CBSE Class 10 English HOTS Poem 3 A Tiger in the Zoo
Please refer to CBSE Class 10 English HOTS Poem 3 A Tiger in the Zoo below. These High Order Thinking Skills Questions and answers have been prepared based on the latest pattern of questions expected in the CBSE Class 10 English exams. Students should properly understand the questions and answers given below which will help them to get better marks in exams.
Q1. “Freedom is a birth right. It is the most beautiful gift of god. It is valuable for all human beings as well as for creatures,” Discuss with reference to the poem “A Tiger in the Zoo”.
Ans. Freedom is the most beautiful gift of god. Freedom is a birthright, without freedom all is in vain.
Since the man has come on his earth, he tries to enslave the weaker sections for his own selfishness. If a bird lives in a golden cage, it cannot become happy. It loves to fly freely in an open sky. In the same way, if a man lives in a prison and gets everything, he cannot feel happiness. But if a man lives freely, he will be happy even in poor conditions. In this poem, we find the descriptions of two tigers; one is in a cage and second in an open field/forest. There is a great contrast between their behaviours.
Q2. Human beings use animals for entertainment, for their selfish ends and for recreation. What are your views about exploitation of animals? Describe with reference to the poem ‘A tiger in the zoo’.
Ans. Human beings use animals, small or big, for their selfish ends. Animals are killed, poached and captured for commercial benefits. Humans have encroached upon their space and sheltered them in zoos which is truly inhuman .In the poem ‘a tiger in the zoo’; the poet has shown the plight of a tiger. He is captured and confined to a small cage he is frustrated, angry and restless. He longs for freedom. Confinement brings bondage and bondage is cruelty. Every day we see many animals suffering due to
human callousness. Monkeys are captured and made to dance on roads, elephants are changed and forced to lift heavy loads. Many animals are sheltered in Zoos for the entertainment of human beings.
They are kept in poor conditions. They are treated inhumanly. We should learn to respect nature and its inhabitants. After all, these animals too share the earth with us.
Q3. Some animals are becoming extinct; the tiger is one such animal. What do you think could be the reason? Should this trend of its decreasing population be stopped? Why?
Ans. The primary threats to the survival of tigers are poaching and Habitat loss due to intensive development. The tigers are getting extinct. They are on the list of endangered species and the reason behind it is human interference. Human beings hunt tigers for their commercial benefits.
The loss of habitats also leads to a reduction in Prey animals so the area can support fewer tigers. Moreover, tigers are poached for trophies such as teeth and fur and for traditional medicines. The growing human population clears the forest area to convert them into agricultural land for food. This creates a problem for the tigers’ habitat. Tigers are the backbone of food web and forest hence should be protected.

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