Writing Skills Short Compositions Debate Writing for Class 12 English
Writing Skills Short Compositions Debate Writing for Class 12 English is an integral part of English exam in class 12. In the following section we have provided example of Debate writing for class 12 English. Please go through these solved examples to understand how to write Debate in upcoming Class 12 CBSE English examinations.
Question. ‘Old age homes are not required in India.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion.
Respected Principal, teachers and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all.
I, Karuna, stand before you to express my views against the motion that old age homes are not required in India. Until the time joint family system existed and there was an emotional interdependence between elders and young members of the family, elders were cared for by the young and vice-versa.
However, it saddens me to say that the joint family system is gradually losing its importance. One of the biggest reasons for this could be generation gap. More and more young couples are opting for nuclear family thus forcing elders of the family to either live alone or under the care of others. There have been, many instances where the elderly have been, robbed, beaten or murdered by the care taker or someone known. Given the sad situation, it is suffice to say, that old age home are the need of the hour.
Although, many consider old age homes a sign of rejection, it is worth noting that these centres are well equipped with a variety of facilities. Residents are provided with entertainment, physical workout, etc., which keeps them busy as well as fit. Moreover all their needs are taken care of including medical care.
In conclusion, old age homes bring people of same age together who being able to share experiences, enjoy living together.
Thank you.
Question. ‘The policy of no detention till class VIII is not in the interest of students.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either in favour of or against the motion.
Respected Chairperson, Honourable Members of the Jury and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all.
Today I Mehul, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘the policy of no detention till class VIII is not in the interest of students’.
This government policy has become a hindrance in the academic growth of a student. Every student knows that with or without studying one will be promoted to the next class till class VIII.
The students and even the parents are very much aware of the policy and they are tension free as everyone gets promoted to the next class. Life has become quite complicated with something new coming up every day. Cut throat competition is faced by each and every child. Students should prepare a proper base, so that they can excel in all aspects of their life. They should start young.
But, if young learners are promoted to a higher class without the proper understanding of the basic concepts of a subject or topic, it is not going to benefit them.
Those students who do not put 100% efforts in their education lack the motivation to excel, first in their academics and later in their life. They become used to not working hard and start expecting to receive benefits without doing anything. On one hand, where the unworthy students get all the advantages from the ‘No detention till class VIII’ policy, the meritorious pupils suffer the most. Even after studying hard throughout the year, it is disappointing to not have any competition amongst the students and be rewarded for the outstanding performance in class. In conclusion, I would like to say that such a policy creates confusion in the life of children at a very young age. Learners should be made to understand the importance of hard work and being rewarded for it.
Thank you.
Question. Some people feel that electronic media (TV news) will bring about the end of print media (newspapers). What are your views on the issue? Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against this view.
* use of visuals on TV
* authentic and fast
* not enough news for 24-hour telecast
* may fabricate news
* become repetitive and dull
* even scandals become news
* print media – time tested
* analysed, verified news
* editorial comments
* cater to all interests
Respected Principal, Members of the Jury, teachers and my dear opponents. Good morning to you all.
Today I, Faisal, take the opportunity to express my views against the motion ‘electronic media (TV news) will end print media (newspapers)’.
TV news that strive towards authentic and fast reportage is always at the risk of fabricating its content to continue being in circulation. The governing principle for the 24-hours news format is that whether or not a news constitute the element of worthiness, it should be covered on the channel. If there is nothing worth reporting then the content can be made sensational just to gain currency. It tends to become repetitive and dull, scandals are allowed to become news and popularity becomes the main objective. The ambition of TV news to be the sole guardian of objective truth in the field of journalism can be considered to be a tall claim as more often than not it becomes a site for promotion of commercial products and sensational content in the garb of news. Print media, on the other hand is a time tested medium of information dissemination, the time taken to publish engenders that the content of the report has been analysed and verified to offer a composite picture to the reader. Editorial commentary ensures an informed view on the issues at hand.
I would like to conclude by saying that newspapers are far from extinction because they cater to all interests, they are still a valuable mode of receiving news from around the world at our doorstep. Thus, electronic media can never overrule print media.
Thank you.
Question. ‘The policy of reservation of seats for admission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion.
Respected Chairman, Honourable members of the Jury and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all.
I, Karuna stand before you to speak for the motion that the policy of reservation of seats for admission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society. In the ancient India, the society was divided into four sections based on their caste and creed. This inequality in society has created differences among people, which still exists. The so called upper class people started controlling the society and treated the lower class people with disdain. They soon came to be known as untouchables, which created a wide gap between these two sections of people in all aspects.
The deprived sections of the society were not given equal right and opportunities. It is only after Independence, that the constitution has given importance to the deprived sections by introducing reservation for them. This is a boon for the weaker sections as it gives them the opportunity to excel in the fields of education and get their desired jobs. Getting a seat in a professional college is not easy. A sound financial stability is needed to join the coaching institutes and to get good books and material. The people belonging to the deprived sections lack this monetary support. India is still considered as one of the developing nations. In order to make India a developed country, the weaker and the marginalised communities need to be raised. If all sections of society contribute towards the development of the society, only then a country can progress.
Thank You.
Question. ‘Reality TV draws a factual picture of life.’ Write a debate either for or against the motion in 150-200 words.
Respected Judges, Honourable Principal, teachers and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all.
Today I, Komal, stand before you to speak against the motion on the topic ‘Reality T.V. draws a factual picture of life’.
These days, many television channels telecast various reality T.V. shows. Such shows are no longer limited to Hindi entertainments channels. English as well as regional entertainment channels are also in the league.
A lot of viewers find the daily soaps to be unreal, nonsensical and simply boring. Reality shows, on the contrary, are considered relatable, thus a respite from the daily soaps.
It is true that reality T.V. shows are interesting and most of the time hold on to the viewers’ attention. However, on the hindsight, these reality shows are just another gimmick used by television channels to gain Television Rating Points (TRPs). A make believe world is created within the T.V. shows, which appear to be real, but actually, it is not.
The participants in the reality T.V. shows may not be actors. However, on many occasions, they are found to be role playing. The way they behave, the things they say, seem well-rehearsed and scripted. At such times, the viewers’ emotional attachment to the reality show’s participants loses it credibility.
To top it all, exaggerated and forced emotions, expressed by the judges and contestants, adds to the fakeness of the reality T.V. shows. In order to cater to the sensationalism, sometimes the results are pre-decided. The contestant who is most loved by the public or has garnered maximum public sympathy and support is made the winner, where as the talented contestants get evicted or voted out.
I would like to conclude by saying that one might learn to accept failure or success from reality T.V. shows. However, one must not believe everything one sees there.
Thank you.
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