CBSE Class 10 English HOTS Chapter 7 NeckLace
Please refer to CBSE Class 10 English HOTS Chapter 7 NeckLace below. These High Order Thinking Skills Questions and answers have been prepared based on the latest pattern of questions expected in the CBSE Class 10 English exams. Students should properly understand the questions and answers given below which will help them to get better marks in exams.
Q1. Mrs Loisel led such a life which is inspirational for women as well as millions of people. What would you like to say about this statement?
Ans. Mrs Loisel was an extremely beautiful woman who was married to a clerk. She had her own way of leading a better life but fate was against her .She could not lead luxurious life still her husband made all possible efforts to make her happy. She had to do all the work of family herself when they lost a necklace.
Q2. Mr Loisel proved himself a very good husband. He always tried to help and please his wife and tried to convince her in all possible manners. Discuss.
Ans. When we read the story THE NECKLACE we come to know qualities of Mr Loisel who is the husband to Matilda. He earned not so much but proved a better companion for his wife .He always tried to convince her in all possible manners.
Q3. Never be over smart or over confident; lead your life as you can. We should not try to compete with the higher people. Comment.
Ans. One should live happily and not sad. We must enjoy life as it’s very precious. There are people who are rich. Others may have cars, big buildings still we need to live as per our limitations. Our mistakes might bring sufferings or pain.
Q4. People should always live within their means. Aspirations have no limits but one should never forget the ground realities. Elaborate on the basis of chapter-“The Necklace”.
Ans. The chapter “The Necklace” brings out the fact beautifully that people should always try to live within their means. Our desires have no limits but we must see our circumstances and try to live within our means. If we fail to accept the situation or put a stop to our aspirations, we can certainly land ourselves into trouble. It is better that we accept the life as it comes to us and do not keep on cribbing about unhappy circumstances. As we read the story “The Necklace”, we find that Matilda is not at all happy on getting married to a clerk. She had wished her life to be luxurious. It is these aspirations and frustration of hers which puts her in trouble and spoils rest of her life. She does not work for solutions but rather complicates the situation for her. It is very essential to understand the ground realities and live accordingly. If Matilda had not borrowed a diamond necklace for the party and kept it carefully, things would not have been so complicated for her. Moreover, she did not confess the truth to her friend. If she had done so, she would not have lived the life of a pauper for a long period of her life.
Q5.The course of Loisel’s life changed due to the necklace. Comment.
Ans. It took a decade to pay back the money they borrowed to buy the necklace. And, it changed everything for them. They had to move to the poorest quarter of the city. With no maids or assistance , Matilda had to cook, clean, mend, sew and bargain with the grocer and butcher to save every sou( a French coin of low value) just for mere survival. The husband had to work in the evening and night to pay their debt. In this way, the course of the Loisel’s life changed due to the necklace.
Q6. Mme Loisel’s disposition invites her doom. Comment in the context of the text you have read.
Ans. Mme Loisel belongs to a family of clerks. Her assistance is quite average. They live on meager income, enough for basic needs but not to fulfill aspirations. She gets married to a clerk and is so caught up with her dreams of wealth and pleasure that she is out of touch with the truths of her real life. In order to keep up appearances and just to flatter her pride, she blows up 400 hundred francs on a gorgeous dress. And, not contended, she goes on borrowing a necklace from her friend. And, all of this is just to impress the wealthy and the rich with her beauty and glamour (even if on loan). No doubt, her pride is flattered and her wish of fine dining, expensive dresses and jewels satisfied but at a great price. Unfortunately, the necklace has lost and the couple has to cough up their entire inheritance and borrow as well to replace it. Repayment of the debt eats away the next ten years of their youth. They live poor. All the household chores and care of a life of poverty visits them. Hence, her disposition invites her doom.
Q7. Mme Forestier proved to be a true friend. Elucidate.
Ans. Mme Forestier turns out to be an interesting character. She plays a vital role in the story. As a friend to Matilda, we find her to be really genuine as she helps Matilda in the hour of her need. When Mme Loisel Needs to borrow jewels, she turns to Mme Forestier. Madam Forestier does not refuse. Displaying her generosity she opens up the entire array of her jewels for Matilda to choose from. Also, She is considerate when Loisel’s delay the return of the necklace. Surprisingly, at the end of the story, she concludes the entire narrative. Without even a moments delay and hesitation, she reveals to Matilda that her necklace was just a fake. She is not at all worried in the light of the fact that she may have to return the necklace. It shows her honesty rather, she like a true friend feels bad for Matilda at her unnecessary suffering. We find her sympathizing with Mme Loisel. She is indeed a gem of a friend.
Q8. The story “The Necklace” teaches us many lessons which form the crux of human values. Discuss.
Ans. The story “The Necklace” teaches us many lessons which form the crux of human values. The very first thing it teaches us is the need to be content in life. Matilda, though born into a family of clerks and married to a petty clerk with the Board of Education, remains unhappy. She suffers from the feeling that she is born for all delicacies and luxuries, but has to live miserably in poverty. So, when she has to attend the office party with her husband, she asks him for money to get a new dress. Her husband sacrifices the money he has saved to buy a gun to get her the dress. Then also she is not content. She feels that she could look more beautiful with a jewel. She thus borrows a necklace from her friend, thinking that it is made of diamonds. At the party, she remains elegant, gracious, smiling and absolutely happy. She was thus the prettiest of all. But this vanity is short-lived and is the beginning of all troubles in her life. She loses the necklace and she gets a new diamond necklace as its replacement by borrowing heavily. Subsequently, she is pushed to live in poverty as she slogs for ten years to save money to pay back the huge debt. Then the horrible reality frightens her. She realizes how her false pride has taken away her otherwise happy contended life. The story thus discusses the negative effects of pride and vanity and stresses the importance of being satisfied with what one has honesty, love and sacrifice.

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