circuit, by the change of the current in an adjacent wire, as well as. by the wire either being in the presence of a changing magnetic force or moving through a region of magnetic force. The effect provided the anticipated converse of Oersted’s demonstration in 1820, that an electric current produced a magnetic force. The importance of the phenomenon in the development of electromagnetism may be seen in the pivotal role it played in Maxwell’s dynamical approach to electromagnetism.
Based on above information, answer the following questions:
a. Write any one method to induce current in a coil.
b. What is meant by electromagnetic induction?
c. List the factors on which the value of induced current produced depends.
d. What is the importance of the phenomenon ‘electromagnetism’?

Answer. (i) By moving a magnet towards the coil or vice versa. Current can be induced in the coil.
(ii) Electromagnetic induction is the phenomenon of production of emf (potential difference) or current in a coil due to change in magnetic field around it.
(iii) The value of induced current produced in a circuit depends on the following factors:
(a) number of turns in given coil
(b) area of each turn in coil
(c) rate of change of magnetic field.

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