CBSE Class 10 English HOTS Chapter 1 The Triumph of Surgery
Please refer to CBSE Class 10 English HOTS Chapter 1 The Triumph of Surgery below. These High Order Thinking Skills Questions and answers have been prepared based on the latest pattern of questions expected in the CBSE Class 10 English exams. Students should properly understand the questions and answers given below which will help them to get better marks in exams.
Q1.This episode describes the silly behavior of a rich woman who is foolishly indulgent, Perhaps because she is lonely. Do you think such people are merely silly, or can their action cause harm to others?
Ans. Mrs Pumphrey is worried and distraught because Tricki would not eat anything. He even is not ready to eat his favorite dishes. Tricki has bouts of vomiting and spends all his time lying on the rug and panting. Tricki does not even want to go for walks or do anything.
Q2. What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?
Ans. These sorts of people have enough disposable money but are ignorant about results of their actions. They show their excessive love and affection without knowing its consequences to others. Undoubtedly, their intentions are good and don’t have any sort of ill-will, these actions do more harm than good to the object of affection.
Q3. Why does Mrs Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of surgery”?
Ans. I think the narrator; a veterinary surgeon seems to be a practical and tactful person. He knows how to deal with people. He adjusts himself well to the circumstances. He immediately understands Tricki’s problem. Tricki doesn’t suffer from any sort of illness. The main cause of his illness is overfeeding. He takes the dog to his surgery. There the doctor keeps him on water diet and makes him physically active and treats without any medicine. The dog gets well under his supervision and natural environment of surgery.

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