Unseen Passage

For Class 4 to Class 12

Class 10 English Sample Paper Term 1 Set F

Please see below Class 10 English Sample Paper Term 1 Set F with solutions. We have provided Class 10 English Sample Papers with solutions designed by English teachers for Class 10 based on the latest examination pattern issued by CBSE. We have provided the following sample paper for Term 2 Class 10 English with answers. You will be able to understand the type of questions which can come in the upcoming exams.

CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 English Term 1 Set F


I. Read the passage given below.

1. Everybody wants to succeed in life.Success comes to those who are sincere,hardworking, loyal and committed to their goals.

2. Success has been man’s greatest motivation and has a great effect on life. It brings pleasure and pride. It gives a sence of fulfilment. it means all-round development. Everybody hopes to be successful in life. But success smiles on those who have a proper approach, planning, vision and stamina. One cannot be successful without cultivating these certain basic things in life. it is very difficult to set out on a journey without knowing one’s goals and purposes. Clarity of the objective is a must to succed in life. A focuses approach with proper planing is certain to bring success. Indecision and insincerity are big obstacles on the path to success.

3. One should have the capability, capacity and resources to turn one’s dreams into reality. Mere desire cannot bring you success. This is the basic requirement of success. The next important thins is the eagerness. seriousness and the urge to be successful. it is the driving force which decides the success. it is the first step on the ladder of success.

4. One needs to purpose one’s goals with all sincerity and passion. One should always be in high spirit. Lack of such spirit leads to an inferiority complex which is a big obstruction on the path to success. Time is also a deciding factor. Only the punctual and committed have succeded in life. Lives of great men are examples of this. They had all these qualities in plenty which helped rise to the peak of success.

5. Hard labour is one of the basic requirement of success. There is no substitute for hard labour. It alone can take one to the peak success. Every success has a ratio of five per cent inspiration and ninety-five per cent perspiration. It is the patience, persistence and perservance which play a decisive role in achieving success. Failures are the pillars of success as they are our stepping-stones and we must get up and start again and be motivated.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT out of the ten questions by choosing the correct option.

Question 1. According to the passage, success come certainly to those
(a) Who pursure a goal
(b) Who have a focused approach
(c) Who can motivate their selves.
(d) Who are sincere, hardworking, loyal and committed to their goals.



Question 2. Select the option that suitably completes the dialogue with reference to paragraph 5.
Amit: I wonder if there is any short-cut to success!
Sonya: No way Amit. Hard work is the key to success. …………………………..
(a) There are many other keys as well
(b) There is no substitute for hard work
(c) However, you can still manage without it
(d) It is not the basic requirement though.



Question 3. Identify the basic things in life that we need to achieve success.
(a) We need to develop a proper approach, planning, session and stamina
(b) We must have all round development
(c) we must have an large to be successful
(d) We must have one purpose in life



Question 4. Choose the quality that great men have in plenty to rise to the peak of success.
(I) High spirits
(II) Sincerity
(III) Punctuality
(IV) Commitment
(V) Hard labour
(VI) Passion
(a) II, III and IV
(b) V and VI
(c) II, IV and VI
(d) I, II, III, IV, V and VI



Question 5. …………… is the one basic requirement of success.
(a) Goal
(b) Politeness
(c) Hard labour
(d) Dignity



Question 6. Select the correct sentence from the given options that have correct usage of ‘perspiration’ as used in the passage.
(a) As he climbed back down, he wiped perspiration from his forehead with the back of his hand.
(b) External things are things known to us in immediate perspiration
(c) You can’t expect all this perspiration to happen without a lot of work
(d) The perspiration of rain, snow and hail is about 55 in



Question 7. Choose the statement from the given option that is NOT TRUE.
(a) One needs to pursue one’s goals with all one’s capability.
(b) Lack of stamina leads to blur vision which is a big obstruction on the path to success.
(c) Indecision and clarity are big obstacles on the path to success.
(d) High spirit leads lo an inferiority complex which is a big obstruction on the path to success.



Question 8. ……………. is considered to be the steppingstone to success.
(a) Failures
(b) Motivation
(c) faith
(d) dreams



Question 9. What are big obstacles on the path to success?
(a) Lack of high spirits
(b) Deciding factor
(c) Indecision and insincerity
(d) Lack of commitment



Question 10. Choose the option that lists the quote best expressing the central idea of the passage.
(a) “Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” —Walter Elliot
(b) “The difference between the difficult and the impossible is that the impossible takes a little longer time.” —Lady Aberdeen
(c) “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.” —John Quincy Adams
(d) “I am a slow walker, but I never walk back.” —Abraham Lincoln



II. Read the passage given below:

1. Yoga is not a particular denomination or religion, but an age-old practice based on a harmonizing system for the body, mind, and spirit to attain inner peace and liberation.

2. Within the past decade, yoga has inliltrated not only Western culture, but also Western medicine. The more we learn about this ancient practice, the more we realize that it’s benefits go far beyond increased flexibility and muscle tone. A common misunderstanding is that yoga predominantly focuses on increasing flexibility; however, the physical practice of yoga, does emphasize appropriate postural alignment, musculoskeletal strength and endurance as well as balance. The study and practice of yoga incorporates mindfulness based practices such as mindful breathing techniques, focused concentration. meditation and self-reflection.

3. We give undue importance to our health and the treatment of diseases. A large number of medicines treat only the symptoms of the disease, and not the root cause. In fact, the cause of many chronic ailments is still being researched. It is here that yoga therapy comes to our assistance. Yoga emphasizes treatment of the root cause of an ailment works in a slow, subtle and miraculous manner. Modern medicine can claim to save a life at a critical stage, but, for complete recovery and regaining of normal health, one must believe in the efficiency of yoga therapy.

Class 10 English Sample Paper Term 1 Set F

4. The yogic way of life includes a code of ethics, regulations, discipline, combined with prayer and meditation. Even a discussion of these subjects helps one relieve tensions and change attitudes. Simple asanas help to stretch and relax the whole body and release tensions. The sincere practice of yoga postures is beneficial for the mind and body.

5. The continued practice of yoga has profound effect on the inner chemenstones of life Yoga aims at developing the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional lactities. Other forms physical exercise, like aerobics, assumer only physical well being. They have little to do with the development of the soul and mind. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY SIX out of the eight questions by choosing the correct option.

Question 11. For complete recovery and regaining of normal health, one must believe in:
(a) God
(b) mindful breathing techniques
(c) efficiency of yoga therapy
(d) doctors



Question 12. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) Yoga can treat the root cause of an ailment
(2) Modern medicines can save a life at a critical stage
(a) (1) is the result of (2).
(b) (1) is true and (2) is false
(c) (1) is independent of (2).
(d) (1) contradicts (2).



Question 13. Most of the medicines treat ………………..
(a) Only the symptoms and not the root cause
(b) Only the critical stage of saving life.
(c) Only the root cause
(d) Both the symptoms and the root cause



Question 14. Identify the working of the yoga therapy.
(a) It works in a slow, harsh and credible manner.
(b) It works in a slow, subtle and miraculous manner.
(c) It works in a strict manner.
(d) It works in a temperory way.



Question 15. Yoga aims at developing the ……………..whereas physical exercise only develop the……………..
(a) physical, mental, spiritual and emotional faculties; body
(b) normal health; soul
(c) body: emotional faculty
(d) physical well-being, body



Question 16. Yoga is different from other forms of treatment as it?
(a) emphasises on the treatment of the root cause of an ailment.
(b) focuses more on the physical body.
(c) emphasizes on the treatment of the symptoms of an ailment.
(d) focuses more on the soul and mind.



Question 17. Select the option that shows what has yoga infiltrated within the past decade.
(I) Western philosophy
(II) Western culture

(III) Western manner
(IV) Western medicine
(a) II and IV
(b) III and IV
(c) I and IV
(d) II and IV



Question 18. The phrase ‘age-old practice’ means
(a) Recent practice
(b) Ancient practice
(c) Few-years old practice
(d) Five year old practice





III. Answer ANY FIVE out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option for each.

Question 19. There ……………. a crazy number of buys in the garden
(a) are
(b) have
(c) is
(d) has



Question 20. Some of the students in my class ……………. sad as that they did not pass.
(a) was
(b) were
(c) is
(d) may



Question 21. They are going to the concert. They have already got ……………. tickets.
(a) there
(b) theirs
(c) their
(d) them



Question 22. Plants ……………. have sunlight in order to make food.
(a) must
(b) can
(c) may
(d) will



Question 23. Since our bags are identical, you ……………. have taken mine by mistake
(a) should
(b) could
(c) will
(d) shall



Question 24. Choose the correct option to complete the given dialogue.
Priya : Hey Smita. Are you free this weekend?
Smita : Yes, (i) “……………..” .
Choose the correct option for (i)
(a) I am busy this weekend
(b) I have no plans for the weekend
(c) I have a meeting for the weekend
(d) Sorry, I have an appointment




IV. Answer ANY FIVE out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.

You are Akansha, a resident of Preet Vihar, Kota. You have to write an official letter complaining about the road passing in front of the school which is congested with school buses, mini buses, private cars, etc.

Question 25. According to Akansha, what is the most appropriate salutation for the letter?
(a) Hi there
(b) Dear Sir/Ma’am
(c) Hello
(d) Good Morning Sir/Ma’am



Question 26. When Akansha will begin writing an official letter of complaint, she will first write about:
(a) the problem that she is facing
(b) the suggestions that she has in mind
(c) the disappointment she is dealing with
(d) the conclusion of the letter



Question 27. As Akansha is annoyed by the daily traffic jam in her area that happen due to a school placed there, whom will she write the letter to?
(a) the editor of a newspaper
(b) Commissioner of Police (traffic)
(c) police constable
(d) school principal



Question 28. While writing a letter of complaint, Akansha shall never sound ………………………………….. .
(a) offensive
(b) polite
(c) concerned
(d) formal



Question 29. Writing an official complaint letter will help Akansha to………………………………….. .Wind up the school
(a)• Demean the school management
(b)• Manage the traffic during school hours
• Keep the pedestrians safe
(c)• Demolish the school
• Get its location changed
(d)• bring betterment in the society
• Solve the poor sewage in the area



Question 30. Akansha shares some suggestions in her letter, to address the issue.
Select the option that helps her complete these suggestions, appropriately. Much of this nuisance will be dealt with if a traffic police officer stands in the middle of the crossing. It will be so kind of you if you could provide at least two (i) ………………………… ……….. during the morning and the afternoon hours.
Choose the correct answer for (i)
(a) road diversions
(b) policemen
(c) school buses and vans
(d) traffic police constables to regulate the traffic




V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Then a monstrous terror seized him and his heart stood still. He could hear nothing. But it only lasted a minute. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. The wind rushed against his breast feathers, then under his stomach, and against his wings. He could feel the tips of his wings cutting through the air. He was not falling headlong now. He was soaring gradually downwards and outwards, He was no longer afraid. He just felt a bit dizzy.
Then he flapped his wings once and he soared upwards. “Ga, ga, ga, Ga, ga, ga, Gaw-colah,” his mother swooped past him, her wings making a loud noise. He answered her with another scream. Then his father flew over him screaming. He saw his two brothers and his sister flying around him curveting and banking and soaring and diving. Then he completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly, and commended himself to dive and soar and curve, shrieking shrilly.
(His First Flight)

Question 31. Choose the picture that shows what happened the next moment:

Class 10 English Sample Paper Term 1 Set F

(1) His wings spread outwards.
(2) He fell down
(3) He couldn’t move
(4) His wings did not open
(a) option (1)
(b) options (2)
(c) options (3)
(d) options (4)



Question 32. What did the young seagull’s mother do?
(a) She let him fall
(b) She was proud of him and made a lot of noise
(c) She swooped past him and made a loud noise with her wings
(d) She also began flying with him



Question 33. How did his family react?
(a) They all were happy
(b) They applauded his effort
(c) They began flying around him
(d) They continued with their tasks



Question 34. The passage uses the phrase ‘to grab’. Which of the following expressions is incorrect with respect to the word ‘grab’?

Class 10 English Sample Paper Term 1 Set F


Question 35. The statement that is TRUE about him, according to the passage is.
(a) He was scared
(b) He did not fall headlong
(c) Cowardice had seized him
(d) He could not spread his wings



VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Goodness! Wasn’t there anything she could do? If only she could tell Wanda she hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings. She turned around and stole a glance at Peggy, but Peggy did not look up. She seemed to be studying hard. Well, whether Peggy felt badly or not, she, Maddie, had to do something. She had to find Wanda Petronski. Maybe she had not yet moved away.
(The Hundred Dresses-II)

Question 36. Where was Wanda moving to, according to the extract?
(a) to another village
(b) to another street
(c) to another city
(d) to another country



Question 37. Select the word that defines the word ‘immigrants’.
(a) destitute people
(b) rich people
(c) people who have migrated from another country
(d) people who belong to other races



Question 38. Select the word that can NOT replace ‘glance’.
(a) glimpse
(b) look
(c) peek
(d) avoid



Question 39. Identify Maddie’s emotion when she heard that Wanda left.
(a) elated
(b) shocked
(c) enraged
(d) indifferent



Question 40. What does the phrase ‘stole a glance’ mean?
(a) to look quickly and secretly
(b) to look shyly
(c) to look constantly
(d) to look deeply



VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

What is the boy now, who has lost his ball,
What, what is he to do? I saw it go
Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then
Merrily over- there it is in the water!
(The Ball Poem)

Question 41. What, according to the poem, the speaker wants?
(a) wants to know the mystery of the ball
(b) expects the boy to tell him how he feels
(c) is thinking to himself.
(d) is looking for answers in a book.



Question 42. According to the extract, who is the poet?
(a) an onlooker observing
(b) a parent remembering the incident
(c) the boy talking about himself
(d) a poet imagining the incident



Question 43. Select the option that showcases a CORRECT example of alliteration from the extract.
(a) and then/ Merrily over
(b) What is the boy now
(c) who has lost his ball
(d) I saw it go



Question 44. Choose the option that signifies the indication that has made with the ‘merry bouncing of the ball’.
(a) contrast with the dejected feeling of the boy.
(b) makesa sense of pun.
(c) givesthe experience of playing.
(d) indicate the merry mood of the boy.



Question 45. Choose the situation that corresponds to the emotion behind the exclamation mark in the poem.

Class 10 English Sample Paper Term 1 Set F

(a) option 1
(b) option 2
(c) option 3
(d) option 4



VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

Griffin, the scientist, had carried out experiment after experiment to prove that the human body could become invisible. Finally he swallowed certain rare drugs and his body became as transparent as a sheet of glass — though it also remained as solid as glass. Brilliant scientist though he was, Griffin was rather a lawless person. His landlord disliked him and tried to eject him. In revenge Griffin set fire to the house. To get away without being seen he had to remove his clothes. Thus it was that he became a homeless wanderer, without clothes, without money, and quite invisible — until he happened to step in some mud, and left footprints as he walked!
(Footprints Without Feet)

Question 46. Select the option that describes the phrase ‘his body became as transparent as a sheet of glass’. It means that Griffin
(a) became fat
(b) became thin
(c) became strong
(d) became invisible



Question 47. ‘Griffin carriedout multiple experiments.’
Why did he do so?
(a) to become the most successful
(b) to become invisible
(c) to become the richest
(d) to become the strongest



Question 48. What did Griffin do to take revenge from his landlord? Choose the correct option.
(a) murdered his landlord
(b) burnt his landlord’s house
(c) threw his landlord off a building
(d) beaten his landlord to death



Question 49. Choose the option that is NOT true about Griffin.
(a) He was a brilliant scientist
(b) he was successful at being invisible
(c) he was a lawful person
(d) he was revengeful



Question 50. Choose the option that is NOT true as per the extract.
(a) Griffin had a healthy relationship with his landlord
(b) Griffin became transparent as sheet of glass
(c) Griffin was a bri lliant scientist
(d) Griffin became a homeless wanderer



IX. Attempt the following.

Question 51. Miss Mason never scold or punished her students for their mistakes, rather, she always wanted them to realize their faults.
This shows that she was
(a) a poor teacher
(b) a kind-hearted teacher
(c) a strict teacher
(d) an untrained teacher



Question 52. What did Lencho ask God for in the first letter?
(a) to give him a new dress
(b) to provide him hundred pesos
(c) to give him a hundred cattle
(d) to make him the richest farmer of the village



Question 53. Choose the correct message that the poem ‘Dust of Snow’ conveys.
(a) that everything is ugly in the world
(b) that people deserve bad as they don’t treat the mother nature right
(c) that nothing in the nature is ugly, inauspicious or negative
(d) that the world is full of inauspicious creatures



Question 54. Symbolically, ‘fire’ does NOT represent the destructive human emotions like
(a) anger
(b) brutality
(c) audacity
(d) happiness



Question 55. The unsympathetic white rulers oppressed the innocent black natives of South Africa through the racial discrimination policy.What was the name of the policy?
(a) racism
(b) native slaves
(c) fascist
(d) apartheid



Question 56. ‘His First Flight’ is a narrative that describes the ………………. flight of a young seagull.
(a) last
(b) long
(c) maiden
(d) disastrous



Question 57. Anne was considered a chatterbox. What do you mean by the term ‘chatterbox’?
(a) one who cheats a lot
(b) one who laughs a lot
(c) one who studies a lot
(d) one who talks a lot



Question 58. The poem contrasts the life of tiger in
(a) zoo – forest
(b) zoo – museums
(c) museums – forest
(d) forest – village



Question 59. Dr. Herriot got concerned when he looked at Tricki. Why?
(a) as he looked ugly
(b) as he looked sad
(c) as he was injured
(d) as he looked seriously ill



Question 60. Anil offered Hari Singh a job. What was it?
(a) co-writer
(b) domestic servant
(c) clerk
(d) cartoonist



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