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Consumer Protection Class 12 Business Studies Important Questions

Please refer to Consumer Protection Class 12 Business Studies Important Questions with answers below. These solved questions for Chapter 12 Consumer Protection in NCERT Book for Class 12 Business Studies have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. Students should learn these solved problems properly as these will help them to get better marks in your class tests and examinations. You will also be able to understand how to write answers properly. Revise these questions and answers regularly. We have provided Notes for Class 12 Business Studies for all chapters in your textbooks.

Important Questions Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 12 Consumer Protection

All Consumer Protection Class 12 Business Studies Important Questions provided below have been prepared by expert teachers of Standard 12 Business Studies. Please learn them and let us know if you have any questions.

Very Short answer types questions

Question. Shubham purchased a press for ₹1000. On using it, he found it defective. The seller did not respond to the complaint. In your view, what should be done by Shubham.
Answer. Shubham should file complaint to the company against the seller.
if not heard then Shubham should move to consumer court.

Question. Simran bought a box of cheese of a reputed brand from a local shopkeeper. On opening the box she found a piece of stone in the cheese. She reported the matter to the shopkeeper who forwarded her complaint to the concerned company. Within a week the representative of the company visited Simran’s residence with an apology and as a replacement offered her new cheese pack with four other varieties of cheese as compensation for the inconvenience to her. Name and explain the consumer right which Simran exercised.
Answer. Right to seek redressal has been exercised by Simran.
correct explanation of right to seek redressal.

Question. Gunjan goes to a doctor to get herself treated for an injury in her hand. The doctor being her distant relative charged her nothing for the treatment. However, after a few days she develops an infection on the wound because the doctor didn’t use sterilized instruments. Later on, she is advised by the surgeon to get the infected finger removed. Therefore, she is very angry with the doctor.
In context of the above case:
Can Gunjan file a case against the doctor if she decides to take legal action? why or why not? Give reason in support of your answer.
Answer. No, Gunjan cannot file a case against the doctor because she is not a consumer because she didn’t pay for the services.

Question. Raj a marketing manager is a patient of diabetes for which he takes medicines regularly. One day, on his tour to Patna he met with an accident and was hospitalized. Due to doctor’s negligence a delicate nerve of his right leg was cut rendering crippled throughout his life. Identify the consumer right that has been violated by the doctors under the consumers protection Act, 2019 in the above situation.
Answer. Right to safety is the consumer right that has been violated by the doctors under the consumer
protection Act, 2019 in the above situation.

Question. Ruchi purchase a bottle of pickle from the local grocery shop. The information provided on the bottle was not clear she fell sick on consuming it. She filed a case in the District forum under the consumer protection Act and got the relief. Identify and explain the important aspect neglected by the marketeer in the above case.
Answer. The marketer head overlook the labelling as it was not done appropriately for the product.

Question. Mohit bought a packet of chips from a local shopkeeper and found that the ingredients given on the label were not legible. He complaint about it to the company. The company sent a written apology stating that they will make sure that existing packets are withdrawn from the market and new packets with legible labels are soon made available. Name and explain the consumer right which Mohit exercised.
Answer. Right to be heard has been exercised by Mohit.
correct explanation of right to be heard.

Question. Rani went to a shopkeeper to buy a hair oil. The shopkeeper forces her to buy a particular brand of hair oil out of various available brands, irrespective of the willingness of Rani.
Which right of Rani, as a consumer, has been violated? Name and explain the right.
Answer. The right to choose has been violated in the given case as Palak was forced by the shopkeeper to buy a particular brand of hair oil.
According to the right to choose, the consumer has a right to choose from a variety of products at
competitive prices. Also, the marketers should offer a wide variety of products to buyers.

Question. Sandeep purchased a diesel car for ₹7Lacs from an automobile company and found its engine defective. Despite many complaints the defect was not rectified. Suggest to him the appropriate authority where he could file a complaint under consumer protection Act. Explain.
Answer. He should file a complaint in district forum.

Short answer types questions

Question. Shahid purchased a car for ₹15 lacs from an automobile company and found that it’s airbags were defective. After many complaints with the company that went unheard, he filed a case in the District forum. He was not satisfied with the orders of the District forum. He then appealed before the State Commission and on being dissatisfied with the orders of State Commission he appealed before the National Commission. Shahid was not satisfied with the orders of National Commission. Suggest him the highest authority where he could appeal against the decision of the National commission.
Answer. Shahid cannot appeal to any other higher authority. This is because only those matters which have been directly filed in the National Commission and where the value of goods and services in question along with the compensation claimed exceed ₹ 10 crores are appealable before Supreme Court.

Question. Explain the concept of ‘consumer protection’ and any two points of its importance from the point of view of consumers.
Answer. Meaning: it refers to protect the consumers against the unfair practices of the producers and sellers.
From the point of view of consumers: The importance of consumers protection from the point of view of
consumers can be made clear with the help of the following points-
(i) Consumers ignorance
(ii) Unorganised consumers
(iii) Widespread exploitation of consumers

Question. Suyash purchased the pack of sweets for his son from a shop in the nearby market. After consuming those sweets, the condition of his son deteriorated and he had to be hospitalized. Later on through a laboratory test it was certified that the sweets were adulterated.
(i) State any one precautions that he should have taken while purchasing packed sweets.
(ii) Name and explain the appropriate redressal agencies that he can approach in case he decides to file a case against the shopkeeper.
Answer. i) Suyash should have checked for the quality assurance mark like FPO/FSSAI on its label while
purchasing the food product.
(ii) District forum

Question. Who can file a complaint?
Answer. (i) Any consumer.
(ii) Any registered consumer’s association
(iii) The central government or any state government.
(iv) One or more consumers on behalf of numerous consumers having the same interest.
(iv) A legal heir or representative of a deceased consumer.

Question. State any three responsibilities that a consumer should keep in mind while purchasing, using and consuming goods and services.
Answer. Consumers responsibilities are as follows:(any three)
i) Consumer must exercise his Rights
ii) Cautious consumer do not buy blindly.
iii) Filing complaint for the redressal of genuine grievances.
iv) consumers must be quality conscious.
v) Do not be carried Away by Advertisement.
vi) Do not forget to get receipt and Guarantee/Warranty card.

Question. Pravin purchased an ISI mark electric iron from Bharat electricals. While using it, he found that it was not working properly. He approached the seller and complaint about the same. The seller satisfies Pravin by saying that he will ask the manufacturer to replace the iron. The manufacturer refused to replace and Bharat electricals decided to file a complaint in the consumer court. Can Bharat Electricals do this? Why? Also explain who is consumer as per consumer protection Act, 2019.
Answer. No, Bharat Electricals will not be able to file a complaint under consumer protection Act 2019 because according to this act a person is not deemed to be a customer if he buys goods for resale or commercial purpose. under the consumer protection act 2019, A consumer is defined as Any person who buys any goods for a consideration which has been paid or promised, or partly paid and partly promised or under any scheme of deferred payment. It includes any uses of such goods, when such use is made with the approval of the buyer, but it does not include a person who obtains goods for re-sale or any commercial purpose..

Long answer types questions

Question. After completing his education, Aman opened the small restaurant in a Posh market to earn his livelihood. In order to attract good clientele, he decided to install two air conditioners in the restaurant since he did not have sufficient funds to buy air conditioners of a good brand, he bought two air conditioners from a local manufacturer in Janakpuri Delhi for ₹ 20,000 each. Later on, he found that the compressor of one of the AC was not working properly despite many complaints, the defect was not rectified by the manufacturer. So, he feels very disappointed about the issue and wants to take a legal action against the manufacturer to not only get compensation but also to save other people from being duped by the local manufacturer.
(a) Name the redressal agency to which he can approach to file complaint against the local manufacturer
(b) state any four remedies which the consumer court can issue to the local manufacturer after being satisfied with the genuineness of the complaint.
Answer. (a) He can approach the District forum to file complaint against the local manufacturer.
(b) The four remedies which the consumer court can issue to the local manufacturer after being satisfied
with the genuineness of the complaint are as follows:
(1) To remove the defect in goods.
(2) To provide replacement for the defective product.
(3) To refund the price paid for the product or the change paid for the service.
(4) To pay a reasonable amount of compensation for any loss or injury suffered by the consumer due to the negligence of the marketer

Question. Amita purchased one kg of pure Honey from A shopkeeper. After using it, she had doubts that it was adulterated. she sent it for a laboratory test which confirmed that the honey was adulterated.
State any five reliefs available to Amita if she complaints and the consumer court is satisfied about the genuineness of the complaint.
Answer. The five reliefs available to Amita are listed below:
(a) To remove the defect in goods or the deficiency in service.
(b) To provide replacement for the defective product.
(c) To refund the price paid for the product or the charges paid for the service.
(d) To pay punitive damages in appropriate circumstances.
(e) To pay a reasonable amount of compensation for any loss or injury suffered by the consumer due to
the negligence of the marketer.

Question. Good Health Ltd, a. pharmaceuticals company has introduced mosquito repellent brands under the brand name ‘Jadu’ in the wake of outbreak of dengue in various parts of the country. The product attracted many people from all age groups specially kids. However the company failed to provide adequate guidance for the users on the label of the product in terms of time period of the effectiveness of the repellent band once its seal is opened. Because of these ambiguities, many buyers faced problems.
In context of the above case:

(a) Identify and explain the consumer right which has been overlooked by the company.
(b) Name and explain any four other rights of consumers.
Answer. The Right to information is being overlooked by the company in the above-mentioned case:
(à) According to the Right to information, a consumer has the right to get complete information about the product he/she intends to buy including the its content, date of manufacture, date of expiry, price quantity, direction for use etc. Also, as per law it is mandatory for the market to provide complete information about the product or service to the buyers.
(b) Any four rights of consumers.

Question. On her sister’s wedding Siya decided to give her gold earrings, When she shared her plan with her husband, he showed her an article in daily National newspaper under the heading “Jago Grahak Jago” The campaign included details about the various aspects that people must consider before buying any gold jewellery.
(a) why do you think campaigns like “Jago Grahak Jago” are inserted in the newspaper.
(b) Name the right of the consumer being fulfilled through this initiative of the Government.
(c) State any three responsibilities that Siya must discharge as an aware consumer while buying her sister’s wedding gift.
Answer. (a) The campaigns like “Jago Grahak Jago” are given in the newspaper to make the consumer aware of the various undesirable activities like an unscrupulous, unfair trade practices etc which are carried out by the marketers to exploit the buyers.
(b) Right to consumer education is being fulfilled through this initiative of the government.
(c) The three responsibilities that Siya must discharge as an aware consumer while buying her sister’s
wedding gift are as follows:
(i) Buy only standardized goods and check for standardization mark like hallmark for gold jewellery.
(ii) Assert herself to ensure that she gets a fair deal.
(iii) Ask for a cash memo on purchase of goods or services.

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