Writing Skills Short Compositions Articles Writing for Class 12 English
Writing Skills Short Compositions Articles Writing for Class 12 English is an integral part of English exam in class 12. In the following section we have provided example of Article writing for class 12 English. Please go through these solved examples to understand how to write articles in upcoming Class 12 CBSE English examinations.
Question. Rising pollution, fast and competitive lifestyle, lack of nutritious food, etc. have caused health woes for a large section of our population. Providing health care used to be a charitable and ethical activity. Today it has become commercialised, a money spinning business. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How to provide proper healthcare to the common man’s. You are Karan/Karuna.
How to Provide Proper Health Care to the Common Man
by Karan
‘Health is wealth’. Man living on this earth can enjoy his life only when his health is perfect.
Only a healthy person can eat, work and sleep properly. However, rising pollution, fast and competitive lifestyle, lack of nutritious food, etc. have caused health woes for a large section of our population. Providing health care has become commercialised, money spinning business today. It is no longer a charitable and ethical activity. Of all the sectors in the world, health care occupies the first place. Based on the importance of the sector, the private sector is the dominant health care provider in India.
Private health care sector has overtaken the Government sector. Most health care expenses are paid by patients and their families which can be considered as health expenditure. Private medical sector remains the primary source of health care for 70% of households in urban areas and 63% of households in rural areas. This is because of large population. The other reason is all the government hospitals are over crowded and they lack proper equipments and facilities.
In order to provide proper health care to the common man, the government should increase the number of government hospitals, it should pass strict laws for private hospitals and in addition to these it should also create awareness on healthy lifestyles, nutritious food, etc. in rural area. The government should also provide health care in schools. Only the stringent implementation of necessary rules by the leaders of the nation can bring a change.
Question. In spite of 24-hour news on TV, the morning newspaper has not lost its relevance in the daily life of common man. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Print media and TV news’. You are Karuna/Karan.
Print Media and T.V. News
by Karuna
In spite of 24-hours news on T.V., the morning newspaper still has not lost its relevance in the daily life of a common man. Although both are of equal importance, each has its own benefits.
Let us draw a comparison between the two to see why either or both are special.
Television news caters to a larger and more inclusive audience, such as the visually impaired, deaf and dumb, etc. Newspapers on the other hand, encourages reading habits, which eventually becomes leisure activity for senior citizens.
While newspapers are traditional and time tested, i.e., one can rely on them for accurate news, television news are quick with live presentation and reports. The breaking news is brought to the viewer as soon as an incident occurs. Moreover, television news is engaging and interests people of all ages. Newspapers, on the contrary, are devoid of sensationalism and come up with truly thought provoking editorials. The morning newspaper is a relief to someone who likes to stay up to date with current affairs. Now that it is available on digital platform, one can access the news anytime anywhere. Hence, it is suffice to say that both T.V. news channels and the morning newspapers are and always will be a common man’s every day life’s need.
Question. Emotionally as well as intellectually, a woman is as good as a man if not better. Yet we don’t allow her the same status as a man enjoys in society. Write an article in 150-200 words on “Status of Women in Society”. You are Navtej/ Navita.
Status of a Woman in Society
by Navita
“Woman is the builder and moulder of a nation’s destiny. Though delicate and soft as a lily, she has a heart, far stronger and bolder than of man…” Rabindranath Tagore.
Emotionally as well as intellectually, a woman is as good as a man, if not better. Yet, society does not allow her the same status that a man enjoys. It is by nature that in a relationship, the one with a powerful personality proves to be dominant on the other. The patriarchal society considers woman the weaker gender and thus, discriminates against them. In the early vedic period, women enjoyed equal status in the society as men. They were well-educated and had the right to choose their husband. However, this status declined in around 500 BC when women began facing confinement and restrictions. Social ills, such as child marriage was practiced around the sixth century.
Eventually, women were suppressed and oppressed because they were considered inferior to males, deserving utter subjugation. It was during the British Rule that some reforms were introduced in the favour of women. Although, it brought a change in the concepts of status of women, the mindset of the society is still the same.
Woman should traditionally stay at home as housewife taking care of home and the family while man provides the family income. As a result even the educated women do not enjoy freedom in and outside home in matters relating to their marriage and occupation. Those employed, are under paid as compared to their male counterparts. In addition to that, majority of women face sexual harassment at their work place. Reforms and legislations are needed for the betterment of women. One can only hope that gradually her status in the society will improve for good.
Question. Within a few months you will be joining a college. How do you look at college life? Is it freedom from strict discipline imposed on you by the school? A carefree life with no worries of completing assigned home work. Or, is it the beginning of responsible preparation for a brilliant career? Write an article in 150–200 words on what you think of college life. You are Navtej/Navita.
College Life-Freedom or Responsibilities
by Navtej Thakur
Within a few months, we will be joining a college. The anticipation of how life will be, is probably filling the air around every eighteen year old with excitement.
How do you think, the college life will be? How do you look at it? Would it be freedom from strict discipline imposed on you by the school? A carefree life with no worries of completing assigned homework. Or, is it the beginning of responsible preparation for a brilliant career?
In college, we shall have the freedom to work at our own pace. There will be no homework. There will be assignments. But, we shall not have to turn it in the very next day. There will be no dictates, uniforms or punishments. However, college means extra responsibilities.
No one will force us to study every day and constantly nag us about our scores. But, being in college means that we are responsible enough to study on our own, work towards our career and prepare for the competitive, real world out there. In college life, unlike school life, the stress is more on self-reliance and zero spoon-feeding. When in college, we would have the freedom to choose what we study and how we study. It would give us a sneak-peek into the dream career that awaits us. Therefore, we have to make wise choices.
I think, college life would be a mixed bag of fun, freedom, experiments and responsibilities. It will contain new hopes and aspirations, new joys and disappointments and new friends.
Those wiser than us say that college days are the best days of one’s life. The decisions we make now shape up our future.
Question. Last week, as you were coming back from school you happened to see a huge plastic bag full of leftover food being flung onto the middle of the road from a speeding car. You wondered how people can be so devoid of civic sense. Write an article in 125-150 words on why we lack civic sense and how civic sense can be inculcated in children at a very young age. You are Shiva/Shamini.
Civic Sense and its Importance
by Shiva
Callousness and irresponsibility seem to be the order of the day. Modern society has given birth to indifferent individuals. People no longer think of the greater good of the society. They are driven by their selfish, individual needs. In India, people hardly follow traffic rules. They never think twice before littering the streets. They have no respect for public property. Vandalism, road rage and intolerance are rampant on the streets.
Why this detached behaviour towards one’s society? The answer is simple. Civil sense is no longer considered an important value. This is why, it is no longer practised and encouraged at home. Since children don’t find the right role models in their elders, they don’t bother to give civic sense any importance.
Inculcating a strong civic sense in the young generation is the need of the hour. Parents must do so with children at an early age. They must be taught the values of cleanliness, discipline, patience and tolerance. Civic education must be made mandatory at school level. Spreading proper awareness through talks, media, street plays, etc. is also important to teach children to avoid wastage and encourage use of dustbins. If children are properly educated, India is bound to have a bright future.
Question. Your family has recently shifted from Kota in Rajasthan to Ernakulam in Kerala, where your house is situated in the midst of beautiful flowering plants and fruit-yielding trees. Every minute and every second, you are experiencing the joy of being in the lap of nature. Write an article in 150-200 words on the diversity of nature that you have experienced. You are Latha/Lalith of Class XII.
Diversity of Nature
by Latha
Man and nature are supposed to be in concord. India being a land of diverse geographical features gives its inhabitants a chance to experience nature at its best. Recently, I have received the pleasure of experiencing this diversity during my stay at Kota in Rajasthan and Kerala.
On one hand, there was the extreme climate in Kota with scanty rainfall and scarce flora and fauna. There the colourful attires and cheerful nature of the inhabitants compensate for the scarce plantations in the desert. On the other hand, Kerala is the land blessed with the beauty of greenery everywhere due to great amount of rainfall. The climate there is moderate. The rich variety of spices, articles and medicinal oils extracted from plants are unique to this place. One is enchanted by the beauty of the place while walking through the shadows of the tall coconut trees. Being situated in Ernakulamm, amidst the beautiful flowering plants and fruit-yielding trees, every minute and every second one experiences the joy of being in the lap of nature. Kerala is also a land of several architectural masterpieces present here in the form of ancient temples.
The beauty of nature is not only rejuvenating for our senses but has also served as an inspiration for several poets and writers who have transpired it in their masterpieces.
Question. Increase in the number of vehicles causes pollution and traffic jams. Write an article in 150-200 words for The New Indian Express, Delhi, highlighting the urgent need to solve these man-made problems, giving suitable suggestions. You are Madhav/Madhuri.
Pollution and Traffic Jam
by Madhav
Science has been a great advantage to the human life. It has created wonders by inventing miraculous things. In the beginning of the civilisation, the movement of man was very slow. But first the invention of wheel and then the engine, changed life. The inventions continued and gradually came a variety of vehicles, which brought comfort to those travelling by them. However, they also brought traffic jams and pollution.
Day by day the number of vehicles is increasing, and so is pollution and traffic jam. Roads are becoming narrower and cars are becoming bigger. It takes hours to cover one kilometer because of heavy traffic jam. Smoke emission from vehicles is causing a great danger to people and the environment. Air pollution is a source of many aggravated cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, including asthma, lung diseases, lung cancer, etc. However, no one cares much for this. There is an urgent need to pay attention to these problems and solve them. Being responsible citizens, one must take the initiative and find ways to improve the situation. The market places must be decongested so that traffic movement is smooth and convenient for all. Pollution checks must be made compulsory for all vehicles to keep pollution under control.
Stricter laws should be made and heavy penalty must be imposed for not adhering to rules. Alternatively, if public transport system is improved, people would not feel the need to travel by private vehicles, thus reducing the pollution. However, those travelling by car, should choose to carpool and contribute to save the Earth from global warming.
Question. The number of women in the police force seems insufficient specially when we see the increasing involvement of women in terrorist activities. Write an article in 150-200 words for ‘The Hindustan Chronicle’, on the need of having more women in the police force.
The Need of Having More Women in the Police Force
by XYZ
The number of women in the police force seems insufficient, especially when one sees the increasing involvement of women in terrorist activities. That being said, there is an urgent need for more women officers in the police force.
Universally, women are considered the weaker sex. Should police force being predominantly a male environment recruit women officers? Women are more sensitive to the needs of the public and therefore female officers are more trusted than their male counterparts. Joining the police force is also an ideal choice for women who are patriotic and wish to serve the country and its citizens. But above all, the police service provides a professional platform to the women, where they can prove that women are no less than men.
Gender inequality is one of the main reasons why there are only a handful women officers in the police force. Therefore, to attract more and more women towards police service, the government has to take some considerable steps during the selection and recruitment process. Women must be encouraged to join the force especially by their family and friends. This is possible only if she is provided with better salary and incentives preferably equal to what the male officers are receiving. Women should feel empowered during recruitment; selection should be purely based on merit. In addition, a conducive environment in police force will make the female officers feel happy, safe and satisfied.
Government, in association with the police service, must create awareness through campaigns so that more women consider joining the police services.
Question. It is due to cable television that programmes are brought to our homes day and night for all the seven days in a week. It has brought a lot of change in the lifestyle of the people. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Cable TV – a boon or a bane.’
Cable T.V. a Boon or a Bane
by Kunal
The introduction of T.V. has passed through many phases. Earlier we had only black and white T.V. but later on we got coloured T.V. In the same way, in the beginning we had only one T.V. channel, Doordarshan. But gradually the number of T.V. channels increased due to cable T.V. network. Now people have innumerable choices as to what they want to watch. We can enjoy ourselves by watching entertainment programmes or increase our knowledge from the informative shows. But that’s not all. Various channels on cable T.V. have provided a platform for adults and children to showcase their talent and win many attractive prizes either in cash or in other kind. Cable T.V. network also brings the latest news as soon as possible without making us wait for the next day. In other words, cable T.V. has age appropriate content for all viewers, whether young or old. However, it has some ill effects on the viewers too.
Since there is so much ‘T.V.’ to watch, it is easy to sit in front of the television, watching one programme after another continuously. Even though the body is not physically exerting itself, yet watching television for a long time tires one down. It is taxing for the eyes too. Experts say that too much television kills one’s own creativity because of which one stops using his or her imagination and becomes dull. Moreover, it is not always possible to keep a check on what kids watch. They may be exposed to violence, extreme frightening and even to adult content. Children may also view stunts, which they might try at home and end up hurting themselves or others.
Undeniably, the cable T.V. has brought a lot of change in the lifestyle of the people. But, should it be considered a boon or a bane? It is a little bit of both. In fact, it is up to each individual what he/she wants to gain from television. If one keeps a check on the content and amount of its viewing then the cable T.V. can make the idiot box a smart box.
Question. Today the 24-hour television news channels give us instant news from every nook and corner of the world. But the fact remains that the importance of the newspaper remains intact. Write an article in 150-200 words expressing your views on ‘The Relevance of Newspapers’. You are Sunil/Sunita.
The Relevance of Newspaper
by Sunita
We are living in an age where no part of the world seems away anymore. Today with the advancement of science and technology, the world has become closer and smaller. The invention of television has been one of the biggest achievements in the field of science. Not only the global issues but also social and political issues are known to every individual due to television.
Today the 24-hours television news channels give us instant news from every nook and corner of the world. However, the fact remains that the importance of the newspaper is still intact. What is the relevance of newspaper, one might ask, in this age of technology? The answer is quite simple. Newspapers are till date a reliable source of news with a wider reach than any news channel. Unlike 24-hours news channels, the newspaper put more emphasis on the information and less on its sensationalisation. Moreover, newspapers are quite affordable and gives the reader an option to be selective about what he or she might want to read. Other than providing information about what is happening around the world, newspapers also promote reading skills. While elders can read them leisurely, especially during travelling time, kids can improve their vocabulary and pronunciation, both of which are essential for school and also for lingual development.
Therefore, it is suffice to says that 24-hours new channels may come and go. However, they can never replace an actual newspaper.
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