Unseen Passage

For Class 4 to Class 12

CBSE Class 10 English HOTS Chapter 11 The Proposal

Please refer to CBSE Class 10 English HOTS Chapter 11 The Proposal below. These High Order Thinking Skills Questions and answers have been prepared based on the latest pattern of questions expected in the CBSE Class 10 English exams. Students should properly understand the questions and answers given below which will help them to get better marks in exams.

Q1. Anton Chekov has used humour and exaggeration in the play to comment on courtship in his times. Illustrate with examples from the lesson, “The Proposal”. Also mention the values, you think, any healthy relationship requires.
The principle ‘forgive and forget’ helps a lot is maintaining cordial relations with our neighbours. Do you think Chubukov conveys this message in the play “The Proposal’?
Lomov and Natalaya meet for a serious purpose, i.e., to talk about marriage that decides the progress of one’s life as a member of the conventionally established society. But the purpose of their meeting gets lost on two consecutive occasions because Lomov’s faith in the values of his society disrupts his approach to the topic of marriage. He learns that the girl and her father like him, but, instead of proposing to marry her and discussing how their marriage should be organised, he goes on to
talk about properties, relations, family histories, and pets, draws them into an unnecessary argument, and antagonises both of them.
Finally, Chubukov marries Lomov and Natasha by force before another problem crops up. Thus the play ends in a comic note, just because the couple gets together with their father to celebrate their marriage while the dispute over the pets is still continuing. For any healthy relationship there should be mutual understanding and respect. Quarreling over trivial issues like dog cannot guarantee longevity of a relationship.

Q2. Is Natalaya really a lovesick cat as called by her father? If it is so, why does she quarrel with Lomov?
Natalaya was a young unmarried girl of twenty five years. She lived in the neighbourhood of Lomov, a young unmarried man. She was an excellent housekeeper and was not bad looking. She wanted love in her life. Her father called her a lovesick cat. Lomov said that she was well educated, but she did not seem to be so.
She was very quarrelsome and abusive by nature. She began a bitter quarrel with Lomov over a piece of land that had little value. She said that those meadows were not much worth to her but she could not stand unfairness. But when she learnt that Lomov had come to propose to her, she forgot all fairness and unfairness.
She began to wail over the lost chance. She forced her father to call him back. But in no time, she started quarrelling with him again. It was on their dogs. Both claimed their respective dogs to be of a superior breed.

Q3. Justify the title ‘The Proposal’.
.The title of the play ‘The Proposal’ is very appropriate. A young man, Lomov wants to propose Natalya for marriage. He goes to her house for the same. Being confused, he doesn’t propose at once.
He beats about the bush. He speaks irrelevantly. As Natalya doesn’t know that he has come to propose her, she thinks that he has come to claim oxen meadows as his own, she starts quarrelling. This results in one after another quarrel. After her father Chubukov reconciles; Natalya comes to know that he has come to propose her. Then at once she forgets the issue of fighting. Then the proposal is made and accepted. Finally, they get engaged.

Q4. Neighbours must have a cordial relationship which Lomov and Natalya do not have. Describe the first fight between them.
Lomov and Natalya were next-door neighbours. One day, Lomov came to Natalya to propose her. Natalya, who didn’t know that he had come to propose her, thought that he had come to claim Oxen Meadows as his own. When Chubukov, Natalya’s father, interfered with them and also pleaded that the Oxen Meadows were the properties of Chubukov, the fight aggravated. For a few moments, Lomov’s real purpose was overshadowed by that issue and he continued the bias that meadows belonged to his aunt’s grandmother who gave them to the peasants of Chubukov’s grandfather on the condition that they would prepare bricks for her. So, how it could be considered as Natalya’s property? Though both Lomov and Chubukov, Natalya’s father, were very rich landlords, they quarreled over a tiny piece of land, called, ‘Oxen Meadows’. But that was not the end of quarrel. Natalya didn’t agree with Lomov’s explanation. Instead, she offered to make a present of it to Lomov who, in turn, rejected the suggestion. And the quarrel continued endlessly. Such first meeting of Lomov and Natalya had in itself seeds of things (quarrels over petty issues) to be expected in their married life.

Q5. Give a character sketch of Lomov.
Ans. Lomov was a funny man. Physically he was weak but financially he was sound. He was a rich bachelor who wanted to marry Natalya. He was not really in love with Natalya but wanted to marry her because he thought that she was a good-housekeeper and beautiful. He said if he desired for an ideal or real love, he would never get married. He felt that he was 35, now he must lead a quiet and regular life.
When he went to propose her, he got diverted. Actually, Natalya thought that he had come to claim oxen meadows as his own, quarrel took place between them. One more time they quarrelled over petty issues. Before finally proposing to her, he fainted and after that shouted a lot but finally succeeded to get acceptance.

Q6.Descibe the incidents of humour in the play, ’The Proposal’
Dear friends, today I would like to address those students who make fun of the students who are weak, ugly or poor. I have come to know that some of us make fun of some girls who are not good looking. We should all remember that if someone is poor or ugly, it is not his/her fault. We are what God has made us.
We should not go for outer beauty. We should recognise the inner qualities of a person and appreciate them. One may be ugly in appearance but one’s creativity and intelligence may be beyond expectation. We should not insult anybody just because one is poor or ugly. We have no right to show disrespect to someone and humiliate him/her. I hope now onwards we all are friends and will show respect to all. The tendency of making fun of weak, ugly or poor should be given up right now. Let us be good human beings.

CBSE Class 10 English HOTS Chapter 11 The Proposal

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CBSE Class 10 English HOTS Chapter 11 The Proposal

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