Outcomes of Democracy Notes for Class 10 Social Science
Following are Outcomes of Democracy Notes for Class 10 Social Science. These revision notes have been prepared by expert teachers of Class 10 Social Science as per the latest NCERT, CBSE, KVS books released for the current academic year. Students should go through Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy concepts and notes as these will help you to revise all important topics and help you to score more marks. We have provided Class 10 Social Science notes for all chapters in your book. You can access it all free and download Pdf.
Chapter 7 Outcomes of Democracy Notes Class 10 Social Science

Memorable facts :
1. Electorate :- Group of people who have right to vote in an election.
2. Sovereignty :- Supreme power of the state to take decisions in the internal as well as external matters.
3. Ballot :- The paper on which the names of the candidates who are contesting elections for a particular office are printed and the voters indicate their choice for a particular candidate.
4. Accountability :- The responsibility or obligation of government officials to act in the best interests of people or society.
5. By-elections :- Special elections to few seats rendered vacant during the running term (by death, resignation or disqualification).
6. Legitimate Government :- A government under which law and action of the government are revealed to the people and government function in transparent manner.
7. Democracy :- Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Democracy is a government in which everyone has a share.
8. Dictatorship :- An autocratic form of absolute rule by leadership unrestricted by law, constitution or other social and political factors.
Objective type Questions
Question. Fill in the blank-
Democracy enhances the_______________of the individual.
Question. Correctly match the following-
Feature | Type of Government |
(i) Free and fair elections | Dictatorship |
(ii) Censorship on open debate | Democracy |
(ii) Legitimate Government | Dictatorship |
(iv) Worst condition of citizens | Democracy |
Answer :
Feature | Type of Government |
(i) Free and fair elections | Democracy |
(ii) Censorship on open debate | Dictatorship |
(iii) Legitimate government | Democracy |
(iv) Worst condition of citizens | Dictatorship |
Question. Correct the following statement on the basis of the political facts-
‘Democratic Government is a despotic government?
Democratic government is an accountable/responsive government.
Question. Choose the correct option-
Out of the following governments in which type of government citizens have social equality-
(I) Monarchy
(ii) Dictatorship
(iii) Democracy
(iv) Autocracy
(iii) Democracy
Question. Write True (T) or false (F) at front of the following sentences
a) Democracy allows room to correct mistakes.
b) Democracy helps increasing social conflicts.
c) Democracy is a better form of government when compared with other alternative.
d) The information about the government can be get by the right to information.
e) We know more about government and government knows less about ourselves.
Question. Which aspect of democracy describes that it is a government run by the consent of the people?
Political Aspect
Question. In Which South Asian country is dictatorship preferred over democracy?
Question. Which South Asian country has always had a democratic government since independence?
Question. What does mean transparency?
Right to examine decision making process
Question. Which form of government stands much superior in promoting dignity and freedom of the individual?
Democratic form of government
Question. Decisions taken by which type of government are likely to be more acceptable to the people and more effective?
Democratic government
Question. Which South Asian country remains least doubtful about the suitability of democracy for its country?
Question. Who has said ” Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
Abraham Lincoln
Question. Why is there a delay in decision-making and implementation in a democracy?
Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation
Short/Long Answers type Questions
Question. Write three merits and demerits each of dictatorship.
Ans. Merits of dictatorship:-
(i) There are no competing political parties. Which ensures stability in the government.
(ii) The orders are carried out as soon as they are passed in dictatorship. This brings speed and efficiency in the system.
(iii) The dictators take all the decisions themselves. This enables them to take quick and decisive decisions.
Demerits of dictatorship:-
(i) Suppression of civil Liberties. The people are not allowed to disagree with the policies and programs of the government.
(ii) As all the decisions are taken by the dictators themselves, therefore, they do not consult anybody before taking decisions.
(iii) Violence : Violence is very common in dictatorship. The dictators can go to any extent to remain in the power.
Question. How are democratic governments better than other forms of governments ? Explain.
Ans. Democracy is always preferable and superior to any other form of government because of the following reasons:-
(i) Democracy promotes equality among citizens.
(ii) Democracy enhances dignity of individuals.
(iii) Democracy improves the quality of decision making.
(iv) Democracy develops competitive attitude
(v) Democracy evolves mechanism to negotiate
(vi) Democracy represents the general view
(vii) Democracy provides and accountable, responsive and legitimate government.
Question. Examine any three features on the basis of which maximum number of countries claim to practice democratic politics?
Ans. When any country follows this pattern, then they are able to claim to practice democratic politics:
(i) Elections are held at regular intervals and are free and fair.
(ii) Freedom of speech, expression and thought is another feature of democracy.
(iii) The dignity of the individual is recognised.
(iv) All are treated equally and their value of vote is the same.
(v) Everyone has a share in democracy.
Question. Democracy accommodates social diversities.” Support the statement with examples.
Ans. Democracy accommodates social diversities in the following ways :-
(i) Democracy develops competitive attitudes. Democracy develops a procedure to conduct competition among social classes. This reduces the possibility of conflicts and social tensions.
(ii) Democracy evolves mechanisms to negotiate : No Society can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different groups, but we can certainly learn to respect these differences. Democracies are best suited to produce this outcome.
(iii) Democracy represents the general view : Democracy ensures that the government should not be made by the majority but it should have the representation of minority as well.
Question. “In actual life, democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.” Support this statement by giving three arguments.
Ans. Democracies are based on political equality. All citizens have equal right in electing representative but :-
(i) The same thing does not happen in the economic field.
(ii) Economic equality comes by the equitable distribution of wealth, but this is not true in democracy.
(iii) The poor are becoming poorer and sometimes they find difficult even to meet their basic needs of life such of food, shelter, health and education.
(iv) Democracy has not been able to provide minimum facility to all the people.
Question. How are complaints treated as testimony to the success of democracy? Explain with five facts.
“The facts that people are complaining is itself a testimony to the success of democracy.” Justify the statement by giving points.
Ans. Expectations from democracy also functions as a criteria for judging any democratic country. People’s complaints in democracy is itself a testimony to its success as it shows that people have developed awareness and the ability to expect and look critically at power holders. Examples of complaints of the following type can prove that point:-
(i) Democracy sets up slow and inefficient government.
(ii) It is unsuccessful in reducing economic exploitation.
(iii) It is not free of the evil of corruption.
(iv) It takes too much time to reach at conclusion.
(v) It is not able to end social discrimination.
(vi) The responsibilities of all means the responsibility of none in democracy.
Question. What out comes are expected from a Democracy?
Ans. (i) Elections should be held periodically on the basis of universal franchise.
(ii) People should be guaranteed fundamental rights by constitution.
(iii) Freedom of Press should be allowed press should play important role.
(iv) The elected representatives should be accountable to people.
(v) The unity, intergrity and Sovereignty of the country should be strengthened.
Question. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government?
Ans. Democracy produces an accountable, responsive and legitimate government in the following ways:-
(i) Democratic government is responsible to the people. It cares about the opinions, need and expectations of the people.
(ii) In a democratic government, people have the right to choose their leaders and have control over their leaders.
(iii) In a democratic government, citizens are able to participate in decisions making. In this way the basic outcome of democracy is that it produces a government, accountable to the citizens.
(iv) Democracy produces legitimate government because after every four or five years, the representatives of the people are elected by secret ballot. The majority party forms government which works according to the constitution.
Question. What is the main outcome of democracy with reference to reduction of inequality and poverty? Give any two arguments to support your answer.
Ans. Democracy is based on political equality. All individuals have equal right in electing representatives. Parallel to the process of bringing individuals into the political arena on an equal footing, find growing economic inequalities. A few number of rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth and incomes. Not only that their share in the total income of the country has been increasing. Those at the bottom of the society have very little to depend upon. Their incomes have been declining and sometimes they find it difficult to meet their basic needs of life such as food, clothing, house, education and health.
Question. Mention a few factors that determine the economic growth of a country.
Ans. The factors that determine the economic growth of a country are:
(i) Population
(ii) Size
(iii) Natural Resources
(iv) Relationship with other countries
(v) Global situation
(vi) Geographic position
(vii) Economic policies of the government.
Question. Explain main features that are common in all democratic set-ups of the governments.
Ans. Common features in all the democratic set-ups are:
(i) Elections are held at regular intervals and are free and fair.
(ii) A democracy has a multi-party system and elections are held on the basis of universal adult franchise.
(iii) Freedom of speech, expression and thought is another feature of democracy.
(iv) The media is free and helps in building a sound public opinion.
(v) Democracy gives its citizens a sound political system bases on equality.
(vi) Another feature of a democracy is a strong opposition which keeps in check the ruling party or the government.
(vii) One can correct one’s mistakes in a democracy and avoid conflicts.
Question. List the various aspects and qualifications which help in giving a clear definition of democracy.
Ans. (i) The rules elected by the people must take all the major decisions.
(ii) Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the existing rulers.
(iii) Choice and opportunity should be available to all the people on an equal basis.
(iv) Besides political rights, some social and economic rights are offered to the citizens by the democracy.
(v) Power sharing is the spirit of democracy and its necessary between government and social groups in a democracy.
Question. What are the differences between democratic and non-democratic governments in the decision making process?
Ans. The difference between democratic and non-democratic governments in the decision making process are as under :-
(i) The decision making process in non-democratic government is quick whereas in democratic government is slow.
(ii) In non-democratic government implementation of the decisions is fast whereas in the democratic government is slow.
(iii) Non-democratic government do not follow any fixed procedure but democratic governments have to follow certain procedures.
(iv) Democratic government is based on deliberation and negotiation but non-democratic government do not bother about such deliberation or public opinion.