Two Stories about Flying– I His First Flight MCQ Class 10 English
Please refer to Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying– I. His First Flight MCQ Class 10 English with answers below. These multiple-choice questions have been prepared based on the latest NCERT book for Class 10 English. Students should refer to MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with Answers to score more marks in Grade 10 English exams. Students should read the chapter Two Stories about Flying– I. His First Flight and then attempt the following objective questions.
MCQ Questions Class 10 English Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying– I. His First Flight
The Two Stories about Flying– I. His First Flight MCQ Class 10 English provided below covers all important topics given in this chapter. These MCQs will help you to properly prepare for exams.
Read the extracts below and answer the questions that follow.
He just felt a bit dizzy. Then he flapped his wings once and he soared upwards. “Ga, ga, ga, Ga, ga, ga, Gaw-col-ah,” his mother swooped past him, her wings making a loud noise. He answered her with another scream. Then his father flew over him screaming.He saw his two brothers and his sister flying around him curveting and banking and soaring and diving. Then he completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly,and commended himself to dive and soar and curve, shrieking shrilly.
Question. How would you describe the screams of the seagull in the given extract?
a. Elation
b. Bewilderment
c. Shock
d. Protection
Question. Pick the most appropriate reason why the young seagull felt dizzy.
a. He hadn’t eaten anything for a day.
b. He was dizzy with excitement.
c. He was wary of heights.
d. He was flying for the first time.
Question. The line “he completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly” implies the:
a. great confidence the young gull had in his skills.
b. naturalness of the act of flying for the young seagull.
c. satisfaction and joy of flying together as a family.
d. desire of the young seagull to leave his fears behind.
Question. Which of the following mirrors the use of the literary device in “shrieking shrilly”?
a. sparkling saga
b. singing soft
c. slippery sloppily
d. sneeze silently
Question. The extract refers to the many movements of the young seagull’s brothers and sister. Choose the option that correctly sequences these movements.
a. The young seagull’s brothers and sister flew by tilting their wings, rose high, made darting movements and plunged headfirst.
b. The young seagull’s brothers and sister flew by plunging headfirst, making darting movements, tilted their wings and rose high.
c. The young seagull’s brothers and sister flew with darting movements, tilted their wings, rose high and plunged headfirst.
d. The young seagull’s brothers and sister flew by rising high, plunging headfirst, making darting movements and tilting their wings.