Unseen Passage

For Class 4 to Class 12

Dust of Snow MCQ Class 10 English

Please refer to Chapter 1 Dust of Snow MCQ Class 10 English with answers below. These multiple-choice questions have been prepared based on the latest NCERT book for Class 10 English. Students should refer to MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with Answers to score more marks in Grade 10 English exams. Students should read the chapter Dust of Snow and then attempt the following objective questions.

MCQ Questions Class 10 English Chapter 1 Dust of Snow

The Dust of Snow MCQ Class 10 English provided below covers all important topics given in this chapter. These MCQs will help you to properly prepare for exams.

Answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.

Question. In ‘Dust of Snow’, the poet is trying to suggest that:
a. small things bring big changes in life.
b. dust of snow is very useful.
c. a crow is a significant bird.
d. a hemlock tree has a lot of importance.



Question. How did the dust of snow affect the poet?
a. It made him energetic.
b. It changed his mood.
c. It made him superior.
d. None of these



Question. Why does the poet call it ‘dust of snow’?
a. Because the snow particles were too tiny
b. Because it came over him like dust
c. Because it felt like dust
d. Because it looked like dust



Question. What does ‘Dust of Snow’ represent?
a. Healing power of nature
b. Particles of snow
c. Bad and good omen
d. The impact of weather



Question. The poet was in a:
a. pleasant mood
b. playful mood
c. sleepy mood
d. sad mood



Question. _____________ has lifted the mood of the poet.
a. View of hemlock tree
b. The falling of snow
c. The environment
d. The sound by crow



Question. Identify the poetic device used in the line “And saved some part”.
a. Alliteration
b. Metaphor
c. Oxymoron
d. Simile



Question. What does the poet mean when he says ‘It saved some part of the day’?
a. The poet has saved his time as he sleeps for the entire day.
b. The poet has saved his job because he would not be late for his office.
c. The poet has saved some part of his day as he would enjoy the rest of the day with his family.
d. The poet has saved some part of his day as he did not waste the time in repenting and regretting.



Question. What is the rhyme scheme used in the poem, ‘Dust of Snow’?
a. baba cdcd
b. abab cdcd
c. abab cddc
d. abba cdcd



Question. The ‘hemlock tree’ and ‘crow’ generally signify:
a. wealth and prosperity
b. sadness and gloom
c. bad health and poverty
d. luck and happiness



Read the extracts below and answer the questions that follow:

The way a crow,
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

Question. What fell on the poet from the hemlock tree?
a. Leaves
b. Broken twigs
c. Snow dust
d. None of these



Question. What is the rhyme scheme of the above lines?
a. aabb
b. abbc
c. abcd
d. abab



Question. What is the effect of the incident on the poet?
a. He is sad.
b. He feels happy.
c. He is indifferent.
d. He is angry.



Question. Who is the poet of the above lines?
a. John Berryman
b. Robert Frost
c. Leslie Norris
d. Ogden Nash



Question. What season of the year does the poet refer to in the above lines?
a. Summer
b. Winter
c. Autumn
d. Spring



Dust of Snow MCQ Class 10 English

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